UK Newswire Archive
Venezuela Prepares for Recall Vote
08-08-2004 11:21
Venezuela, sitting on the largest oil reserves outside the Middle East, may be on the brink of major political upheaval. A presidential recall referendum could see the removal of the socialist Chevaz government and the installation of an oldguard power block that proposes repairing relations with Washington, and restructuring the oil industry. This comes after a botched US backed coup in 2002 cost the opposition the trust of many while a two-month general strike last year ruined the economy but left Chavez stronger than ever...Venezuela Tense Over Referendum
08-08-2004 11:13
Authorities are ready to arrest people who dump nails on highways, cut down trees, slick streets with oil and burn tires to create turmoil and stop people from voting.e-voting furor
08-08-2004 11:06
The world's fifth largest producer and exporter of oil will be using a e-voting system produced by an american company in a presidential recall referendum called for by the Venezuelan elite and backed by Washington. Despite the use of a paper record of votes, some people claim to have found security flaws and weak cryptography. "Computers can be made to produce any outcome that you want without anybody really knowing that's what was done," said one US observer. One thing is clear, who ever wins the vote, the use of the untested e-voting system will leave room for doubt from either side about the results...RESIST SOCIAL CLEANSING! VICTORY TO THE ANTI-SOCIAL!
08-08-2004 02:39
The "decent majority" try to have things their own way, but the cost is the corrosion of freedom and a drift towards totalitarianism. Hysteria against the "anti-social" is a means to incorporate the masses into projects of social control. Against these projects, activists should counterpose resistance in solidarity with the "anti-social", and a logic of minorities and multiplicities which breaks down any idea of "society" as a fixed totality.Anarchists Athens' big risk
08-08-2004 02:10

View US Man Fakes Beheading in 'Iraq Video'
07-08-2004 22:29
Hostage murder video a hoaxA VIDEO aired yesterday that purportedly showed an American being decapitated in Iraq was a hoax.
Rampart resturant report
07-08-2004 19:14
3rd weekSkipping Vegan Restaurant Report:

English Boarding Schools
07-08-2004 15:57
After 20 years and just at the onset of my 40’s I finally realize that my time from the age of 7-13 and 13-20 at Dorset House School and then Seaford College Boarding Schools in Sussex England were the most violent and hellish experience of my life. Dante nor Blake or Dickens could do it justice.Lottery for venezuela future
07-08-2004 12:12
The cash starved campaign backing Hugo Chevez has turned to selling lottery tickets in order to raise funds. Polls vary, many predicated over 60% support for Chavez while others suggest (and hope for) the opposite. Meanwhile, the info war facilitated by the media in Venezuela apparently favors the opposistion by almost 10 to 1.New crisis in Venezuela
07-08-2004 12:03
There is a beautiful little section in the Constitution of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela: It says that every elected official can be removed from office half way through his/her term of service (Article 72). The Constitution became the law of the land after being given a 70% voter approval in December 1999...Rockets and Bars
07-08-2004 11:49

Unrest in Venezuela likely
07-08-2004 11:45
The president, Hugo Chavez, will face a revocatory referendum on his tenure on August 15th. The date was announced by the National Electoral Council (CNE) on June 8th, after it ruled that a campaign by the opposition to garner signatures from 20% of the electorate in support of a petition demanding a referendum had been successful. The result of the referendum is uncertain, as are its implications for the Chavez regime. Whatever the outcome, there is a high probability that the losing side will challenge it, either in the courts??whose neutrality is disputed by both government and opposition??or on the streets. Political instability and a policy environment subservient to the government's priority of self-preservation therefore appear likely to persist for some time...electronic voting
07-08-2004 11:39
In this year's U.S. presidential elections, electronic voting systems will be used by an estimated 30 percent of those who vote. If you were the type to validate the partical political system by voting, would you trust your vote to these systems?This year, a US company sold 20,000 of its election machines and licenses for their software to Venezuelan authorities for $63 million and won a $27-million contract for service during the recall vote against Hugo Chavez which takes place in August. This controversial and critical referendum may end up putting the technology on trial...
Referendum on the Revolution
07-08-2004 11:29
It took a while for Venezuela’s political opposition to figure out the best way to get rid of a president it doesn't like. First it tried general strikes, then a coup last year, then the shutdown of the country’s main industry, then an unconstitutional petition drive. Now, about two years after its campaign began, it's opting for the only constitutional way to oust an elected president: a recall referendum...Venezuela Counterpunch
07-08-2004 11:20
On August 14, 2004, Venezuelan voters will decide on a referendum, which has the utmost world historic and strategic significance. What is at stake is nothing less than the future of the energy world, the relations between the US and Latin America (particularly Cuba), and the political and socio-economic fate of millions of Venezuela's urban and rural poor. If Chavez is defeated and if the Right takes power, it will privatize the state petroleum and gas company, selling it to US multinationals, withdraw from OPEC, raise its production and exports to the US, thus lowering Venezuelan revenues by half or more. Internally the popular health programs in the urban "ranchos" will end along with the literary campaign and public housing for the poor. The agrarian reform will be reversed and about 500,000 land reform recipients (100,000 families) will be turned off the land. This will be accomplished through extensive and intensive state bloodletting, jailing and extrajudicial assassination, and intense repression of pro-Chavez neighborhoods, trade unions and social movements. The apparently "democratic" referendum will have profoundly authoritarian, colonial and socially regressive results if the opposition wins.Will lie for VOTES (by Latuff)
07-08-2004 09:54

The destruction of civil life in Gaza
07-08-2004 07:18

Does our immigrant mentality cause terrorism?
07-08-2004 01:42
Do the people of the United States have immigrant mentality? Did our european immigrant ancestors teach us attitudes that are making people want to attack us today?