UK Newswire Archive
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Innocent People DNA to wiped from Police DNA files.
05-12-2008 13:52
Home Secretary Jacqui Smith Kicks a Fuss.Police contact political campaigner asking to "chat"
05-12-2008 12:48

Swimming Up Stream
05-12-2008 12:23

Second attempt to remove Stephane Siewe
05-12-2008 07:26

Genetically Modified Animals
05-12-2008 01:12
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just moved a step closer to allowing companies to create genetically engineered animals. The FDA is proposing to allow the creation of animals that will be used to produce medicine, organs for transplant, meat or genetically engineered pets; and experiment subjects.benefit 4 cowley
05-12-2008 00:56
Help your favourite alternative Brighton social centre/caff/bar/meeting place out of a hole. Cowley Club on London Road needs funds!Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Latest 'Anomalous Wave' rebellion in Italy news + analysis
05-12-2008 00:28
There is a massive student/worker rebellion in the Italian education sector. Many schools and universities are occupied. The slogan "we won't pay for your crisis' is at the forefront of the Anomalous Wave movement that opposes initially the Gelmini reforms of education, but more importantly, the creation of a new round of precarious workers in shit jobs joining the other thousands in the same boat. Last Friday 28th was another round of street demos and blockades.McTrial Cambridge – This Monday!
04-12-2008 23:19
An all day trial so get some McDonalds Burgers in!No 2010 Vancover Olympic Games on Stolen Native Lands!
04-12-2008 23:10
A coalition of Indigenous elders, social justice activists, community activists and organizers are voicing opposition to the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada.No Olympics on Stolen Native Lands! pass the word and forward widely
Photos from The DIsabled People's Direct Action Blockade of Whitehall Against Re
04-12-2008 21:30

04-12-2008 21:25
Both the current DRC troubles and the 1994 Rwanda "regime change" aka 'genocide' are aspects of an Anglo-American power play to effectively control the region and it's strategic resources. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda is a kangaroo court process designed to eliminate and silence political enemies of their proxy Rwanda. These prisoners affirm: "that the ICTR has put us in prison, first and foremost for political reasons. On that account WE ARE POLITICAL PRISONERS OF THE UNITED NATIONS"March for an Environmental Revolution!
04-12-2008 20:53

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Pro-Forma text to send to police forces if your DNA is held
04-12-2008 20:23
Following todays ruling by the European Court of Human Rights it makes sense for activists to get their requests in right away. This will put pressure on the police to start removing DNA and fingerprint evidence were people have been arrested but not labour 'arbiter mach frei' attack on poor
04-12-2008 19:20
the welfare reform bill is a vicious attack upon vulnerable people. Even proposing such authoritarian measures as using lie detectors on the sick.G8Genoa-Diaz verdict-G8 La Maddalena 2009 press conference
04-12-2008 18:44
Invite to the mass media and anyone with an interest in the La Maddalena G8 protests:After over seven years of investigation and trial process concerning the indictment of 76 italian police following events during the Genova G8 2001 summit. During July 2008, thirteen police from prison, GOM MOBILE, Carabineri and two medical staff were convicted of abuse of authority, abuse and torture as the Diaz sister trial, Bolzaneto came to an end.
PHOTOS Face-off as E-on sacked by santa (1st Dec)
04-12-2008 16:30

Palestine Today 120408
04-12-2008 16:17

World calls time on UK plc
04-12-2008 16:16
The paucity of action on the part of liberal minded, left-oriented activists in the face of the very real economic and political crisis facing the UK is mind boggling. Whilst the BNP is out in force with its political machine providing recently buggered workers, savers and pensioners with plausible sounding explanations non-fascist activists continue to focus on the minutiae of social life.The tragic death of Baby P
04-12-2008 15:51
On Monday, December 1, the findings of an investigation into the failings of Haringey Council in North London over the death of a 17-month-old child, known as Baby P, were released.