UK Newswire Archive
East London Against Arms Fairs need supporters
15-07-2010 12:22
A plea for more supporters for East London Against Arms Fairs
East London Against Arms Fairs (ELAAF) have been opposing the fair since it came to ExCeL in 2001 and will continue to do so until it is cancelled. We would gratefully receive more supporters. We have regular meetings, usually the second Tuesday of the month, as well as musical protests outside the ExCel centre in east London. Please visit our website for more information.
Exhibitors at the ExCeL Centre include charities, professional bodies and respectable companies who do not know that they are supporting a venue that helps to trade weapons of death and oppression around the world.
The DSEi arms fair invites unscrupulous arms dealers from countries with no gun control. Advanced weapons are sold to countries at war with each other. Weapons, tanks and missiles are sold to regimes that oppress their own people or attack their neighbours. Delegates from countries that need aid for health services, education or agriculture are persuaded to incur debt to purchase weapons.
While the profits of this arms fair and ExCeL are exported to their owners in New York and Abu Dhabi, the shame of hosting the fair remains in London, and the slaughtered, bereaved and maimed victims are all over the world.
Battle of the Bindweed
15-07-2010 12:22
Royate Hill Community Orchard and Kebele AllotmentRegular bimonthly workday
Saturday 17th July
11am - 4pm (drop in anytime though we usually start cleaning up around 3:30pm)
more information -
map - (plot number 20, near the path that leads up to
Clay Bottom and the Bristol/Bath bike path)
Gardening gloves and tools provided
Please bring your own lunch and snacks to share
NO experience necessary - only enthusiasm...and no fear of nettles...
Amazingly, the weather is supposed to be quite good on Saturday - little bit of
cloud, nice gusting breeze and no rain = perfect for tending to the fruit trees,
harvesting courgettes...and initiating a major offensive against the bindweed!
We will be having lunch with the people on the permaculture allotment gardening
techniques course
so we'll need to harvest some salad greens as well.
Hope to see you there
Shell to Sea campaigner attacked at sea last night.
15-07-2010 12:19
Garda tells campaigner, “I have your last breath in my hands” .Last night the first of 2 drilling platforms arrived into Broadhaven Bay.
Glasgow Solidarity Network
15-07-2010 10:23
Landlord messing you around? Agency not paying you? Job centre making life a misery? Feel like it’s too much to cope with alone? We all face problems like these and it can seem impossible to do anything about them. The Glasgow Solidarity Network is a group of people who work together to support one another [...]
Defend the Parliament Square democracy village from eviction
15-07-2010 08:54
It is very likely that the GLA under the leadership of mayor Boris Johnson will get permission to evict the democracy camp at Parliament Square tommorrow. This means that the eviction will most likely be on Monday morning. As many people as possible are needed to defend the camp.Moat case reveals UK hatred of police
15-07-2010 05:44
THE DEPTH of anti-police feeling in the UK has been dramatically revealed by a wave of admiration for killer Raoul Moat.Support needed: Ivorian arrested for investigating Cocoa & Coffee industry
14-07-2010 23:39

Côte d'Ivoire: 3 Journalists Including Théophile Kouamouo Arrested for Posting Classified Government Documents on Corruption Coffee and Cocoa Industries
¡Alerta Antifascista! War and Revolution in Spain
14-07-2010 23:24
A four page flyer to accompany the event 'Civil War and Revolution: Anarchism in Spain' taking place at The Sparrows' Nest on Sunday 18th July 2010, 1pm-6pm.
On the 17th July 1936 General Franco and his troops led fascists, monarchists, landowners, capitalists and clerics in a coup against the "left-wing" bourgeois-capitalist government in Spain. In many parts of the country workers took up arms, resisting and often defeating Franco's troops and their supporters. The Spanish Civil War had begun.
Event details:
Civil War and Revolution: Anarchism in Spain. Exhibition and talks, at The Sparrows' Nest, presented by The Anarchist Federation and friends.
See also:
Showing of Land and Freedom at Broadway Cinema, 25th July 2010, 2.15pm. Sponsored by People's Histreh & The Sparrows' Nest.
Rededication of anti-fascist memorial at County Hall, 17th July 2010. 10.30am-12 noon. Organised by the Nottingham Trades Council.
The Nottingham leg of the International Brigades' Memorial Trust Exhibition. Running from 20th-31st July. 12.30pm. Also organised by the Nottingham Trades Council.
Saving Iceland Mobilisation Call-Out 2010!
14-07-2010 23:01

