UK Newswire Archive
a unique opportunity for filmakers.....don't miss it
18-07-2011 15:11
genocide in west papua has escaped the world's together with us to rise awareness to the world.....we have a lot of footage shot that needs to be made into a filmSome "Fortnum and Mason protest charges dropped by CPS": BBC
18-07-2011 15:07
Free the other 30!Action Alert! Stop the prosecution of Sheila Farmer. Safety must be the priority
18-07-2011 14:08
Sheila Farmer is being put on trial for brothel-keeping on Monday 5 September at Croydon Crown Court. Please can you urgently write to stop the prosecutionto the addresses below.
Smash EDO: Summer of Resistance 2012
18-07-2011 13:45
A summer of antics and opposition to Brighton's very own peddlers ofdeath. Start working on your cunning plans now and join in!
UK Antifascist Prisoners In Need Of Support
18-07-2011 11:03

A Memorandum to the President of the Philippines
18-07-2011 10:42

FROM : Your boss, the Filipino people
SUBJECT : Your job evaluation and our recommendation
Reclaim Nottingham! party hits town
18-07-2011 08:55
On Saturday a roving street party against the enclosure of public space for private profit was held in the city centre. A mobile sound system toured around town paying visits to banks and other corporate targets. Participants gave out hundreds of flyers protesting social control of the city centre and the human and environmental destruction of the banks. Meanwhile Notts Uncut held a protest outside Vodaphone on Clumber Street after an incident in which a ten year old boy was alleged to have been assaulted by staff. The shop was forced to close early.
Newswire: Street party against social control & the banks | Vodafone - Tax Avoidance Bad; Child Abuse Worse. | Street party against business, banks, service cuts
Previous features: Notts Uncut: Emergency Operation | Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank
Reclaim Nottingham! flyer
This street party is an attempt to reclaim our city from corporate bloodsuckers, grey-faced bureaucrats and humourless wardens and police. When CCTV watches our every move and even busking can get you a ticket, having fun for free has been made illegal. We want to change that. Come and join the party!
This city is supposed to belong to us, the people of Nottingham. But most of the city centre is controlled by giant companies who only want to drain money out of us. Even the Market Square has become another place for the Council to make a few bob. We are only allowed in if we have money to spend. It’s time to take back the space.
One of the worst offenders are the banks. Making billions out of arms, oil and environmental destruction isn’t enough – they still need to be propped up by bailouts from the taxpayer. Whilst their friends in government make our lives a misery with cuts to services, the bankers are using public money to top up their multi-million pound bonuses. Enough’s enough! Chase the bankers out of town.
Vodaphone incident
Last weekend Notts Uncut were protesting outside Vodafone. They’d dropped the shutters and a ten year old boy was looking through the shutters when a member of staff inside the shop slammed her hand into the shutter forcing it into his face. This was witnessed by around 20 people.
His dad went into the shop the following day to complain and the store manager agreed the member of staff’s behaviour had been unacceptable and promised a written apology from Vodafone to the boy and a personal apology from the member of staff.
We went to Vodafone today for him to receive his apology and Vodafone have now decided that no incident took place and no apology would be made. After imparting this news they pulled the shutters down again so Notts Uncut maintained a presence outside the shop until they closed up and sent their staff home at 3.30.
Vodafone need to know that it’s not ok to avoid tax and it’s not ok to attack children then lie about it.
Breaking: Greenpeace Polar Bears occupy Cairn Energy HQ
18-07-2011 08:27
This morning about 50 polar bears have occupied the Edinburgh HQ of Cairn Energy. They are believed to be trying to find Cairn's elusive Arctic oil spill response plan.Cairn is one of the companies spearheading attempts to extract fossil fuels from the arctic, region, despite the fact the ice caps are already melting as a result of fossil fuel use. Arctic extraction also involves drilling deep which has risks and the whole operation is likely to be catastrophic for wildlife and the environment.
The Post-9-11 Decade by Numbers: The American Holocaust
18-07-2011 07:57
"The only thing that will save millions more Afghans from death will be that America can no longer afford to kill them."WikiLeaks vs News Ltd: Jail Murdoch, not Assange
18-07-2011 07:23
When it comes to comparing the cases of two publishers of secret information — WikiLeaks editor-in-chief Julian Assange and billionaire media mogul Rupert Murdoch — the hypocrisy from politicians and media is huge.The key difference between the two is obvious — one seeks to challenge the establishment, the other exerts huge control over it.
The implications of China’s increasingly active role in multilateral Institution
18-07-2011 03:56
The implications for Asia Pacific security due to the active role and growing influence from the Peoples’ Republic of China’s (PRC) approach to particular multilateral institutions are both economic and strategic.Squattastic meeting sun 17th july getting organised for mobilise innit
18-07-2011 00:05
Very good squattastic meeting today organising an mobilising to defend our rights to trespass,protest and squat,against the criminalisation of squatters/homeless and for tenants rights.Rev Billy Choir @ McDonalds + FreeFood Give-Away
17-07-2011 23:55
4.00pm Thursday 14th July 2011
outside the McDonald's, St Peters Gate
There was a free food give-away in Nottingham City Centre, outside the McDonald's at St Peters Gate.
