UK Newswire Archive
SOAS Occupied
22-11-2010 15:22
A few minutes ago SOAS students peacefully occupied the Brunei Gallery in the heart of London. The students are currently drawing up a list of commands. Will write up in a bit.
Wed 24 Nov - White Flag Revolution Mass Rally, Whitehall
22-11-2010 15:16
The White Flag Revolution will be hosting a mass rally starting at 10am on Wednesday 24th November 2010. - Whitehall (opposite Downing Street), Westminster, LondonAll English Groups Campaigning Against Opencast mining get a Boost
22-11-2010 14:36
A recent decision not to approve a new opencast mine application gains Government endorsement after a Public Inquiry - the first victory for Anti Opencast Campaigners for at least five years. This decision has implications for all prospective English applications including the Minorca application in LeicestershirePublic meeting for the Freeshop and Emporium art gallery
22-11-2010 14:22
Meeting this SaturdayMeeting this Saturday
Fighting the squatting ban (Netherlands)
22-11-2010 13:59

Gathering at Huntington Lane anti-coal site
22-11-2010 13:41
From the 10th-13th December, come to the shropshire anti-coal site for an action-packed weekend gathering.american press freedom in tatters
22-11-2010 13:31
at a yearly rally outside the georgian 'school of the americas', photographers and film crews have been targeted by US police according to reports by mainstream film crews caught up and imprisoned by police.Ratcliffe on Trial - Day 1 - cheap pix
22-11-2010 13:23
Whilst we wait for the expensive media camera crews to prepare their news report for 6pm / 6.30 this evening, here's one I took earlier with a battered, 2nd hand, 19th century mobile phone. Everyone is Indymedia.
Good to see the quick reportage appearing here already. This promises to be a moment in history, a step toward the day when all climate criminals are held responsible for their crimes, including those who have failed acknowledge the weight of 'legitimate protest, and failed to take any meaningful action in the legistature, the boardrooms or the international talkingg shops.
Eviction papers served on Stokes Croft Solidarity Club
22-11-2010 13:22
The Frowning Motorbike (AKA The Stokes Croft Solidarity Club) has been served eviction papers for next Monday.Activists have occupied the repossessed showroom in Stokes Croft for the past month. Now owned by Barclays – another bank profiting from those in crisis, the space has been converted into an events space to raise awareness and funds for local groups, such as Bristol Anti-Cuts Alliance, the Save Bracken Hill Botanical gardens campaign and the Stop Hinkley C Nuclear power station campaign. Hundreds of pounds have been raised here over the past few weeks for underfunded groups who aren't charged to use the space or facilities - all money raised goes to cause in question. Below is a copy of our guidelines. Any support, solidarity or event proposals for the near future are warmly invited...
Solidarity from Stokes Croft
SC2 (Stokes Croft Solidarity Club)
27 Stokes Croft, Bristol
The old motorcycle showroom lay empty for over two years. While the homeless and hapless shivered outside on its doorstep, its owners, Barclays, let it sit stagnating, little more to them than a statistic on a spreadsheet. Until a plucky little band of land pirates popped into the picture...
We have taken this space in the name of fun and fundraisers. As the government announces its latest 'austerity measures', cutting funding to essential social services, we have chosen to look for an alternative way to raise money for social projects. This is intended to be a space to socialize and build solidarity and awareness for good causes. This is not a place for mindless hedonism. But it is an affordable place to have a good night out.
The Steering group for this project is a closed collective. We are a group of people who know and trust each other and have worked on many projects together. We want as many people to be involved as possible. We encourage people to join the Caretaker collective to watch over the space and other groups to put on nights at this venue.
Collectives are invited to put on fundraisers at weekends. They will not be charged for use of the venue but are expected to be organized and follow the policies laid out below. They will also need to sort out a Clean-up crew and Door crew for the event.
No-one will be turned away for lack of funds. Donations are expected on a sliding scale from those who have an income. Utmost respect to the local community. Cut-off times must be observed and noise complaints taken seriously. This is a social space, anti-social behavior will not be tolerated. No dribbling. No ketamine. No gabba.
Sims Hill Shared Harvest Public Meeting
22-11-2010 13:22
Sims Hill Shared Harvest is a pioneering community led food initiative aiming to provide quality fruit and veg to its members, grown using natural farming techniques. We are excited to announce the membership launch over two dates; Nov 30 and Dec 5.Sims Hill Shared Harvest
is a Community Supported Agriculture enterprise aiming to:
• providing quality fruit and vegetables, grown using natural farming methods
• offering opportunities for people to learn, work and play together at the site
• working to include people who are disadvantaged
• building community life through creating a relationship with food and its production
We are thrilled to announce that we are finally ready to invite you to become a member of the Sims Hill Shared Harvest CSA.
We are holding public meetings on 30th November and 5th December to present the detail on our initial membership offer and also to update you on our latest project plans. There are two different meeting times which we hope makes it possible for everyone who is interested to come. If you can’t attend but want to take part please contact us at
1st meeting details:
30 November, 7:30 to 9:30 pm
St. Werburgh’s Community Centre, Horley Rd, Bristol, Avon BS2 9TJ
2nd meeting details:
5 December, 10:30 am to 12:30 pm
Wildgoose Space, The Yard, 228 Mina Road, BS2 9YP
Community Supported Agriculture = Food with a Face
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is a popular farming model where members come together and invest in the running of a farm, sharing the risk and sharing the harvest. It is a partnership between community members, growers and the land making a refreshing change from consumer culture. Sims Hill is located between Frenchay and the University of West England. We will be restoring Bristol's historic and fertile market gardens in a way that cares for soil, soul and society.
Check out our blog for more info
Breaking news: Ahava shop in London occupied again.
22-11-2010 12:54

