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Latin in the Park initiative

Lorna Robinson | 04.03.2008 13:15 | Education | London

This piece details a new initiative the educational charity 'The Iris Project' is launching in inner city regions this summer.

I run an educational charity, The Iris Project, which works to promote access to Classical languages, drama, history and art in comprehensive schools. I started up the Iris project two years ago, as a response to the fact that ancient history and languages had long become the preserve of private or other highly selective schools.

We have been working for the past two years with state schools in Hackney and Kilburn, and in this time have often been approached by many adults wanting to get involved as well. So we are launching a new initiative this summer for adults and families in regions of London. Sessions on Latin and ancient culture will be offered over the summer months at lunch times, and will take place in local parks. People will be able to bring their lunch (and a blanket!), and to learn some Latin and ancient culture. The classes will be a pound per session, to cover the costs of materials for the sessions.

They will start in May 2008 and continue throughout the summer. People can come along to one or to many sessions. The dates, venues and times will be announced on the website for the project and elsewhere once we've got an idea of the level of interest in each region.

Latin is often viewed as an elite area of study only accessible to the very educated or very wealthy, and this can be daunting or off-putting for people, so the intention is to encourage people from all walks of life and backgrounds in local communities to have a go at picking up a bit of Latin over lunch in a relaxed setting.

If people are interested in attending the sessions, then we'd be grateful if people could get in touch with us through the website at

Lorna Robinson
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