UK Newswire Archive
Channel 5 programme on Anonymous demo at Houses of Parliament
03-03-2014 08:05

Racism in the Netherlands/Party for Freedom, Wilders and the poison of racism
03-03-2014 02:24
The extreme right wing and Islamophobic Party for Freedom [PVV] of G.Wilders is a great danger, not only because of its
discriminatory, racist, repressive and hate speech agenda, but also
because of its embracing of causes like anti EU and battle against Dutch austerity measures,
thus reaching people, who are not perse racist, and the cooperation with
European right wing parties as the racist and antisemitic Front National.
Ukraine, Putin won't shrug off Kiev coup: Martin Summers
02-03-2014 21:33

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NATO UNCUT: Call Out for Anti-Cuts Movement to Support NATO Summit Protests
02-03-2014 13:12
NATO UNCUT: A group of Welsh anti-cuts, anti-war and trade union activists have put together the following motion calling for support from all campaigning organisations & social movements across the UK and beyond to mobilise against the NATO Summit near Newport this autumn. It will be taken to the People's Assembly Conference in London later this month & similar motions submitted to other bodies.From Riyadh to Beirut, Fear of Syria Blowback
02-03-2014 10:09
The once-tranquil, religiously mixed village of Bisariyeh is seething: Two of its young men who fought alongside the rebels in Syria recently returned home radicalized and staged suicide bombings in Lebanon.IMPORTANT! NHS Care Data Opt-Out Forms!
01-03-2014 15:40

Casual Work Article Download!
28-02-2014 21:47
We have written a long article on casual work, agency workers and unemployment. Free to download. No copyright. Discussions welcome!The Suicide Attack Against indymedia and its Cause
28-02-2014 16:37
If war is the continuation of government by other means, then terrorism is that of totalitarianism - or from a stringent anti-military perspective, government is a precursor of war such as totalitarianism is of terrorism. But gone are the romantic days when these phenomena were a matter of reason - the current war of words is only a push of a button away from a war of worlds. And the oxymoronic state terrorism evaporating from the totalitarian spying system takes the form of internet forgeries, with the open posting capacities of the global anti-capitalist movement having become a central target of it. Which is quite lethal since every single time the publication button is clicked in execution of a government oath it is as deadly as a radioactive leak - indymedia stands for independent media and leaks better be directed at the leaking platforms specifically installed for that purpose. What was now measured here was so significant an amount of contamination that there is more to conclude than the usual mixture of indecent character and management failure which causes the constant background harassment. The totalitarian spying system has locked its crosshairs on indymedia, and one way is going to end another.Ugandan Embassy Gay Disco!
28-02-2014 14:34

Starting this evening!
Bring music, Love, Dancing Shoes, Musical instruments, Getto Blasters, Glitter & Fun! This is an Autonomous DIY action.
Hereford Heckler #23 now out...
28-02-2014 14:07
Issue 23 of the Hereford Heckler has hit the streets!Job Centre Sanction laws and how YOU can make a difference
28-02-2014 13:46
One small difference to make a massive difference.Come on! Come on! (Communique regarding the occupation of a number of buildings
28-02-2014 11:25
A breif communique about the occupation of a number of houses in Calais France.CALAIS: fascist group "Sauvons Calais" shuts down
28-02-2014 00:00

MIPIM: London not for sale, March 6, 2.15pm
27-02-2014 21:45

In The Belly Of The Beast - new UK counter-info website
27-02-2014 16:34

this is where i lie
if we can strike here
we can strike everywhere...
The under-representation of Aboriginal people in the Media
27-02-2014 01:29

Homes Not Jails!
27-02-2014 00:30

They had camped on the grass area outside the City Hall, home of the London Assembly and London Mayor Boris Johnson. They were removed early this morning. There was one tent on the pavement when I arrived. Some of the group had left but those that remained were in good spirits.
Homes not Jails!
26-02-2014 23:17

Challenging the arms trade in Scotland
26-02-2014 15:45
What's the link between Edinburgh and drones, or Ayrshire and the teargas turned on democracy protesters in the Middle East? What does Dundee have to do with the repression in Bahrain? Find out at an info and skills-sharing day in Glasgow on 15 March.Bringing together campaigners from across Scotland and Northern England, CAAT's Campaign Day is a great opportunity to pick up information and campaign skills.