UK Newswire Archive
The End of EDO? EDO UK 2006 Accounts Expose 70% Profit Drop
01-11-2007 21:16

The 17 page document attached below reveals a massive drop in profit and an apparently unsustainable £10,000,000. debt.
The accounts also contain statements signed off as true by Director Paul Hills which are blatently false.
Insider sourced information and a revealing brick wall met under Freedom of Information Act paint a picture of an end in sight for the Brighton Bomb factory, that has been the focus of a sustained anti war campaign since 2004.
The question on every EDO MBM employee's mind is will new parents ITT save them, or put them out of their misery?
Activists use Freedom of Information Act to expose PFI contract in Scotland.
01-11-2007 21:02
Activists from the 'Solidarity' party in Scotland are reported to have won a ruling before the Information Commissioner for Scotland; allowing full public scrutiny of an NHS PFI contract. This is believed to be the first such ruling and may open the floodgates throughout the UK in respect of ALL PFI contracts which the Government sought to keep secret on the grounds of 'Commercial Confidentiality'.Debord's "The Society of the Spectacle" 40 years later
01-11-2007 18:25
Reiteration and extension of Debord's theory of the society of the spectacle, 40 years after it was first enunciated.SHOCK horror THE BARDS TO COME OUT AGAIN?
01-11-2007 17:05
HMMM. breaking industrial boring news from the USA. Londons "Fleet street" debates role.Stop the funny bits???? in dour solidarity???? a campaign of deliberate punctuation errors? OR. . . . ????
post halloweens werent like this in the past.
but. . . .
Burning Strawberries
01-11-2007 16:53
A talk / discussion led by the UK representative of Burning Man FestivalSMASHING NEWS - minderbinder falls - USA TUMBLES TO THE VOTE FRAUD - kerrrrPLUNK
01-11-2007 16:23
this weeks news from the california courtcase into the "automatic vote machine corporation" opens the taking away of the "trump cards" from minderbinder warbux - the over-easy machination of the USA - within each party - through the "primary" voting too - to cover for a dodgy, clumsy set of fraudulent scams - with the idea that they had the "back-up" of a tail-wag-dog hold over the administrationPalestine Today 110107
01-11-2007 15:10

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Centre,, for Thursday, November 1st, 2007.
Campaign for NUS democracy - launch meeting, London, 4 November
01-11-2007 15:03
The Blairite leadership of the National Union of Students are seeking to launch a series of major attacks on NUS democracy - to rule out future student revolts radicalising NUS, and make the student movement safe for Brown. Please come to the meeting on 4 November to launch a campaign against these changes, and for a democratic, fighting NUS.Sheffield Uni students disrupt arms dealers at careers fair
01-11-2007 15:01
A group of activists from Sheffield University disrupted the stalls of arms companies Yorkshire Autumn Graduate Careers Fair on Tuesday 30th October. A banner was unfurled and anti-arms trade leaflets were given out.Human Shields Mobilise for Iran
01-11-2007 09:21
The Human Shield movement has returned. Thousands of volunteers prepare to travel to Iran to prevent illegitmate and misguided US military actionProtest at Camden Town Hall re : Danger Lab [To be built] 5th November 6.30
01-11-2007 06:52
Protest against "The world's largest virus containment facility /animal testing lab"to be built in Camden - on Somers Town Council Estate.The protest is Camden Town Hall, Judd Street, Camden, London WC1.
Monday November 5th 6.30pm
MI5 leaked the news to the Evening Standard newspaper amid security concerns when the NIMR / MRC bid for the land and also when they bought land on Hampstead Road where work has already started......
Protest against "world's largest ever animal testing lab & virus containment lab
01-11-2007 06:34
The protest is against the sale of govt land to the NIMR / MRC - in order to build the world's largest ever animal testing lab & virus containment facility. The site is at Brill Place, Camden - London, on a council house estate & very close to Kings Cross / Channel Tunnel link. MI5 leaked the news amid security concerns.Protest at Camden Town Hall - Judd Street - {off of Euston Road}. Camden London WC1 - 5th November 6.30pm
UN Rapporteur: Israel Worst Colonial Regime
01-11-2007 01:44
Israeli Extremists love this condemnation (just not the publicity), because like all sociopathic Fascists, they measure their power in how much they can get away with.Desmond Tutu Likens Israeli Actions to Apartheid
01-11-2007 01:43
And if anyone's qualified to make such an assessment, it's someone who suffered under S. African Apartheid.Nobody has damaged Zionism's support more than the Extremists currently running Israel, and whipping up the Madness we've experienced these past six years.
Israel Readies for Military Assault of Gaza
01-11-2007 01:41
The Ethnic Cleansing Of Palestine-Round 2
Business as usual - Iraq Body Count, Human Rights Watch and that empire-building
31-10-2007 23:45
So far, too many on the “left” and within the so-called “anti-war movement” have been reluctant - and I’m being polite here - to inform the vast majority of the population on the real extent of the carnage inflicted upon the Iraqi people. That too is real denial.Germany faces shortage of nuclear safety experts
31-10-2007 23:22
A German nuclear safety expert says Germany faces a shortage of nuclear safety experts because it’s due to end nuclear power production by 2020.Christian Küppers, of the Darmstadt-based Öko-Institut and a member of the government's advisory Radiation Protection Committee, says new plants in Germany are designed to withstand an air crash, old ones are not.
Troop NEWS (Two) Afghanistan, Iraq, War Reports
31-10-2007 23:12

Extra millions of dollars spent will improve the ''profit'' margins for the 'contractor' building companies. In this issue there is no mention of ''Greek fires'' in California.
London Underground CCTV firm Comverse in illegal wiretaps scandal
31-10-2007 22:58
Comverse is the parent company of Verint Systems who still hold a long term contract to manage London Underground's entire CCTV network. They are here accused by Fox News of arranging illegal wiretaps within the US law enforcement and intelligence services!