UK Newswire Archive
Party and protest against sweatshops this Saturday
29-10-2003 11:26
Workers in a Mexican sweatshop supplying Levis and Tommy Hilfiger face starvationafter 7 were sacked (and 200 more threatened with it) for daring to form a union.
Indymedia Cinema - London October 30th
29-10-2003 11:07
Indymedia Cinema@ The Other Cinema
Politics >> Video >> Art
Iraq's guerrillas adopt new strategy: copy the Americans. By Robert Fisk
29-10-2003 04:09
By Robert Fisk. The Independent.Understanding the brain. That's what you have to do in a guerrilla war. Find out how it works, what it's trying to do. An attack on US headquarters in Baghdad and six suicide bombings, all at the start of Ramadan. Thirty-four dead and 200 wounded. Where have I heard those statistics before? And how could they be so well co-ordinated - well-timed, down to the last second? And why the Red Cross?
29-10-2003 03:54
Another example of racism and anti-semitism live in the UK today! All anti racists should get together to get this Nazi professor fired from his job!International Civil Rights Movement for the Victims of Jihad and Islamization
29-10-2003 01:55
Radical Jihad-Islamism is a supremacist, quasi-racist ideology that is now waging terrorist war worldwide against innocent men, women and children it labels "infidels." This ideology is supporting religious wars against non-Islamist Muslims and non-Muslim infidels worldwide. It is seeking to establish Apartheid-like regimes similar to those in Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Sudan, to subjugate and control "infidels."'Syrian' Bomber Caught Alive in Baghdad, U.S. Says
29-10-2003 00:25
Anti-American groups sponsored and protected by Syrian ArmyWar Criminal in Norwich 29/10/03 All Welcome!!
28-10-2003 23:10
Albright at the UEA.Madeleine Albright ambushed in a dark alley: we were everywhere!
28-10-2003 23:05
Details of action against Madeleine Albright by Oxford students and residents at the Union, 28 October 2003The Murder of David Kelly; Part Two of Two, an Analysis
28-10-2003 22:22
(In part one of this report we examined evidence ignored by the national media, both in the U.S. and U.K., that shows fairly conclusively (at least to this writer) that Dr. David Kelly did not commit suicide. * (For an expanded, detailed report of more evidence see the URL in the footnote below.) In this last part, we will look at Kelly’s involvement in and/or knowledge of the secrets of several governments so explosive that once he was adjudged “unreliable” he had to be eliminated.)Albright definitely gets the message that she is not welcome in Oxford
28-10-2003 21:50

Here is a report of what I saw or heard of, and a few pictures I took.
Ramadan Mubarak; Ramadan campaigns
28-10-2003 21:39
27th October 2003Ramadan Mubarak; Ramadan campaigns and what's new at
IHRC would like to wish all Ramadan Mubarak.
1. What you can do for Palestine this Ramadan
2. Other IHRC campaigns
3. Whatís new at
ROMANIA: Diamond slavery
28-10-2003 21:17
Israeli entrepreneur Menachem Zvik, owner of the MCR International Afumati Romania - is working diamonds by exploiting its workers in apalling conditions.Public Meeting: STOP BUSH!
28-10-2003 21:08
Public meeting on 30th October in advance of the visit of George Bush. National and local speakers followed by discussion in groups of activities around the Bush visit and beyond.Portrait of a cannon fodder in Iraq (by Latuff)
28-10-2003 20:44

Resistance on the Rail
28-10-2003 18:59
One train passenger describes his spontaneous acts of resistance on the rails.A Reminder... Bush Demonstration Details
28-10-2003 18:15
Just a remender of the Anti-Bush Demonstrations...Friday 31st: Hallowe'en London Critical Mass!
28-10-2003 17:52
Critical Mass this friday in London, spread the word.