UK Newswire Archive
Orthodox Jews burn Israeli flag
30-03-2002 10:56

‘Shut Down Nepal’- 5 day Bandh from the 2nd to 6th of April
30-03-2002 10:54

Liberation of Woomera refugess photos
30-03-2002 10:25

Woomera: Audio Transcript: Full Story
30-03-2002 10:03
Transcript of 3CR interview with Alex Kellyby jim 3:36pm Sat Mar 30 '02

Aussies rip down refugee detion centre fence
30-03-2002 08:52

Eyewitness reports from Ramallah
30-03-2002 07:01
I have received the following eyewitness reports on the invasion of Ramallah from Huwaida Arraf, an American human rights activist.Robert Fisk: The lies leaders tell when they want to go to war
30-03-2002 03:25
'The problem with Arafat is that he has a lot in common with Sharon: old, ruthless and cynical'Argentina - anarchists on neighbourhood assemblies
30-03-2002 03:14
We received this article from ?Folks at theBiblioteca Popular José Ingenieros - Buenos
Aires ? Argentina? with the request that we
circulate it. While we might not agree with
everything it contains it still provides some
useful local anarchist analysis of the
developing situation.
Good news in Woomera! Refugees liberated
30-03-2002 01:38
Activists enter prohibited zone, tear down fences and liberate some refugees!!!Palestine IndyMedia Still Online, But Solidarity Still Needed!
30-03-2002 01:18
Recent postings suggested Palestine IndyMedia had been hacked, perhaps the problem is your server as I just checked the site and it is still accessible. The latest postings say they are still under heavy fire, however the 2 volunteers are remaining. They also give thanks for the many expressions of solidarity flooding in from across the globe - keep it coming people!! go to:
177 Terrorist Attacks on Ambulances
30-03-2002 01:01
Since September 29, 2000, there has been 177 attacks on Red Crescent ambulances that services both the Israeli and Palestinian population. Today, an attack by the Israeli army killed Dr. Khalid Sulieman, Head of CMS who was evacuating a young injured girl.Palestine IndyMedia Evacuated
29-03-2002 23:21
Palestine IndyMedia is being evacuated as Israeli tanks roll in. Two foreign volunteers will remain at Palestine IndyMedia headquarters for as long as possible. Palestine IndyMedia is putting out an URGENT call for international solidarity to stop the brutal actions being carried out by the Israeli military against innocent Palestinian civilians. For more information go to:
The Radical Reason Why Palestinians Have The Right and Duty To Resist
29-03-2002 22:09
.Social Centres and Psychoanalysis
29-03-2002 19:04
I would just like to make a few comments in support of the notion of (anti-capitalist) social centres and some thoughts about how they might function.An All Out Peaceful Protest at Every Synagogue and Israeli Consulate
29-03-2002 17:45
It is now time for an all out a peaceful protest at every Synagogue and Israeli consulate across America and the worldDirect Action Against the War Now! (D.A.A.W.N!) - Press Release
29-03-2002 16:33
Direct Action Against the War Now! (D.A.A.W.N!) - Press Release. Please distribute widely.CND/StopTheWar Protest TOMORROW in London
29-03-2002 13:57
Details of tomorrows protest against expanding Bush's war.Observer Mayday article criticism
29-03-2002 13:55
As one of the first articles about Mayday 2002, the Observer seems set to continue the disturbingly bad journalistic standards seen in 2001 and 2000Israel starts up factories of death
29-03-2002 11:25
that 1000s have already been thru the death factories located near Hebron in under ground compound our sources working undercover in the IDF said