UK Newswire Archive
Could Gaza go it alone?
18-06-2007 11:38

Geiger Counter Shootout At the OK Corral
18-06-2007 11:16

Nine to Five film night Wednesday 20 June Cafe Crema New Cross
18-06-2007 10:33

Enough Occupation Palestine Demo - MP3s of all speeches
18-06-2007 09:16

Muffled Voices: ElBaradei’s Unheard Assessments
17-06-2007 22:15
As the bridges uniting Iranian academia with their international colleagues burn, NGO’s come to a complete stop and our writers, activists and scholars sit in Evin, the Bush administration continues on its military plans for regime change. ElBaradei, the figure most well versed in the Iranian program’s progress, calls for the U.S. and Israel to halt plans of war against Iran, and we are left to wonder if anyone is listening.‘French Products’ stall anti-Foie-Gras leafleting in Cambridge
17-06-2007 21:32
Campaigners at ‘French Products’ in Cambridge again!Common Ground Garden - EVICTION RESISTANCE! Wed 20th June, 9.30am, Reading.
17-06-2007 21:10
// Common Ground Community Garden Eviction Resistance!// FUCK THE EVICTION, SAVE THE GARDEN!
// Meet at 9.30am, in Common Ground Garden, through the alleyway next to the Womens Information Centre, at the bottom of Silver Street, Reading.
The Battle of Gaza
17-06-2007 20:50
In less than 24 hours of fierce street-fighting, Bush’s proxy-army in Gaza was routed by armed units of Hamas. It was a stunning defeat for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, and for US-Israeli policymakers who have done everything in their power to overturn the “free and fair” election of the Hamas government. For now, Hamas has reestablished its authority in Gaza although Abbas is still working frantically with Bush and Olmert to consolidate his power in the West Bank. So far, Abbas has carried out the demands of his paymasters by replacing Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh with ex-World Bank official, Salam Fayyad---a Palestinian Karzai who will take his orders from Tel Aviv or Washington. Abbas does not have the constitutional authority to replace Prime Minister Haniyeh or to disband the Hamas-dominated government, but this point is typically overlooked in the western media.Film showing, speakers and social in solidarity with women and workers in Iran
17-06-2007 17:08
This night of discussion in solidarity with women and workers in Iran is being organised as part of Ideas for Freedom, the weekend of socialist debate and discussion organised by Workers' Liberty.Interview with the Salah Al-Ta'mari, the Governor of Bethlehem (date 08/04/2007)
17-06-2007 16:03
Interview on the 6 day war, the palestinian situation,the refugee issue and the 'civil' warA Setback for the 'Bush Doctrine' in Gaza
17-06-2007 15:57
What's occuring in Gaza is the direct result of US/Israeli schemes to destroy the PA, Hamas, and Palestinian unity. This was done because Zionism doesn't ever want to concede a Palestinian state.Climate Camp fun at Barracks Lane
17-06-2007 15:32

Leader of Iraq's Scary SCIRI has Died!
17-06-2007 15:16
The leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (Scary SCIRI) Abdul Hakim is dead!Benefit gig for Disarm DSEi - Thursday 21st June
17-06-2007 15:13

Disarm DSEi meeting in Brighton - Wednesday 20th June
17-06-2007 14:56
DSEi (Defence Systems & Equipment international), the world's largest arms fair, returns to East London's ExCeL Centre from 11-14 September. Despite massive local opposition, and a huge bill to the taxpayer, arms dealers will once again be free to deal in death and destruction.Help Stop the Nuclear Nightmare
17-06-2007 11:11

Peace is Dead, give War a Chance
17-06-2007 06:43
As the Middle East explodes in factional and sectarian conflict the neo-cons gloat, John Bolton and Condi Rice revealed U.S. policy during the South Lebanon conflict, their non-interventionist policy encouraged the slaughter of children and civilians by Israeli forces – peace is clearly of no use to American interests! What does it matter if most of the Middle East tears itself apart, America stands to gain from the mayhem and bloodshed.Photos: A million saturday staged the Gay Pride parade in Rome
17-06-2007 05:50

The Spanish Civil War: 40 years later: new translation
17-06-2007 03:07
This is a brand-new translation of a text from 1937 that has never been in English before.Full article | 1 addition | 7 comments
Climate activists glued to doors at airport : Pictures 2
17-06-2007 01:36