Squattastic meeting sun 17th july getting organised for mobilise innit
John Little | 18.07.2011 00:05
Very good squattastic meeting today organising an mobilising to defend our rights to trespass,protest and squat,against the criminalisation of squatters/homeless and for tenants rights.
Very good squattastic meeting today organising an mobilising to defend our rights to trespass,protest and squat,against the criminalisation of squatters/homeless,for tenants rights.Consultation launched : we have 12 weeks.
Minutes soon posted on squattastic.blogspot.com
Squatters Action Group formed : next 3 dates for action group
1) sat 23rd July direct action / climbing training at Dale Farm Essex noon onwards bring tents
2) sat 6th aug 2-6pm action group meet at well furnished 11 terrace rd e9 hackney.
3) 27/28th august direct action workshop and training weekend at Dale Farm Essex
Working groups formed :arts n Culture,direct action,legal,next squattastics,benefit events/squatters ball,squash research
Links made to groups/feedback from groups in cities,Bristol,Brighton,Manchester,Leeds,Nottingham
Also Housingsolidaritymovement (housolidarity - twitter)
Students groups from Uni occcupations.
Housing groups and co-ops
Spanish,polish , czeck and Dutch groups
also check websites : squashcampaign.org
dalefarm.wordpress.com and defendtherightto protest.org
facebook group ' i used to squat and dont want to see it criminalised'
Next squattastic sunday 7th aug.
Keep Networking
Whatever they say squatting will stay
Minutes soon posted on squattastic.blogspot.com
Squatters Action Group formed : next 3 dates for action group
1) sat 23rd July direct action / climbing training at Dale Farm Essex noon onwards bring tents
2) sat 6th aug 2-6pm action group meet at well furnished 11 terrace rd e9 hackney.
3) 27/28th august direct action workshop and training weekend at Dale Farm Essex
Working groups formed :arts n Culture,direct action,legal,next squattastics,benefit events/squatters ball,squash research
Links made to groups/feedback from groups in cities,Bristol,Brighton,Manchester,Leeds,Nottingham
Also Housingsolidaritymovement (housolidarity - twitter)
Students groups from Uni occcupations.
Housing groups and co-ops
Spanish,polish , czeck and Dutch groups
also check websites : squashcampaign.org
dalefarm.wordpress.com and defendtherightto protest.org
facebook group ' i used to squat and dont want to see it criminalised'
Next squattastic sunday 7th aug.
Keep Networking
Whatever they say squatting will stay
John Little
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