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The film police tried to ban in Wales

18-04-2008 17:56

On the Verge is a film about Smash EDO, an anti arms/anti war campaign from Brighton. For the last four years Smash EDO has used a variety of tactics including direct action to try and shut down an arms factory that was proud to supply weapons used against the people of Iraq, Palestine, Somalia.......The campaign is no stranger to dirty police tactics as it fought and won an injunction in the High court costing the company 1 million pounds!

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San Isidro. In their own words.

18-04-2008 14:26

The imprisoned villagers shortly after they were beaten by the paramilitaries.
Below is a translation of a document produced by the people of San Isidro Aloapam which explains in detail the history of the forest dispute. Also the corruption they have faced at every level. The picture below shows the injuries sustained by six of the villagers at the hands of the paramilitaries.

For details on how to show practical solidarity to those who have been beaten, tortured and imprisoned click here:

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Direct Action; Germany, UK, Mexico & Sweden

18-04-2008 14:00

15th-18th March


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carnival aginast the arms trade 4th june

18-04-2008 13:19

4th June
Carnival against the arms trade

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South African Union Refuses to Unload Chinese Arms for Mugabe in Durban Port

18-04-2008 11:57

The Working Class Takes a Stand: Stop Chinese Arms Shipment to the Zimbabwean Regime!

We welcome and support the decision by the South African Transport and Allied Workers Union for their workers neither to unload nor transport the shipment of Chinese-made armaments destined for Zimbabwe. This is a very encouraging sign of working class solidarity and internationalism, and we hope that such actions will indeed prevent this weapons consignment from reaching its destination - the Zimbabwean Defence Force.
At the same time, if the transport workers should fail, if President Robert Mugabe's friends should find a way to bypass their resistance, all who stand with the Zimbabwean people should be ready to take a stand. Should the action taken by Satawu fail to prevent the armaments from being transported across South African territory to Zimbabwe, we call on all progressive elements across the country to intervene.

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SOCPA - the dirt behind the imprisonment of barbara tucker

18-04-2008 11:52

a high court hearing and a document given 'charity sweet' blow a huge hole in the decision to imprison her - now the matter of her imprisonment will be added to the forthcoming judicial review of various aspects of the constitutional campaign of harassment against her.

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Extraordinary Rendition - ER, what does it mean to you?

18-04-2008 10:54

The folllowing is the new information leaflet produced by the London Guantánamo Campaign about Extraordinary Rendition, as part of our new campaign on extraordinary rendition - please distribute widely.

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Criminal Architecture

18-04-2008 10:36

Contemporary security architecture versus classical security architecture.

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Privatising War: NATO contractor rearms Taleban

18-04-2008 10:17

AFP reports a "private helicopter company" hired by NATO's International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) has dropped ammunition , food and water into a Taleban held area in southern Afghanistan.

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Mass Graves of Canadian Children Revealed; Catholic Pope Issued Letter of Demand

18-04-2008 09:41

At a public ceremony and press conference held yesterday in downtown Vancouver, the Friends and Relatives of the Disappeared (FRD) released a list of twenty eight mass graves across Canada holding the remains of untold numbers of aboriginal children who died in Indian Residential Schools, most of them run by the Catholic Church.

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Around the Campaigns Friday 18th April 2008

18-04-2008 09:27

Betty A
Self Harm in Immigration Detention - January to December 2007
- In this period every 2.3 days a detainee self-harmed requiring medical treatment. Last year 157 detainees were hospitalized after self-harming, 1,517 were put on 'Formal Self-Harm at Risk'

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Biofuels protesters disable fuel pumps

18-04-2008 09:13

Agro-fuels protesters disabled the fuel pumps of two BP filling stations early Tuesday morning in opposition to mandatory blending of biofuels into petrol and diesel. Protesters argue that biofuels will worsen climate change, and cause food shortages.
Protesters have taken this action in Edinburgh as part of a national day of action against biofuels - April Biofools day - coinciding with the Renewable Transport Fuel Obligation's (RTFO) coming into force, making it a legal requirement to mix 2.5% biofuels into all petrol and diesel.

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Facsist Home Attacked

18-04-2008 08:54

Bedfordshire Fagin Facsist Home Attacked

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Rath Lugh Direct Action Camp Evicted

18-04-2008 08:08

thursday 17th April

Shortly before 1 o clock today there was a peaceful eviction of the Rath Lugh Camp. Four Protectors who were on site were told by Gardai that they had to be out by 1 o clock and to gather up their belongings and leave. This was not done in an aggressive manner and was complied with by the Protectors.

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Project 2012 Meeting Report

18-04-2008 07:36

Humanity in the UK 1012 – 2012
New Project: Inaugural Meeting Report

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Social Service attack the most vulnerable - the disabled

18-04-2008 00:13

Liverpool SS now called Community service management whilst recieving a serious amount of Council Tax payers money, are closing down kitchens in day centres throughout the city.

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Solidarity with Iraq’s orphans

18-04-2008 00:10

Only silence has echoed through the corridors of power in Great Britain, in relation to the news that 4.5 million child orphans now exist in Iraq, according to the Iraqi Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

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Radio Indymedia Back Online - get involved

17-04-2008 23:30

After being offline for over a year, is back online. For a variety of technical problems the amazing resourse that was IMC-RADIO was gone from us, which meant that people all over the world could no longer publish their audio, access and listen to old audio, click on the site to get quickly directed to audio nodes and news from all over our little planet. For those audio geeks it was a big big loss. But now, it's back:

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ALF Outreach

17-04-2008 23:09

Animal Liberation
A few examples & Communiqué.

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Western Media Fabrications regarding the Tibet Riots

17-04-2008 23:00

The images of the violent riots in Lhasa, in which a criminal mob set fire to shops, homes and schools, burning several people alive, and stabbing innocent civilians with knives were not shown on network TV in the US and Western Europe. Small segments of the riots in Lhasa were shown out of context and with a view to accusing the Chinese authorities of repressing a "peaceful protest".