UK Newswire Archive
A call to action that could change the world
05-08-2004 14:36
Dear friends of peace and justice everywhere,"The advance guard of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s mission to Iraq will leave this weekend under the command of a Dutch general, an alliance official said Aug. 4." Eruope please respond! This move by NATO could result in much more death and destruction as the "alliance" moves to rescue the U.S. disaster. If it was important to take to the streets before it is more so now. More people are with us than ever, many governments and other instutions recognise the wrongheadedness of the occupation of Iraq as the terrible costs become clearer everyday. Corporate media will never speak to the fact that we can end this occupation and change the world! Organize and act now! Please spread this call widely. jamie
'Experienced Iraqis not wanted'
05-08-2004 14:02
Fighting for a second term in office, George W. Bush is beset with the accusation that he waged war on Iraq, toppled its government and occupied the country without a legitimate casus belli. Ahead of the war, Bush and his acolyte, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, argued that Iraq posed an imminent threat to the West because President Saddam Hussein had a hidden arsenal of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons.Athens: Fire in power plant caused Black Out
05-08-2004 13:43

Mobile Mast Torn Down
05-08-2004 12:31
This is the sort of action that anyone interested in changing the world we live in for the better should be engaged in...what's to stop you? Tear down all the masts-forget about your phone- live a little- be uncontrollable for a while?Arrests
05-08-2004 12:29
The leader of an al Qaeda group in Britain is among 12 people arrested in anti-terrorist raids in Britain Pakistani intelligence officials have revealed. The senior al Qaeda operative in Britain has been variously named as Abu Musa al-Hindi or Abu Eisa al-Hindi -- but these are believed to be aliases.Invitation to the Dissent! Network Gathering in Edinburgh 17th - 19th September
05-08-2004 12:08

The G8 (Group of eight most industrialised nations) Summit will be held at Gleneagles Hotel in Perthshire, about 40 miles/70 kilometres away from Edinburgh, in Scotland from 6-8th of July 2005. In past years, everywhere they have tried to meet they have been met with a massive response from the world's social movements. Now, in Britain, a network of groups and individuals is emerging that resists the Summit, and forms a lasting movement against capitalism.
The next Dissent! Gathering will take place in Edinburgh on 17th-19th September 2004.
Come along and get involved!
See the truth
05-08-2004 11:29
Date For Your Diary - National Newcomers Week, 9th - 16th OctoberPolice and the ALF
05-08-2004 10:32
Terrorism chief 'ups the ante' in crackdown on extremistsOxford Council subsidises business
05-08-2004 10:27
Oxford City Council decided last week to knock down a social housing complex in Rose Hill - spending over 100,000 quid of taxpayers money on demolition, rather than passing the cost onto the private builders to whom they are selling the land....Protest for Naseh Gafor
05-08-2004 10:16
URGENT- Naseh Ghafor, a 20 year old Kurdish man in Burngreave, who is on hunger strike for fear of being sent back to Iraq, is in a critical state. Saturday at Chatsworth is our chance to confront David Blunkett, who has given no response to pleas to help Naseh.Could someone from Indymedia report it?
Resisting ID Cards Gathering, Manchester
05-08-2004 10:01
A gathering to organise resistance to the Government's plans to introduce identity cards and a national population database is taking place in Manchester on September 11th 2004.Bomb Explodes Near Power Station Outside Athens
05-08-2004 09:34
another bomb attack in athensThe Olympic Corporate Games are built on workers' blood!
05-08-2004 09:06

Broken lives and masterpieces in Burma
05-08-2004 09:04
Tin Oo and Aung San Suu Kyi are mistreated in isolation and poor living conditions by the low-minded brutes who were unfit to lead Burma. The international community should worry about the health of Aung San Suu Kyi and Tin Oo because history showed that the Laos monarchs, King Thibaw and Sao Shwe Thaik all died in confinement, spiritually abused by the armed governments.Burma Protest Friday (Tomorrow)
05-08-2004 07:42
Friday 6th August, 1-3pm, protest against Burmese dictatorship at Burmese EmbassyAnimal groups call for amnesty on Greece's stray dogs
04-08-2004 23:15
With the Olympic Games less than two weeks away, the fate of the thousands of stray dogs in Athens remains in doubt.The Fascist State is Now
04-08-2004 23:14
Gangland style busting of people in the streetPeople hauled from their cars and faced down in the gutter at the butt of a cop’s gun
All tied in to years old terrorist threats from ISI computer sources in Pakistan
550 –619 people arrested but only 15 fit-ups resulting
Pics of CBW –protected police going into people’s flats and houses
The Weather Underground: Film screening in Cambridge
04-08-2004 22:30

Showing of 'The Weather Underground' at 7:30 pm, Sun 15th August, The Geldart, Ainsworth Street, Cambridge
Darfur - Another Brit COlony Abused - British Hypocrisy Everywhere
04-08-2004 22:25