UK Newswire Archive
From Wage Slave to Bond Slave.
14-02-2013 00:55
Benefit Gig No.2 For The Defenders&Hastings against Workfare
13-02-2013 17:07
Read The Label!UG#614 - Granting Autonomy to The Logic of Money 1 (Capitalism, Debt & Banking)
13-02-2013 13:00

UG#615 - Granting Autonomy to The Logic of Money 2 (Capitalism, Banking...)
13-02-2013 12:53

International Trade Union meeting/conference - Paris - March 22-24
13-02-2013 10:42
For anyone interested from autonomous Trade Union movements:
The following international conference has been called. The details are below and if anyone is interested you can contact NOII UK by email to find out more and for the PDF doc invitation.
So far there are:
3 delegates from Liverpool TUC (UCU, Unite and UCATT), 2 delegates from the
RMT national exec, one delegate from NUT, UCU, Save ancoats dispensary
community campaign, London Mick Dooley and some others.
Stop G8 Benefit gig
13-02-2013 09:57

Thursday 7th March: 200 Club Newport - £3 advance
On the Abolition of Empire
12-02-2013 23:28
The careful look at this world reveals a lethal diagnosis: imperialism. The symptoms are obvious, the denial is total, the precedents for cure are rare, and yet its track record is long and its destructive forces are peaking ever more. What is new is that the technology gap is closing, the period which let imperialism grow but also provided the possibility of independence from it. The cyber imperialism of now brings back the worst aspect of tribal life, and only the worst, and is trying to enslave it for its destructive forces - the impossibility of independence. This is especially odd since if anything good can be said about technological progress then it is that it removed any material need for social dependency. One need not adore the technology it brought, but as a result thereof it was possible to take other ways than the most aggressive group in the tribe. Now technology seems to produce an impossibility to choose any other ways than the most aggressive group in the species.Fight gentrification! Reclaim regeneration! For self-organised spaces...
12-02-2013 18:23

It’s Official: UK Government’s Workfare Programme is Illegal Forced Labour
12-02-2013 14:01

‘But Nothing Really Happened?’
12-02-2013 04:55
Hollaback! Edinburgh recently published an interview with researcher Fiona Elvines on Street Harassment. Fiona’s research studies what she terms ‘male stranger intrusion’, and I had an experience this weekend which proved just how vital Fiona’s work is.
A Letter From Jock Palfreeman - Anti-fascist Prisoner On Hunger Strike
11-02-2013 23:24
Australian Anti-fascist prisoner Jock Palfreeman, serving 20 years in Sofia/Bulgaria for defending two Roma boys from a racist mob, is on hungerstrike from 13th January 2013 because the Director of the Central Sofia Prison has ordered another punishment measure because of Jock´s activist work as chairman of the Bulgarian Prisoner´s Association.Dr Azzam Tamimi – The Arab Uprising and its Effect on Egypt & Palestine
11-02-2013 21:16

Solidarity Brings Freedom and Justice for Zapatista Francisco Sántiz López
11-02-2013 19:27
After 417 days of wrongful imprisonment, the Zapatista political prisoner is freed.Thanks to all the people and organizations throughout the world who campaigned for his liberation.
Jeff Marsh "Comes Out" On Twitter As Being Gay #edl #lgbt
11-02-2013 19:06