UK Newswire Archive
police computer seizures - an alert to activists
02-05-2011 00:56
speaking recently to several people caught up in the pre-wedding police raids on squats, a pattern has emerged. having just read a guardian article on snoop software supplied to governments, i offer an alert to activists who may have had computer equipment seized.Economic and Political Power of Oil Industry Succeeds in Weakening Deep Water Drilling Regulations
01-05-2011 23:55
Economic and Political Power of Oil Industry Succeeds in Weakening Deep Water Drilling Regulations
Interview with Antonia Juhasz, author of "Black Tide: The Devastating Impact of the Gulf Oil Spill" , conducted by Scott Harris
While the vast environmental and economic damage from last year’s BP oil spill is still being calculated, deep water oil drilling has now resumed in
Newcastle Anarchists on May Day March
01-05-2011 23:43

Newcastle Anarchists on May Day March
The Anarchist Bloc was headed up by a massive “Reclaim May Day – Solidarity is Strength” banner held by members of the newly-formed Northeast Anarchist Group, and there were also many black, and red & black flags and a variety of other banners and placards. A sound system mounted on a bike rode alongside the bloc, playing an International Workers' Day-themed mix of music. Northeast Anarchist Group also distributed leaflets to shoppers and passers-by along the march route.
Solidarity needed for Iranian hunger strikers!
01-05-2011 17:21
The situation of the Iranian hunger strikers is becoming more urgentTUC march Manchester arrest
01-05-2011 16:31
brief report on recent arrest of Manchester person, as a result of what happened during the TUC March for the Alternative in LondonStop these attacks on our right to protest - defend the Fortnum 145
01-05-2011 15:57
STOP THESE ATTACKS ON OUR RIGHT TO PROTESTProtest outside the hearing of Fortnum & Mason anti-cuts occupiers
MONDAY 9th MAY, 9am
70 Horseferry Road, London SW1P 2AX
Called by Defend The Right To Protest, in support of the Fortnum145 defendants campaign - - details at end, below
On 26 March, around 140 people were arrested and detained for taking part in the occupation of Fortnum & Mason to highlight tax avoidance. Their protest was peaceful, as documented by eyewitness reports and video footage. They were told by police that they were free to leave – but as soon as the protestors left the building they were arrested. The occupiers now face charges of aggravated trespass and the possibility of a prison sentence.
How Our Money Goes to Support the Slave Trade (pt. 1)
01-05-2011 11:16
Right now conservatives and progressives across my country, America, are considering ways to cut government spending. One of the options tossed about concerns cuts to military spending. Within this area there are so many things to consider. There are so many things to discuss and ways to break each of them down.MET manufactures threat and then contains it!!!
01-05-2011 09:31
It was never going to be convenient for the cops to admit that all their intelligence was pointing towards the fact most anarchists couldn’t care less about a couple of toffs getting married. Having endured not only the humiliation of a large mobile black bloc on 26th March, but also the earlier debacle of escorting Charles and Camilla’s car straight into a public order situation, the Met were in desperate need of restoring some credibility.IMC UK Shut Down #IMCUKshutdown
01-05-2011 07:32
The Bradford consensus decision is invalid on two counts if it was the intention, deliberate or otherwise, to expel Group A from the global network.Mayday Events, Victoria Park Nttm
01-05-2011 01:25
Saturday 30th April
After the parade around Nottingham, people gathered in Victoria Park, Nottingham for the annual Mayday rally
Speeches, stalls and music.. The theme this year was the cuts.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Poster: if you think you might be identified from police photos don't panic, don't talk, keep safe.
01-05-2011 01:24
police computer seizures - an alert to activists
01-05-2011 01:24
speaking recently to several people caught up in the pre-wedding police raids on squats, a pattern has emerged. having just read a guardian article on snoop software supplied to governments, i offer an alert to activists who may have had computer equipment seized.
last week, several squats and some private homes were raided by police in what is generally thought to have been pre-emptive strikes against any possibility of dissent on the royal wedding day.
however, on speaking to residents from three of the squats, it has emerged that police were taking computer equipment like laptops, but not seizing any data drives.
if they were really seeking information or evidence, the drives would surely have been seized too.
my mind went to a guardian article i had just read about a british company offering sophisticated software to the egyptian government designed to infiltrate activists' computers and provide a backdoor for total monitoring and control of their computers.
the company, 'gamma international', is licensed to sell their 'finspy' products only to governments.
if your computer was seized by police, it may be sensible on its return to back up data and then do a complete diskwipe and clean install, otherwise, there is no guarantee that rogue 'trojan' software will not be monitoring your every stroke without your knowledge.
with the recent increase in use of undercover police in britain, and the recent 'anti-terrorist' suspension of civil liberties in france, there is no doubt that deployment of surreptitious and covert techniques is on the increase against peaceful dissent, so vigilance against unlawful intrusion should be considered quite seriously.
Zombie royal wedding arrests 2
01-05-2011 01:24
a zombie explains what happened at the zombie wedding on 29 April 2011 ( see )