UK Newswire Archive
Perversion of justice, corruption, fraud and the lack of accountability of the B
20-11-2007 12:37
British government uses state repression machine to harass whistleblowers and suppress evidence of high-level fraud and corruptionCome to this gig! An Occupied London benefit, Sat 1st Dec @RampART (new venue!)
20-11-2007 12:14

Green Scare prisoner Eric McDavid - Hunger Strike, Day 10
20-11-2007 11:56
Eric is still being denied vegan food and proper medical care... As Eric ends the 10th day of his hunger strike we would like to take the opportunity to thank everyone that is working to support him, to update you on his health and clarify where things stand with the jailPentagon Cover Up: 1000s of US soldiers comitt suicide after fighting in Iraq
20-11-2007 11:53
Following an exhaustive investigation of veterans' suicide data collected from 45 states; CBS discovered that in 2005 alone "THERE WERE AT LEAST 6,256 AMONG THOSE WHO SERVED IN THE ARMED FORCES. THAT'S 120 EACH AND EVERY WEEK IN JUST ONE YEAR.
USA - anotherone killed by police using "less" lethal taser
20-11-2007 11:40
A twenty year old Frederick Maryland man is dead as the result of the use of this offensive weapon, and still they claim that it is less lethal. THAN WHAT?Jarrel Gray, described as a "good kid," was involved in a fight in a Maryland apartment complex. Deputies arrived, found four people involved in a "scuffle," according to their mouthpiece
Further confirmation of US white phosphorus use in Fallujah
20-11-2007 11:32

WMR has learned from U.S. military sources who participated in the 2005 "Siege of Fallujah" that U.S. troops used deadly "white phosphorus" (WP) on civilian targets. The Pentagon apparently used a loophole in the Chemical Weapons Convention that does not list white phosphorus in its annex as a chemical weapons. However, the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons prohibits the use of incendiary weapons against civilians or civilian areas. The convention defines an incendiary weapon as "any weapon or munition which is primarily designed to set fire to objects or to cause burn injury to persons through the action of flame, heat, or combination thereof, produced by a chemical reaction of a substance delivered on the target." White phosphorus meets the definition of an incendiary weapon. It is the Napalm of the 21st century.
Preparing for Life After Oil
20-11-2007 11:17
Welcome to the Age of Insuffiency: As oil prices hit new highs and supplies sink, our way of life will drastically change.Undercurrents host the 8th Annual BeyondTV int'l political film festival
20-11-2007 11:04

Swansea, Films from Naomi Klein, Big Noise Films, undercurrents and many others.
Pre-emptive Peace Strike: "Don't Attack Iran" (Saturday, 24th November)
20-11-2007 10:32
The 19th Pre-emptive Peace Strike will be held this Saturday, 24th November from 2pm in Parliament Square, Westminster, London.Wars to Watch Out For
20-11-2007 01:45
Israel Violates UN Security Council Res 1701-Again
Isn't this the same thing these Extremists claim warrants further sanctions, and possibly war, against Iran?
Officials Admit Plot Against Gaza to Begin After Annapolis
20-11-2007 01:43
The Olmert Extremists have sold out the citizens of Israel, plotting to use a supposed 'peace summit' as an excuse for further conflict, which will endanger Israel's civilian and military population alike.Cotswold Hunt served Asbo warning
20-11-2007 00:40
By massive, concerted effort, the residents of my hamlet managed to get an Asbo warning served on the hunt. This was achieved because we are an articulate group of people demanding protection with the support of our MP. Initially the Asbo officer, a retired policeman, was horrified at the thought of giving an Asbo to the master of the hunt, but he found that we had a "compelling" case and went out on a limb for us. The warning was issued to three hunt masters, so this caused a bit of a ripple locally.Manchester aiport beaten in debate
19-11-2007 23:43
'The Great Aviation Debate' took place last Thurs 15th November at Friends Meeting House.Manchester Airport lacked any decent responses to charges made of environmental piracy.
It presented a poignant example in favour of non-violent direct action.
Manchester Meeting: Hands Off The People Of Iran!
19-11-2007 23:04
Its a public meeting and everybody is welcome to attend.Health Select Committee (NZ) Request Aspartame (951) Submission
19-11-2007 23:00
Finally in New Zealand they are listening to the horror stories on aspartame (951) and have requested an oral submission on 11/21/2007.Bribery, Corruption and Fraud at the BBC - Stop paying your TV Licence fee NOW!
19-11-2007 22:50

Treason has been committed and is still being perpetrated on a daily basis, and you by paying this tax are allowing this to happen.
Join us at The Peoples United Collective and say no to the TV Licence Fee and no to Treason!
Lobby of Parliament and Public Meeting against the Counter-Terrorism Bill
19-11-2007 21:57
Oppose yet more ‘anti-terror’ powers! No to a permanent state of emergency! - parliamentary lobby and public meeting against the Counter-Terrorism Bill and extension of detention without charge on Thursday 29 NovemberPlease write a letter to your MP against the Counter Terrorism Bill 2007
19-11-2007 21:52
We would appreciate if you could write a letter to your MP opposing the government seeking draconian police powers such as the extension of pre-charge detention from 28 to 56 days. You can find all the arguments against these measures and resources including a draft letter on our website Yee, wrongly imprisoned Guantánamo chaplain, on UK tour
19-11-2007 21:45
James Yee, a US Army Captain and the Muslim chaplain for the Guantanamo detainees in 2002-03, was, astonishingly, imprisoned as a spy and held for 76 days before being released without charge. After leaving the army, he wrote a book about his experiences, and is visiting the UK for a speaking tour.