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Don't Squeeze the Rich or Growth Rates Will Suffer

Lenin | 05.08.2004 21:56 | Analysis

Nick Herbert, director of Reform assures Guardian readers that taxing the rich does not work for social justice as it lowers GDP, and would place Britain in an uncompetitive position in relation to the rest of Europe and the US. Reform, for the uninitiated, is "an independent, non-party think tank whose mission is to set out a better way to deliver public services and economic prosperity"...

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Display the following 11 comments

  1. Well that's just bollocks, innit? — The Market Can Suck My Cock
  2. even the World Bank admits - — eat the rich
  3. Scum — Pete
  4. Memories — Realist
  5. Wow! — eat the rich
  6. Re: Realist — (A)
  7. but there is some point to what realist says — A genuine moderate not a "Christian democrat" like Blair
  8. laffer curves — anticap
  9. I'll check it out — Genuine moderate
  10. no problem — anticap
  11. "Sinister maxist plot" — Moderate