Reclaim Nottingham! party hits town (Notts Indymedia + Reclaim Nottingham! + Notts Uncut) | 18.07.2011 08:55
On Saturday a roving street party against the enclosure of public space for private profit was held in the city centre. A mobile sound system toured around town paying visits to banks and other corporate targets. Participants gave out hundreds of flyers protesting social control of the city centre and the human and environmental destruction of the banks. Meanwhile Notts Uncut held a protest outside Vodaphone on Clumber Street after an incident in which a ten year old boy was alleged to have been assaulted by staff. The shop was forced to close early.
Newswire: Street party against social control & the banks | Vodafone - Tax Avoidance Bad; Child Abuse Worse. | Street party against business, banks, service cuts
Previous features: Notts Uncut: Emergency Operation | Notts Uncut campaigners shut Natwest Bank
Reclaim Nottingham! flyer
This street party is an attempt to reclaim our city from corporate bloodsuckers, grey-faced bureaucrats and humourless wardens and police. When CCTV watches our every move and even busking can get you a ticket, having fun for free has been made illegal. We want to change that. Come and join the party!
This city is supposed to belong to us, the people of Nottingham. But most of the city centre is controlled by giant companies who only want to drain money out of us. Even the Market Square has become another place for the Council to make a few bob. We are only allowed in if we have money to spend. It’s time to take back the space.
One of the worst offenders are the banks. Making billions out of arms, oil and environmental destruction isn’t enough – they still need to be propped up by bailouts from the taxpayer. Whilst their friends in government make our lives a misery with cuts to services, the bankers are using public money to top up their multi-million pound bonuses. Enough’s enough! Chase the bankers out of town.
Vodaphone incident
Last weekend Notts Uncut were protesting outside Vodafone. They’d dropped the shutters and a ten year old boy was looking through the shutters when a member of staff inside the shop slammed her hand into the shutter forcing it into his face. This was witnessed by around 20 people.
His dad went into the shop the following day to complain and the store manager agreed the member of staff’s behaviour had been unacceptable and promised a written apology from Vodafone to the boy and a personal apology from the member of staff.
We went to Vodafone today for him to receive his apology and Vodafone have now decided that no incident took place and no apology would be made. After imparting this news they pulled the shutters down again so Notts Uncut maintained a presence outside the shop until they closed up and sent their staff home at 3.30.
Vodafone need to know that it’s not ok to avoid tax and it’s not ok to attack children then lie about it. (Notts Indymedia + Reclaim Nottingham! + Notts Uncut)