UK Newswire Archive
Last Hours benefit gig for Occupied London journal, 7pm, 10.03 @Cross Kings
04-03-2008 22:49

m&s targeted in solidarity with palestinian people
04-03-2008 17:22

Fossil Fools Day - 1 Month to Go!
04-03-2008 15:51

Palestine Today 030408
04-03-2008 15:39

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Tuesday March 4th, 2008.
Strike threat resurfaces at Royal Mail
04-03-2008 15:37
Hot on the heels of the wildcat strikes over pay in 2007, Royal Mail faces the threat of a new round of industrial action.Unions have rejected the postal group's plan to overhaul its pensions scheme and are poised to ballot nearly 150,000 members over whether they back the plan or not.Labour government gags “extraordinary renditions” whistleblower
04-03-2008 15:22
Last Friday, the Labour government took out a high court injunction to prevent a former member of the British Special Air Services, Ben Griffin, from revealing further details about the government’s involvement in “extraordinary rendition”Vulnerable young woman faces deportation to Burundi tomorrow - urgent action ne
04-03-2008 15:06

Climate Camp 2008 to target Kingsnorth power station
04-03-2008 14:20
The Camp for Climate Action have announced the location for this years camp to be EON's Kingsnorth coal fired power station in Kent, from the 4th to 11th of August.DHL Hove Trashed in Solidarity with the Victims of EDO Corporation
04-03-2008 13:55
DHL provides courier services to EDO MBM, an arms manufacturer supplying weapons to the UK, US and Israeli armed forcesThe Systematic Abuse of Children by the State
04-03-2008 13:25
John Bowden writes from Noranside Prison, Scotland.Protests for Gaza in Berlin and Tel Aviv
04-03-2008 13:24

Latin in the Park initiative
04-03-2008 13:15
This piece details a new initiative the educational charity 'The Iris Project' is launching in inner city regions this summer.Appeal For Financial Assistance: UKZN Engineering Students
04-03-2008 12:35
Socialist Student Movement (SSM) has released the following press statement in solidarity with a group of engineering students who are instituting legal action against the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN). The Institution has filed opposing papers, and the matter will be coming before the Durban High Court in a few days. The students, who we believe have a very strong case, are in dire need of financial support towards legal fees. And anyone who is in a position to assist with whatever amount can deposit the funds into following account:Account Number: 62015762322
Bank: First National Bank
Branch: Davenport
Lancaster 'First' Carnival Of Culture 2008
04-03-2008 12:25

From Centros Miller, the Northern Link road and out-of-town supermarket plans at Lawson’s bridge, Lancaster is subject to a barrage of proposed developments designed to benefit large companies, yet threaten the fabric and liveliness of our communities. We are tired of the lack of any say for the residents of the city as to the direction that the planners are taking us.
The Carnival is about giving Centros, the Council and any other developers a taste of the strength of our communities and of our opposition. It’s also about making links and creating lots of exciting and fun events!"
Taken fron website....
Reclaim the Tracks!
04-03-2008 12:15
In the face of price increases of 3 times the rate of inflation for average rail journeys in the UK, arguments in support of greater public investment and even re-nationalisation are gaining strength. But as with so much of environmental and transport policy, the opposite is happening in practice.The Airline Emissions Trade - a price worth paying?
04-03-2008 12:12
Winners, losers and hidden costs in the carbon offset game.Many new encryption packages insecure
04-03-2008 11:30
Passwords remain in memory - problems with TrueCrypt and FileVault.British MP’s call to avoid attacking Iran welcomed
04-03-2008 11:30
The Westminster Committee on Iran today welcomed a report by the Commons foreign affairs committee warning that a military strike against Iran is unlikely to succeed and could provoke a violent backlash across the region.The Most Wanted List: International Terrorism
04-03-2008 10:34
Article about 'terrorism', and who are the biggest terroristsJumoke, Elizabeth and Daniella have been 'Snatched' again
04-03-2008 06:55