Free vegan food samples was given out to passers by, along with information and recipe books compiled by Nottingham Vegan Campaigns.
The 'give-away' included a range of sweet and savoury foods for people to try, made by volunteers from the Veggies / Sumac Centre.
Vegan Free Food Giveaway
A difference between this a earlier events was the musical presence of Reverend Billy & the Earthaloojah Choir!
Singing a number of gospel chunes including my personal favourite "I'm going to make myself a sandwich" they entertained people while they ate the free-food. Suitably refreshed, we then paraded around St.Peters Square and then straight into McDonald's. Much to the amazement of staff and customers. Splendid:-)
an earlier report of this sort of thing .......
Vegan Food Giveaway Outside McDonald's
Related: last month 20 people were arrested for exactly this sort of giving-food-away behaviour in America. Well, it might mess with the industrial-military complex you understand!
Food not Bombs: Arrests of volunteers sharing meals with the hungry in Florida
20th June 2011, the City of Orlando has made over 20 arrests for sharing meals with the hungry at Lake Eola Park. The city limits the group to sharing twice a year per park. Food Not Bombs has been sharing free vegetarian meals and literature in public for over 30 years. While many believe that hunger and poverty is the result of personal failing and the solution can be found by getting closer to God, Food Not Bombs thought the solution could be found in changing public policy, economics and society.
.... and a bit more, related stuff.
Nottingham: Another Anti-G8/McDonalds event
McDonalds, Nottingham. :: Celebrating the McLibel Two
Day of Action against McDonald's in Nottingham
Nottingham's part of the Worldwide Day of Action Against McDonalds
Day of Action on Food and Climate Change: food giveaway & anti-Tesco demo
2005 East Midlands Vegan Festival, Nottingham Council House
2007 East Midlands Vegan Festival, Nottingham Council House
Tash on food 'collected'
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Targeted killings and "surgical interventions", the automation of death
17-07-2011 23:17
Last week The Washington Post and The New York Times amongst other U.S. corporate media outlets reported on the first attack by U.S. unmanned aerial vehicles ( drones ) in Somali territorySave The Free Shop and Emporium
17-07-2011 22:55
The National Eviction Team is coming to try to evict the Stokes Croft Freeshop tomorrow. They've said they'll be there from early afternoon; support is requested on the streets from 10am.

The National Eviction Team is coming to try to evict the Stokes Croft Freeshop tomorrow. They've said they'll be there from early afternoon; support is requested on the streets from 10am.
The Freeshop/Classics/The Emporium are social squats set up in two long-abandoned buildings on Stokes Croft. The buildings were almost completely derelict. Squatters put in a lot of work over a couple of years to maintain and repair the buildings. The empty building were turned into useful space - the Freeshop where people can get things they need and get rid of things they don't need, The Emporium art gallery, a gym, workshops and living space. Now the mysterious absentee landlord - helped by estate agents Maggs and Allen - is trying to take them away.
The National Eviction Team is a company that specialises in evicting protest sites and political squats. Come down and support our spaces from 10am tomorrow, or watch Bristol indymedia for a callout when they arrive.
The next planned eviction of The Free Shop and Emporium is scheduled for Monday 18th July please join us for a party of resistance from 10am Monday morning!
EDL Splinter Group No-Show At Memorial Event
17-07-2011 19:55
A memorial event organised by the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK passed off without incident after the plans of an EDL splinter-group to disrupt the event were posted on Facebook.
Saturday 16th of July was supposed to be a big day for the newly-minted North West Infidels. A splinter-group from the increasingly shambolic English Defence League, the NWI chose this day to make their debut appearance in Manchester in response to a planned demonstration by the Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK, marking the anniversary of the 1995 Srebrenica Massacre in which over 8,000 Bosnian Muslims were killed. Posts on the Facebook profiles of the various regional divisions of the NWI were jubilant, and explicitly violent, but in the event the group scarcely managed half an hour in the city centre before being contained and dispersed by police.
Despite tensions between the NWI and EDL, the NWI chose to assemble at the EDL's pub chain of choice, Yate's. By 12.30pm, the franchise's outlet on Portland Street had been surrounded by police riot vans with staff ordered to stop serving alcohol. NWI members' were searched and ordered to leave the city centre by police using powers under Section 27 of the Violent Crime Reduction Act. A police source estimated the number of NWI supporters to be around 20.
Greater Manchester Police maintained a high level of visibility throughout the city centre until 3.00pm, when deployments around Piccadilly Gardens were noticeably increased ahead of the start of the MPACUK demonstration. With a large public presence and many people sheltering from the weather away from the main demonstration an accurate estimation of the number of MPACUK supporters is hard to make, but throughout the two-hour demonstration numbers seemed to stay between 50 to 100 people. Confined to one of the Garden's raised grassy areas, MPACUK's supporters were ringed by two lines of police, flanked by half a dozen police horses and a number of riot vans. Tactical Aid Officers were also deployed and the force's helicopter put in an appearance as well.
