UK Newswire Archive
The Amazing (freak show) human body exhibition
11-05-2006 07:33

The Daily News from Palestine
11-05-2006 07:03

Freedom or Death! Video interviews.Mapuche Political Prisoners on hunger strike.
11-05-2006 03:24
Mapuche speokespeople have met with the home office minister, zaldivar. Talks broke with no positive outcome for the Mapuche.
more to follow.
Daily news from the IMEMC in Palestine
11-05-2006 01:00

For constant updates, check

Employers who threaten workers with costs shall suffer the costs.
10-05-2006 23:43
Workers are often threatened by employers with crippling costs when bringing their claims at tribunal. This is intended to blackmail them to dropping their claims.The Employment Appeal Tribunal has awarded costs against an employer as a warning to stop this unfair practise.
Africa on Film - Common Place Cinema this Sunday
10-05-2006 23:31
After a few stuttering weeks, the Common Place Cinema is back to its regular 'every other Sunday' afternoon slot starting this Sunday, 14 May from 3pm.MILITARY MADNESS; EXERCISE TRIDENT FURY
10-05-2006 22:47
From May 8 to May 17, Exercise Trident Fury - testing of inoperability of US, GB, NATO and Canadian military hardware including US nuclear arms capable F-15--is taking place in Greater Victoria area. For years, nuclear powered and nuclear arms capable vessels have circulated in Canadian waters and berthed in Canadian ports.Website set up to release Ernesto Leal
10-05-2006 22:30
A website has been set up by Ernesto Leal's family giving information about the campaign to release Ernesto, who is facing deportation to Chile after moving with his family to Scotland 30 years ago.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Halliburton solves global warming
10-05-2006 20:53
Press release from Halliburton Contracts.SurvivaBalls save managers from abrupt climate change
Remember the Palestinian Nakba! End British support for Zionist terror!
10-05-2006 20:13
While imperialism acts with brutal hypocrisyagainst Palestinian democracy…
Israel continues to create facts on the ground.
The Intifada continues…
Ex-Bush Official Exposes 9/11 As Inside Job
10-05-2006 19:33
An enthusiastic standing-room-only crowd packed the Wisconsin Historical Society auditorium Saturday to hear ex-Bush Administration insider Morgan Reynolds prosecute top administration and military officials for the 9/11 inside job.Khoodeelaar! No to Crsosrail shows the way for democracy in the East End
10-05-2006 19:00
While George Galloway the 'local MP' for Bethnal Green and Bow was celebrating the Respect party candidates’ elections to Tower Hamlets Council on 4 ay 2006 or in arguing against 'foreign' media barons controlling the media in Britain, the main defence of the community against a corrupt ‘new’ Tower Hamlets Council was left to Khoodeelaar! to demonstrate about. Khoodeelaar! Also took the initiative on the arrival at the DfT of a new Transport Secretary Douglas Alexander REPLACING Alistair Darling MP who had been nnstrumental in presenting the highly flawed Crossrail Bill in the UK House of Commons. Things look set to keep Khoodeelaar! No to Crossrail hole campaign pretty busy for the protection of the East End of London.2 : REMEMBER THE SCAMS
10-05-2006 18:54
to REMEMBER the facts, or teach history with any degree of, even cautious, accuracy, it is key to explain the capacity of fraudsters, liars, cheats, rackets, scams + plain old mitsaken assumptions to have ditsorted our hitsory , our progress, our perceptions - - - - old lies, nu-infowar + whoops!BNP laughing stock in capital
10-05-2006 18:44
Andrew Gilligan article, front cover Evening Standard"BNP CHIEF HAS SECRET PAST AS GAY PORN FILM PRODUCER"
10-05-2006 17:46
London School of Economics
Admission Free
Detainees response to House of Commons answers on detention hunger strikes
10-05-2006 16:34
from NCADCDetainees respond to Mr McNulty
10-05-2006 16:20
Police Brutality in Mexico.San Salvador Atenco, Mexico—At 7 AM last Wednesday, May 3rd, state police blocked 60 flower vendors from setting up their stands at the Texcoco local market in the State of Mexico, about 20 miles east of Mexico City. The police beat and arrested those who resisted. The flower vendors called to the residents of neighboring San Salvador Atenco for help and the Atenco residents blocked the highway that borders their town and leads to Texcoco.
Israelis Cut Off Fuel Supply to Palestinians
10-05-2006 16:18
The Israeli company that provides fuel to the Palestinian areas is cutting off supplies due to growing debts, Israeli and Palestinian officials said Wednesday, a move that could deepen a humanitarian crisis in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.Labour's Ken Livingstone sabotages Chavez meeting in London
10-05-2006 15:28
Labour's London Mayor Ken Livingstone has sabotaged what was to have been a mass rally in support of the Venezuelan revolution when President Chavez of Venezuela comes to London this weekend.Uranium Weapons Exposed - The X Zone - Listen Live Tonight - a MUST HEAR
10-05-2006 15:08
"The American Revolution on Uranium Weapons willBring Down this obscene Government. They all have
to go. Are you ready?" - Bob Nichols