Launch of the Campaign Against the Deportion of Odette Sefuko
14-07-2010 22:45

Odette Sefuko fled the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) via Uganda in fear of her life five years ago and came to England to claim asylum. The Home Office have rejected her claim, (now being reviewed by the European Court). The Home Office refuse to accept Odette is Congolese, despite reputable evidence (see below). They want to send her back to Uganda, a place where she might face imprisonment, torture or maybe death.
Full article | 1 addition | 1 comment
Annual Independence FROM America demonstration
14-07-2010 20:56
An account of the Campaign for the Accountability of American Bases (CAAB) annual 'Independence FROM America' demonstration held on Sunday 4th July 2010 at Menwith Hill, Near Harrogate.A lesson in bad faith: Response to the Brazil-Iran-Turkey Joint Declaration
14-07-2010 19:37

Protest - Gay asylum seekers welcome here
14-07-2010 19:32
Protest: Tell the Daily Express, Daily Mail and Daily Star - LGBT asylum seekers are welcome here | 15 JulyG20 Plan for Prosperity: Rubber Bullets and Shredded Social Safety Net
14-07-2010 18:28

The Toronto G-20 summit sent a message to poor and working people in Europe and North America. “You will pay for the global financial crisis through cuts to your social safety nets. There will be no taxing of those who actually caused the crisis and made fortunes in the various bubbles over the last decades.”
Army patrols and paramilitaries in the Lacandon Jungle
14-07-2010 17:39
"Hiding behind environmental pretexts, they clear the way for the entry into the jungle of the big investors, the exploitation of the area for luxury tourism, and the appropriation of biological resources for patenting".Oil Spill at the British Museum
14-07-2010 16:22
Three members of the art activist group Culture Beyond Oil poured non-toxic black oil around the British Museum’s world famous Easter Island sculpture, in protest at BP’s sponsorship of the museum. Emily James, Director of Just Do It, happened to be there and captured the action.
Following similar actions at the Tate Modern, Tate Britain and National Portrait Galllery in recent weeks, the activists targeted the British Museum because of the annual sponsorship it receives from the infamous oil company.
A recent report called ‘Licence to Spill’ from the campaign group Platform has pointed to the benefits of cultural sponsorship for oil companies, stating that “the financial support that the companies [like Shell and BP] provide [to cultural institutions] strengthens their position as a part of Britain’s cultural and social elite, and creates a perception of making a positive contribution to our society”, thus giving them a “social license to operate”.
The statue around which the oil was poured* is known as Hoa Hakananai'a, a 2000 year old relic taken from Easter Island by European explorers. The story of the Easter Island statues is often cited as an example of the speed with which once strong civilizations have suddenly collapsed.
Ben Cooper, who is also part of Liberate Tate, said: “Oil sponsorship of public institutions is a problem that stretches way beyond BP and the catastrophe in the Gulf of Mexico. The oil industry has a long history of environmental and human rights abuses, and is currently pulling us closer and closer to a potential catastrophe on a global scale.
"Just like the forests on Easter Island, oil represents a resource being over-exploited despite massively increasing risks. With our relentless search for oil we are risking the collapse of the ecosystems on which we depend - just as the inhabitants of Easter Island did 2000 years ago”.
Palestine Today 07 14 2010
14-07-2010 15:30

EDL Gas themselves
14-07-2010 15:13
The EDL are a racist, Islamophobic organisation linked to the BNP, NF, Combat 18, Blood and Honour etc. At one of their protests they gassed themselves when they were going to throw agas canister at the UAF...pulled out the pin and then ...well...looked at it for awhile and then it went off. C**ts!EDL Fascists Hijack GMTV Burkha Ban Poll
14-07-2010 14:50