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A flying start to the new year for anti-aviation campaigners

10-01-2009 01:31

Campaigners against aviation expansion are having a hectic start to the new year. Half of those arrested for blockading Stansted airport last year have now been sentenced and all are under threat of being sued for damages. Meanwhile, airport operator BAA have managed to get the Plane Stupid website taken down and are preparing for the Climate Rush action on monday the 12th by threatening MPs who have said they will attend the events at Heathrow and Manchester airport. To cap it all, the government is set to announce the go-ahead for Heathrows runway three this coming week.

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Open letter to Foreign Secretary David Miliband re the carnage in Gaza

10-01-2009 00:53

This is a short letter to British Foreign Secretary David Miliband about the failure of the British government to condemn Israel's actions and Israel's continued defiance of the United Nations and International Law.

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Swindon vigil for Gaza

09-01-2009 22:40

People in Swindon held a candle-lit vigil to draw attention to the ongoing massacre in Gaza.

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kritical mass for gaza

09-01-2009 22:07

good action today made by the kritikal mass

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SHAC ACTION ALERT : No Let Up For Animal Abusers

09-01-2009 21:08

This alert focuses on a HLS shareholder, Vanguard Group. This company hold
nearly one hundred thousands blood stained shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences,
who trade under the name, LSR (Life Science Research).

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From Oakland to Greece-fuck the police!

09-01-2009 20:58

Todays protest in Athens-Greece.

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Bankruptcy and administration affect thousands of retail workers

09-01-2009 20:03

A number of large British retail firms have gone into administration, causing tens of thousands of job losses. Over the past year more than 3,000 UK firms went into administration—some 1,006 companies in the third quarter alone.

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Act Local, Act Now

09-01-2009 20:01

Yesterday was the worst day of bombardment for Gaza yet you wouldn't know that from UK TV, newspapers or radio. Today seems just as bad so far although the media are still only talking about fake peace deals, weasel words and crocodile tears. We have to assume the killing is going to accelerate until the politicians are motivated. WE are OUR politicians only motivation.

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Demo in Athens remembering the killing Nikos Temponeras - pics

09-01-2009 19:46

Teachers and students demonstrate against the privation of education and police repression.

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This email is being monitored by your government ...

09-01-2009 19:27

... or it will be from the 15th of March 2009.

What is happening then?

From that date forth your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will
by law have to keep a copy of the address of every email you send and
receive (Including any junk mail your receive offering you pills,
potions and other services!) and it is estimated it will cost the
government in the region of 15-25 Million pounds per year (How many
teachers, nurses etc could that fund?)

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FIT policing at the Gaza demo (Sat 3rd Jan)

09-01-2009 19:13

The Gaza demonstration last Saturday was justifiably passionate, angry and determined, and there were many more there than the 12,000 that the police claimed.

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Direct Action; Greece, UK, Mexico & USA

09-01-2009 18:03

7th-9th January


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This Week in Palestine -Week 02 2009

09-01-2009 17:46

This Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center, for January 3rd 2009 through to January 9th 2009.

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Critical Mass Bikeride for Palestine Tonight!

09-01-2009 16:08

meet 6pm in middle of roundabout,Hyde Park Corner

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Gaza solidarity vigil - Falmouth - 10th January

09-01-2009 15:23

Gaza Solidarity vigil - 10th January - 10am - The Moor

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325 #6 Out Now - Social War & Anarchy. Jan 2009

09-01-2009 13:56

325 is an insurgent anti-prison zine of social war & anarchy, published underground for the last 5 years. It is an irregular platform for hidden news of the ongoing resistance against capitalism and the state, and the situations of the prisoners, who are imprisoned for their ideals.

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Around the Campaigns Friday 9th January 2009

09-01-2009 12:26

'No immigration procedures affecting children have been changed by the UKBA Code of practice for keeping children safe from harm'

There are 43 children in Yarl's Wood IRC this morning

Raphael aged 5, has now spent 36 days in immigration detention
His mother still does not have removal directions, please email/fax every day.

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HOPI Meeting- Leeds- 12 Jan

09-01-2009 12:15

Hands Off the Peopleof Iran - Leeds.

Open invitation to discuss our activity over the next year.

Headingley Community Centre - 7.15 pm - Monday 12th January
(North Lane, near the library)

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Vigil at Foreign Secretary Milibands Primrose Hill house: TODAY 2PM

09-01-2009 12:13

A group of Islington residents and supporters of Yibna will hold a vigil in front of the house of David Miliband in Primrose Hill. They will protest against the appeasement by Foreign Secretary Miliband of the 2 week long Israeli blitz of Gaza.

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Stop the zionist war mongers at Trafalgar Square, Sun, 11th January!

09-01-2009 11:52

Zionist suppportters are holding a rally in support of Israels war against the Palestinians in Gaza in Trafalgar Square on Sunday the 11th of January, from 10:40am to 12noon. This rally must not go unopposed! Please turn up to counter demonstrate.