UK Newswire Archive
Unfair Media Bias Against China, with coverage of chinese protesters on 19/04/08
19-04-2008 22:10
It's time to publish what the media won't, the other side of the story.Meeting tomorrow at Somers Town community Centre midday. Sunday 20th April
19-04-2008 21:48
Candidates for London Mayor & the London Assemblty will be meeting the people of Somers Town & St Pancras. One of the topics on the agenda will be the lab. {World's largest ever, highest level, virus containment facility & animal testing lab" due to be built on a Camden council house estate.Organised by Somers Town Peoples Forum.
Peer-reviewed paper on the structural failure of the 3 skyscrapers on 9/11
19-04-2008 21:41

One rebuff that has been used by many people who oppose the theory that the twin towers and the 47 story World Trade Centre 7 might not have collapsed due to the impact of the two jets and the subsequent fires is that nothing challenging the official story has been published in a peer reviewed journal, for example Noam Chomsky has said:
I am not persuaded by the assumption that much documentation and other evidence has been uncovered. To determine that, we'd have to investigate the alleged evidence. Take, say, the physical evidence. There are ways to assess that: submit it to specialists -- of whom there are thousands -- who have the requisite background in civil-mechanical engineering, materials science, building construction, etc., for review and analysis; and one cannot gain the required knowledge by surfing the internet. In fact, that's been done, by the professional association of civil engineers. Or, take the course pursued by anyone who thinks they have made a genuine discovery: submit it to a serious journal for peer review and publication. To my knowledge, there isn't a single submission.
And of course this point has has also been raised on Indymedia before and now there has finally has been a paper published in a peer-reviewed journal, The Open Civil Engineering Journal, 2008, 2, 35-40, a PDF of the article is attached and a text version follows.
See also the World Trade Centre Building 7 section of the 2006 Sheffield Indymedia feature on 11th September 2001 and the interview with Architect Richard Gage and Professor Steven Jones conducted by Chris Burnett, one of the founders of Indymedia in February 2008.
Hackney Social Centre Under Threat of Eviction!
19-04-2008 17:59

latest indymedia london offline & infousurpa
19-04-2008 17:51

100,000 civil servants to strike on April 24
19-04-2008 17:43

Workers in ten government departments and agencies will join thousands of other public and voluntary sector workers in a strike over pay.
Today in Palestine
19-04-2008 17:18
Israeli soldiers thwarted an attempt by a band of terrorists to cross into Israel, attack Kibbutz Kerem Shalom and kidnap Israeli soldiers and civilians.Hands Off Iraqi oil protest inside and outside BP AGM
19-04-2008 16:55
As 'corporate pirates' gave out shareholder briefings under the banner of 'BP in Iraq - Blatant Piracy' outside, a number of be-suited HOIO activists were present at the BP AGM inside...For photos see
Petreaus & Crocker, Obama & Clinton: No Matter Who Wins, the War Goes On
19-04-2008 11:09

Chiswick protest to get Total Oil Out of Burma
19-04-2008 08:47

Free Mumia now! All out today at 1pm, US Embassy, London!
19-04-2008 08:22

Mumia Abu-Jamal
is innocent!
Abolish the racist
death penalty!
Saturday 19 April
1pm, US Embassy,
Grosvenor Square, London W1A
(Nearest Tube: Bond Street)
Contact the Partisan Defence Committee on 020 7281 5504 or at

Netanyahu Says Any Abbas-Olmert Agreement Will be Voided
19-04-2008 07:06
What Netanyahu has done has been to literally sabotage any possibility of an agreement by saying that Israel won't honor any agreement between Abbas and Olmert.If "Bebe" Netanyahu unilaterally voids a peace deal made by the previous Prime Minister, the diplomatic future of any agreements made with any other nations is also in peril. .
Because if one Israeli PM can void out an agreement a previous Prime Minister has signed off on, then absolutely no foreign policy accords with any country with Israel can ever be seen to be binding, including those done with the US.
This means that Israel's word, as a nation, to another sovereign nation, can be scuttled at the whim of any future prime minister who doesn't like what his predecessor did.
That said, I do not think that Likud Chairman Netanyahu really has to worry.
Olmert appears to be just "running out the clock" on the current administration, waiting for what he believes may be a "better deal" on any Palestinian statehood from whoever winds up in office after the November elections.
What needs to happen is for the world to get involved in ending Zionism's program of wiping Palestine off the map, and taking the faux 'peace process' Israeli Extremists use to perpetuate the conflict out out of the hands of the war's biggest sponsor.
Sequani 6 Trial Coming to an end at Birmingham crown court
18-04-2008 23:48
The trial of the 6 brave animal liberation defendants fighting sec 145 Socpa is nearing an end after 3 and a half months at Birmingham crown court.The jury may well be sent out Monday 28th April.
Thank you to all that donated and supported the 6 throughout this long trial.
The Animal Liberation/ Rights/ Welfare movement will never forget this support
The trial will commence 21, 23, 24, 25, 28 April 08.
10.30am - 4.00pm daily Brum crown court,court9.
Keep On Keepin ... .. .
Nottingham Zimbabwe demo calling for release of election results
18-04-2008 21:53

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Brighton Council Release On The Verge Censorship Papers
18-04-2008 20:50

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911 Cultist and UCL Research Fellow in Holocaust Denial Shame
18-04-2008 20:03
The dark side of conspiracy theory has been exposed this week with the news that prominent 911 'truth' activist and UCL Research Fellow, Dr Nicholas Kollerstrom is a committed holocaust revisionist who has published many articles online detailing his warped views on the holocaust (1).Scientology, the Metropolitan Police, and Number 10
18-04-2008 19:37
A cult is trying to influence the British police. Why is the government ignoring it?This Week In Palestine – Week 16 2008
18-04-2008 18:42

The new open-publishing internet radio platform called!
18-04-2008 18:28

Dissident Island - Zine Special tonight
18-04-2008 18:00