UK Newswire Archive
Bicycle-Powered Bonanza Nov 10 - pedal-powered bands, DJs + cinema
02-11-2007 14:56

Guantánamo as house arrest: Britain’s law lords capitulate on control orders
02-11-2007 14:03
Andy Worthington praises the law lords for insisting on the rights of Britain's "ghost prisoners" to a fair hearing, but laments their refusal to condemn the control order system.Scrap CrossRail hole plot - latest demands to UK Parliament
02-11-2007 12:44
Next week's scheduled announcement in the UK Houses of Parliament of the parliamentary/legislative programme ‘[called 'the Queen’s Speech'] is expected to include the current CrossRail Bill as a carry -over from the last session of parliament for it to be given further approval in the next session. The CURRENT CrossRail hole Bill-promoting minister at the UK Department for Transport Tom Harris has already been put on notice that he was out of order to have tried to pre-exempt and to curb serious scrutiny of the Bill in the Upper Chamber [House of Lords] Khoodeelaar! today publishes the texts of the summary of the latest demands for the scrapping of the Bill, not just for its scrutiny.The Fargate Speaker- Autumn Edition online
02-11-2007 12:08

Mainstream Environmental Movement Closes Ranks : Private E-mails
02-11-2007 12:00
Below is a copy of an e-mail and a follow up, sent to the heads of the largest environmental organisations in the USA and (in the follow up) their equivalents in the UK. These e-mails have been met with stony silence - the environmental organisations have closed ranks. I am bringing this into the public realm in order to let the public decide who is right...Sir Richard Dearlove protest at LSE (video)
02-11-2007 10:24
Sir RIchard Dearlove accused of being a war criminal at LSENorthern Assurance super-glued shut as protest against Brook House
02-11-2007 10:13
The locks of the Northern Assurance Building were super-glued shut in the early hours of Friday, 2 November. This was an act of sabotage against FD Tamesis, housed in this building, intended to highlight the company's involvement in the construction of what will be the UK's largest immigrant deportation centre, Brook House near Gatwick Airport. 2 November is a national day of action against Brook House, called by the No Borders network: across the country, companies with a hand in this new deportation centre will be targeted, pressuring them to end their involvement.Durham Working Class Bookfair goes ahead on Nov 3rd
02-11-2007 09:41
Despite venue problems we are determined to press ahead with this event, which will be established in the annual political calendar in the North EastMosul Dam: Engineering a Water MD
02-11-2007 03:02
Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, takes a hard look at the recent Bush League claim that Mosul Dam is in imminent danger of collapse, causing a catastrophe in northern Iraq. Is the cheerleader in chief setting up a mass murderer, and his presstitutes helping with advance publicity?UK Police Found Guilty in Menezes Murder
02-11-2007 01:37
Looking back, it is instructive to remember all the lies told by the police in an attempt to cover up the murder of an innocent man. They claimed he was wearing a suspiciously bulky jacket. He was not. They claimed he leaped over the turn styles and ran to the train car. He did not. Time after time every claim made to excuse the extra-judicial murder of this man was exposed as a lie ... here on the internet. The mainstream media, the BBC in particular, promoted without question the lies used to justify the public execution of an innocent man. Only after the lies were exposed in the blogs did the mainstream media grudgingly admit to what had really happened.Siege of Gaza Will Lead to Violent Escalation
02-11-2007 00:56
A violent escalation is precisely the response Israel is hoping to provoke.When that happens, Israel will re-take Gaza militarily, flattening every man, woman, and child still standing, while invoking the "they MADE us do this" defense" like a mantra.
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Protest shackles Total Oil petrol station
02-11-2007 00:43

Reports from the Brighton Delegation - Palestinian Farmers Under Occupation
01-11-2007 23:45
This is one of a series of reports from the Brighton-Tubas Friendship and Solidarity Group. A group aimed at forming and building on links between grassroots groups in Tubas region, Palestine and Brighton, UK.There are currently ten members of the group in palestine as part of a week long delegation to document Israeli human riights abuses in the region, make new links and strenghtn existing projects...
Report of Halloween demo at EDO
01-11-2007 23:31
On halloween Smash EDO held a maskked up demonstration outside the Brighton arms dealers...The Sun Sets Early on the American Century
01-11-2007 23:14
This article appeared in: Le Monde diplomatique, October 2007.Sometimes hope is found outside the bubble, outside the myopia and enforced conformity!
reader: Why your revolution is no liberation!
01-11-2007 22:26
The "Why your revolution is no liberation" reader, published by several german and austrian antifascist groups to criticise a wrong analysis of capitalism widely spread in the anti-globalisation movement is for free download now. Read the introduction on antisemitism and antizionism of the anti-globalisation movement hereAzeri Newspaper Editor sentenced over article about possible US attack on Iran
01-11-2007 21:44
Eynulla Fatullayev, an Azerbaijani newspaper editor was sentenced to 8½ years in prison. He sent to the press an article asserting that the ex-Soviet nation could support a U.S. attack on neighboring Iran.Contracultura against new academicism in art and theory.
01-11-2007 21:20
Our art is nothing, but caviar for cultural distinction.