Defend the dissent 24th November
22-11-2010 12:48
24th November has been called as national walkout for schools, colleges and universities. In London, a Carnival of Resistance has been called with an assembly point called for 11am at ULU, Malet Street.Breaking news... SOAS Occupied...
22-11-2010 12:46
A building at SOAS (School Of Oriental and African Studies) in London has been occupied. No to cuts!Mohammed El-Hassan DIYAB. Birmingham based man faces deportation to Sudan
22-11-2010 12:44

Ratcliffe on Trial - Day 1 - the trial begins
22-11-2010 12:23
A year and a half after being pre-emptively arrested alongside more than 100 other people, 20 climate change activists will begin a month-long trial today.
Supporters gathered outside Nottingham Crown Court holding signs which read, "I would stop emissions too".
Anyone in the Nottingham area who would like to meet the defendants or help out can come along to the SUMAC centre (NG7 6HX) each evening after the trial at 7pm for dinner at People's Kitchen.
The arrests were thought to be the biggest ever pre-emptive arrest of environmental activists. The defendants are charged with Conspiracy to Commit Aggravated Trespass for planning to safely shut down Ratcliffe-on-Soar power station for a week and in doing so stopping 150,000 tonnes of CO2 from being emitted. While they admit the intent, they maintain that they are not guilty of of a crime.
The defence will show that the activists acted out of necessity, to prevent death and serious injury. According to official sources, 300,000 people per year already lose their lives due to the effects of climate change and half a billion are at "extreme risk". (
Rebecca Quinn, 32, who was one of those arrested in April but later had the charges dropped, said, "Climate Change is hitting those least responsible for it the hardest. Low-lying island nations are already seeing salt water encroach on their farm land, and in recent years we have seen an increasing frequency of extreme weather events. Coal is the dirtiest method of electricity generation, and must be stopped. To avoid a climate crisis, we must put people before profit. In the face of government apathy and the failure of the Copenhagen conference, it is ordinary people taking direct action who are desperately trying to avoid a bleak future of flooding, drought, crop failure and water shortages."
James Hansen, the high profile scientist who is the Head of NASA's Goddard Institute, is one of the many expert witnesses who will testify during the trial at Nottingham Crown Court. The leading climatologist will guide the jury through the complexities of climate science and explain how coal burning is jeopardizing the lives of millions.
Caroline Lucas MP, Leader of the Green Party will give expert evidence about the failure to achieve action on climate change domestically and within the EU parliament through more conventional political means. It will be argued that the defendants had no alternative but to physically stop the power station emitting CO2, having exhausted other channels such as lobbying, campaigning, and attending marches.
The defendants are a diverse mix of people of varying ages from 21 to 45. Living across the UK, they work in teaching, science, computing, and many other areas. 114 people were originally arrested on 13th April 2009, but most subsequently had their charges dropped.
For regular updates on the trial see
Statement from NUT executive members in support of the school walk outs
22-11-2010 12:22
We the undersigned members of the National Union of Teachers National Executive wish to express our wholehearted support for, and solidarity with, the national day of protests and walkouts being organised by the National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts on November 24th.Bust Card
22-11-2010 12:22
Anyone fancy adapting this for Bristol / South West?Attached is 'bust card' compiled by a London group called the Green and Black Cross.
A bust card is something given out (if possible to everyone) on a demo to give them some knowledge of what the police can and can't do. It also gives some suggestions about what to do if you get arrested.
Does anyone know of a bristol solicitor, law firm or other legal organisation that would be prepared to have their details on a general bust card for Bristol?
It is safe to assume the police will be heavy-handed and up to any number of tricks at the students demo on Wednesday, so if anyone can get a local version together before then, and put it up on Bindymedia, that would be cool.
Mass bank withdrawal 7th December
22-11-2010 12:12
The beginning of the end?