Labour's Ken Livingstone sabotages Chavez meeting in London
Colin | 10.05.2006 15:28
Labour's London Mayor Ken Livingstone has sabotaged what was to have been a mass rally in support of the Venezuelan revolution when President Chavez of Venezuela comes to London this weekend.
The rally was to have been at the prestigous - and big - Queen Elizabeth Hall and involved all groups and individuals supporting the Venezuelan revolution. Instead, in what is a horrible re-enactement of his control-freakery when the European Social Forum came to London, Livingstone has taken control, moved the event to a much smaller venue in Camden, banned banners and taken control of ticket allocation - and of course no one can get any.
Faced with this usual shit from Labour people are organising demos and action and stuff and the Hands off Venezuela campaign are asking people to turn up at the event anyway (when Livingstone tells them where it is).
To get tickets you have to email - best of luck...
Faced with this usual shit from Labour people are organising demos and action and stuff and the Hands off Venezuela campaign are asking people to turn up at the event anyway (when Livingstone tells them where it is).
To get tickets you have to email

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