UK Newswire Archive
Stand Still Citizen...Scanning in progress
06-08-2004 19:24

'down with murder inc'
[Arts] eat your words / sunday (or any day) - theatre review
06-08-2004 17:06
Here on oxford indymedia, we're encouraging people to post reviews of interesting shows, films, gigs, etc, in the Oxford area, so that the site reflects more of what's going on culturally in the region.Here's a review of an excellent show at the ever-stimulating Pegasus Theatre.
Call for Autonomous Spaces During the ESF in London, 14-17th October 2004.
06-08-2004 15:20
Call for Autonomous Spaces During the ESF in London, 14-17th October 2004, from a loose collective of people with either one-foot in the ESF and one outside, and individuals who have both feet firmly outside the ESF process.The collective have been meeting at the Grand Banks Social Centre and at European Creative Forum events so far, in London. This meeting has taken the form of a spokescouncil, since it is a meeting point for various peoples involved in the ESF in a variety of ways from the automist side (e.g. communications).
Boycott M&S
06-08-2004 12:33
Another excellent protest of Britains Biggest corporate sponosr of Israel - Marks and Spencer.PGA conference report Belgrade
06-08-2004 11:45

Nottingham University faces global boycott
06-08-2004 11:23
Nottingham University is facing a global academic boycott unless serious negotiations over a new pay and grading settlement begin before 20 September. The move follows Nottingham’s refusal to honour a previous commitment to negotiate a pay and grading settlement in line with that agreed between national university employers and AUT (Association of University Teachers) in March 2004.Their latest offer introduces performance related pay for staff, would lead to reductions in career earnings of nearly £9,000 over six years for some and would remove the entitlement to belong to the national university pension scheme for others.
There are a number of things you can do to support AUT’s campaign – write to the Tines Higher stating your support, e-mail Nottingham’s Vice Chancellor Colin Campbell, telling him what you think about the pay deal. Get involved - visit the AUT website for more information, e-mail

Oil: "There is no more supply"
06-08-2004 09:55
Industrial civilisation is dependent on oil. It is a key fuel – it powers cars and the planes and ships that transport our food to our plates in this age of globalised food supply. Oil is also essential for plastics – used in such a wide variety of products it is hard to imagine. The thing is, oil is running out. Now.The SHORTWAVE REPORT 8/6/04 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY!
06-08-2004 00:38
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, China, Russia, and Cuba."Rebel Voices:" Photos, Art Needed for Unique Book Project
05-08-2004 23:57
This is an international call for photos and art for us in an upcoming book called "Rebel Voices," to be published in 2005 in the u.s.Don't Squeeze the Rich or Growth Rates Will Suffer
05-08-2004 21:56
Nick Herbert, director of Reform assures Guardian readers that taxing the rich does not work for social justice as it lowers GDP, and would place Britain in an uncompetitive position in relation to the rest of Europe and the US. Reform, for the uninitiated, is "an independent, non-party think tank whose mission is to set out a better way to deliver public services and economic prosperity"...Statement on Darfur, Sudan from the Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa
05-08-2004 21:29
The Muslim Youth Movement of South Africa have published a statement on the violence in Darfur and plan further protestsBUSHMEN DESCRIBE EVICTION HORROR IN COURT
05-08-2004 20:48
Botswana's High Court has heard the first Bushman witnesses in theircase against the government tell their harrowing stories of eviction
from their ancestral land.
05-08-2004 19:37
International call for solidarity.New York Arrests
05-08-2004 16:44
The imam and the founder of a mosque in Albany, New York, are being held after an FBI sting operation in which the suspects tried to help an undercover agent posing as a terrorist.Social housing under attack
05-08-2004 16:03
The rot set in under Thatcher, Blair now seems determined to finish off what little is left of social housing.Urban people living cheap
05-08-2004 15:56
People living in the countryside are paying over the odds in council tax, while those in urban areas are paying less, says a new report.AktiviX II - Another System is Possible!
05-08-2004 15:16

A weekend for environmental / animal rights / peace / social justice /anti-capitalist campaigners / activists and cultural creatives to get to know GNU/Linux, each other, and to discuss political strategies and actions around Information and Communication Technology
Gays in Zimbabwe flee mob attack.
05-08-2004 15:15
Gay flee exhibition after mob attack at book fair in Zimbabwe.