UK Newswire Archive
London Picket of Serbian Embassy for arrested @'s - Report
14-09-2009 13:42

Switch Off Hazelwood
14-09-2009 13:17

Transition Town Worthing announces The End of Suburbia film event
14-09-2009 13:11

Manchester alert - don't be a guinea pig
14-09-2009 12:08
NO2ID Launch new campaign to oppose roll-out of ID cardsAustralian activists breach fence of power plant - now lets shut down Ratcliffe!
14-09-2009 11:46

"Approximately five hundred people took part in today's historic action at the Hazelwood coal power station, while 22 people managed to get themselves arrested while attempting to slap a 'Community Decommission Order' on Hazelwood.
Cardiff - Fight For Jobs/Fight For The Planet
14-09-2009 11:39
Thursday, 17 September 2009, 17:00 - 18:30, Nye Bevan StatueEnd of Queen St, Cardiff
CALL OUT for help with South London's Library House Social Centre
14-09-2009 00:56
South London's Social Centre Needs YOU!2 AR demos this week in the north
13-09-2009 23:54
there will be 2 demonstrations for anti vivasection this week againt Sanofi AventisWorkers' Fightback: Refuse workers against rubbish pay, Vestas, subway sabotage
13-09-2009 23:36
We support... rank and file workers' struggles against the chaotic profit system!We believe... workers know how to run our workplaces far better than business people, the government, or trade union leaders!
We aim for... workers' control over our own jobs and our own lives!
BT’s £59 Million Investment in Arms
13-09-2009 22:55

"A witness at the BT building said: “They came running in and jumped over the security barriers, smashing glasses and telephones.
“Some of them went up to two floors above, having a look round and writing graffiti.
“It could have been really frightening but when they started shouting about BT being involved in the arms trade I knew that they didn’t know what they were going on about. Then they must have got bored and left.”
The Standard leaves it at that, but we thought you might be interested to know more about BT’s investments in the arms trade.
Charlie Sheen Challenges President Obama to Re-Open 9/11 Investigations
13-09-2009 22:30

World Music festival - Anti-fascist Benefit Night 16 Sept
13-09-2009 22:23

Norman Borlaug, father of the Green Revolution, dies
13-09-2009 20:37

Fundraiser for striking Tower Hamlets workers, Sat 19th Sept, Freedom
13-09-2009 19:49
The newly-formed London Education Workers' Group is holding a fundraiser in support of the striking Tower Hamlets education workers.A Film Festival With Much To Say
13-09-2009 19:25
VENICE – The film industry’s foremost social critic, Michael Moore, did not win the Golden Lion at the 66th Venice Film Festival but his documentary ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ was the torch bearer of a blunt new cinematographic realism exposing our ailing societies, our lopsided economies and the reason for poverty in many parts of the world, including the United States.Prague: A report from the yesterday action
13-09-2009 17:50
The police attack was really brutal, worse since anti-IMF protest in 2000. Batons, telescopic batons, tear-gas, sound grenades… Many people were beaten up and about 100 people were arrested.Full article | 1 addition | 19 comments
Calling all unemployed!
13-09-2009 15:49

Launch of SHAC North America
13-09-2009 12:46

Pain doubles at HLS, animal use drops 34%
13-09-2009 12:23

Clear-felling to resume at Mainshill Wood
13-09-2009 10:52