Don't Squeeze the Rich or Growth Rates Will Suffer
Lenin | 05.08.2004 21:56 | Analysis
Nick Herbert, director of Reform assures Guardian readers that taxing the rich does not work for social justice as it lowers GDP, and would place Britain in an uncompetitive position in relation to the rest of Europe and the US. Reform, for the uninitiated, is "an independent, non-party think tank whose mission is to set out a better way to deliver public services and economic prosperity"...
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Well that's just bollocks, innit?
06.08.2004 11:05
The Market Can Suck My Cock
even the World Bank admits -
06.08.2004 14:10
eat the rich
06.08.2004 14:47
06.08.2004 15:28
06.08.2004 16:45
So your saying if we redistribute, no one wins and if we do't redistribute, the already rich win. That sounds like a great system.
Of course capitalism was designed by an already rich elite to transfer wealth to them, so we shouldn't be surprised that it does so very effectively. However, the pyramid scam that capitalism is heading lemming like towards a big cliff. The pressure for constant growth is going to either deplete affordable oil stocks before we can adapt or destroy the environment. Like all pyramid schemes, it will collapse. At least then we don't have to worry about redistributive taxation and laffer curves anymore.
eat the rich
Re: Realist
07.08.2004 10:24
but there is some point to what realist says
07.08.2004 17:45
I would be in favour of bringing back the band for those earning more than 100'000 and pegging it at 60 pence in the pound because our tax system would be fair again (and proportional to what people earn). I floated the idea with someone once who, unknown to me at the time was earning more than £100'000. He seemed quite agitated when I suggested people like him could afford to pay a tiny little more tax. What makes me laugh is the fact that he harked back to the old days and the way things used to be like it was so wonderful, yet in the "good ol days" of (corporal and capital punishment for example) he'd have been paying more tax.
A genuine moderate not a "Christian democrat" like Blair
laffer curves
08.08.2004 09:30
In fact, have you noticed as GDP grows relentlessly year on year, we are constantly told 'theres not enough money' for hospitals, schools etc. Bigger GDP does not make us better off in itself, its just a figure saying how much we're exchanging/earning. If we're exchanging crap goods that need replacing every 6 months GDP will reflect this by *increasing* as production/consumption of crap disposable goods increases. Don't be a slave to abstractions. (I highly recommend reading Michael Rowbotham's 'The Grip of Death' on the issue of the scam of modern 'growth'). Interestingly, Bhutan has started to try and measure 'Gross National Happiness' as a key indicator of success. Can't see the rulers of this prozac-pumped isle following suit . . .
I'll check it out
08.08.2004 14:37
Genuine moderate
no problem
08.08.2004 16:21
"Sinister maxist plot"
09.08.2004 12:39