This email is being monitored by your government ...
PP Tony | 09.01.2009 19:27 | Repression | Technology
... or it will be from the 15th of March 2009.
What is happening then?
From that date forth your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will
by law have to keep a copy of the address of every email you send and
receive (Including any junk mail your receive offering you pills,
potions and other services!) and it is estimated it will cost the
government in the region of 15-25 Million pounds per year (How many
teachers, nurses etc could that fund?)
What is happening then?
From that date forth your ISP (Internet Service Provider) will
by law have to keep a copy of the address of every email you send and
receive (Including any junk mail your receive offering you pills,
potions and other services!) and it is estimated it will cost the
government in the region of 15-25 Million pounds per year (How many
teachers, nurses etc could that fund?)
How do I know this is true and not some hoax?
Here is a link to the BBC web page story:
What can I do about it?
1. There is a petition to sign demanding that the government
stop this.
However you might not wish to sign a petition administered by the very government that is planning this! What a good way for them to find out who doesn't like their plans for whatever reason!!!
What's next?
Reports have suggested the government has even bigger plans for
data retention.
They could involve one central database, gathering details on every
text sent, e-mail sent, phone call made and website visited.
Do you want this?
If not then start spreading the word about what your
government is doing and help retain the freedoms we currently enjoy in
this country (We've seen this kind of control in governments elsewhere
like China, Russia etc)
And if you thought email retention was bad enough, according to The Times "The Home Office has quietly adopted a new plan to allow police across Britain routinely to hack into people’s personal computers without a warrant".
discussed at
"Ministers are considering spending up to £12 billion on a database to monitor and store the internet browsing habits, e-mail and telephone records of everyone in Britain"
Of course the bottom line is that this has being going on for years through US/UK spy bases like Menwith Hill, so assume that every phone call and email message can heard/read by anyone and act accordingly (eg by not receiving emails from mailing lists like this one!)
However if paranoia stops anyone acting for positive social change, hey job done and the government can relax!
If you know of campaigns that can realistically challenge all this nonsense then post details here.
There is already a discussion on computer/data security at
And see "Privacy, Email and Activism - a brief intro" at
Here is a link to the BBC web page story:

What can I do about it?
1. There is a petition to sign demanding that the government
stop this.

However you might not wish to sign a petition administered by the very government that is planning this! What a good way for them to find out who doesn't like their plans for whatever reason!!!
What's next?
Reports have suggested the government has even bigger plans for
data retention.
They could involve one central database, gathering details on every
text sent, e-mail sent, phone call made and website visited.
Do you want this?
If not then start spreading the word about what your
government is doing and help retain the freedoms we currently enjoy in
this country (We've seen this kind of control in governments elsewhere
like China, Russia etc)
And if you thought email retention was bad enough, according to The Times "The Home Office has quietly adopted a new plan to allow police across Britain routinely to hack into people’s personal computers without a warrant".

discussed at

"Ministers are considering spending up to £12 billion on a database to monitor and store the internet browsing habits, e-mail and telephone records of everyone in Britain"

Of course the bottom line is that this has being going on for years through US/UK spy bases like Menwith Hill, so assume that every phone call and email message can heard/read by anyone and act accordingly (eg by not receiving emails from mailing lists like this one!)
However if paranoia stops anyone acting for positive social change, hey job done and the government can relax!
If you know of campaigns that can realistically challenge all this nonsense then post details here.
There is already a discussion on computer/data security at

And see "Privacy, Email and Activism - a brief intro" at

PP Tony
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