Given this massive disparity in force between the police deployment and the MPACUK demonstration, it seems clear that the police presence was intended to deter any attempts to incite violence by the NWI. Several NWI supporters were moved on from the Gardens prior to the beginning of the demonstration and throughout the demonstration Tactical Aid Officers could be seen taking the details of suspect individuals entering the police cordon. One arrest was made and in a separate incident a man was removed from the midst of the MPACUK crowd after attempting to provoke an argument with the public speakers there.
Communications between NWI members on Facebook indicate that a lack of communication led to some members being unsure of where to meet. The choice of a pub already associated with right-wing street fighters was made worse by the groups' plans being posted a public event on Facebook, notifying the police in advance of their intentions. NWI leader Remmie Costin has been removed from his position as a result.
Despite NWI claims to the contrary there was no violence and no "Irish Republican" presence at the MPACUK demonstration.
Street party against business, banks, service cuts
17-07-2011 17:55
Saturday 16 July 2011
2.00pm people gathered in the Market Square, being entertained by a small sound system in a rucksack!
Others had gathered outside Vodafone in Clumber Street, Nottingham [Again :-)] After a while, folks joined together and went on the regular troll around the usual tax evading businesses in the city.
Other businesses visited included Philip Green's TopShop, BHS, Boots, Burtons / Dorethy Perkins, another Vodafone shop .... and of course, the banks. NatWest, Barclays, RBS, Santander, & LloydsTSB .... oh and once around the Broadmarsh.
All accompanied by the usual wardens, security and the occasional policeman .... just to make sure everyone was safe!
Report: Street party against social control & the banks
Text of the flyer, wot was handed out:
Reclaim Nottingham!
This street party is an attempt to reclaim our city from corporate bloodsuckers, grey-faced bureaucrats and humourless wardens and police. When CCTV watches our every move and even busking can get you a ticket, having fun for free has been made illegal. We want to change that. Come and join the party!
This city is supposed to belong to us, the people of Nottingham. But most of the city centre is controlled by giant companies who only want to drain money out of us. Even the Market Square has become another place for the Council to make a few bob. We are only allowed in if we have money to spend. It’s time to take back the space.
One of the worst offenders are the banks. Making billions out of arms, oil and environmental destruction isn’t enough – they still need to be propped up by bailouts from the taxpayer. Whilst their friends in government make our lives a misery with cuts to services, the bankers are using public money to top up their multi-million pound bonuses. Enough’s enough! Chase the bankers out of town.
Cuts Protest @ Vodafone, Boots, NatWest, TopShop..
Notts UK Uncut occupied Lloyds TSB Bank Nottingham
& recently ........
NHS Campaigners hang Andrew Lansley for his crimes
Cuts campaigners @ HSBC Vodafone Virgin & the rest
Protests in Notts Mark 63rd Anniversary of NHS [Feature]
Notts UK Uncut
UK Uncut
Notts Save our Services
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Remembering Carlo Giuliani in Berlin
17-07-2011 17:55
Ten years ago Carlo Giuliani was shot dead by police at the G8 protests in Genoa, Italy. His death marked the escalation of a transnational struggle against capitalist globalization. Yesterday, anti-capitalists in Berlin remembered the tragic loss of the young militants life and vented their anger against a murderous system.
In the last weeks numerous stencils and posters announced a demonstration in remembrance of Carlo Giuliani. The posters stated explicitly that the demonstration would not be registered with the authorities. This is highly unusual in Germany, where demonstrations have to be registered in advance with the police and local authorities, which normally sets in motion a surveillance and control apparatus which ensures that no disruption of the normal state of affairs is possible. But not this time.
It was a warm night in Berlin-Kreuzberg and the police was already waiting at Lausitzer Platz, the rally point of the demonstration. Via megaphone the cops arrogantly announced that any unregistered demonstration would not be allowed to proceed. Suddenly, out of the dark a masked black bloc of 1000 people emerged, bypassing the riot units and marching fast through Kreuzberg, shouting "polizia assassini" on its way. The cops were taken by suprise but quickly followed the demonstration, trying to cut off its way. In this moment the demonstration split up in smaller groups, swarming the nightlife area of Kreuzberg, causing traffic interruptions, engaging in skirmishes with the cops, throwing stones and bottles at fleeing police vans, and generally causing chaos for the following hours.
Last night, we not only remembered Carlo, but reminded the security apparatus which killed him that we are still here.
Pictures and video from the action:
Full article | 2 additions | 3 comments
Freedom: Comrades Jailed
17-07-2011 17:41
Seven protestors have been jailed in the last couple of weeks in London and it is likely that more will follow soon.Obviously they deserve our support and also we must do everything possible to avoid others being imprisoned.