Labour's Ken Livingstone sabotages Chavez meeting in London
Colin | 10.05.2006 15:28
Labour's London Mayor Ken Livingstone has sabotaged what was to have been a mass rally in support of the Venezuelan revolution when President Chavez of Venezuela comes to London this weekend.
The rally was to have been at the prestigous - and big - Queen Elizabeth Hall and involved all groups and individuals supporting the Venezuelan revolution. Instead, in what is a horrible re-enactement of his control-freakery when the European Social Forum came to London, Livingstone has taken control, moved the event to a much smaller venue in Camden, banned banners and taken control of ticket allocation - and of course no one can get any.
Faced with this usual shit from Labour people are organising demos and action and stuff and the Hands off Venezuela campaign are asking people to turn up at the event anyway (when Livingstone tells them where it is).
To get tickets you have to email - best of luck...
Faced with this usual shit from Labour people are organising demos and action and stuff and the Hands off Venezuela campaign are asking people to turn up at the event anyway (when Livingstone tells them where it is).
To get tickets you have to email - best of luck...
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Any more info?!
10.05.2006 21:07
1 - What "much smaller venue in Camden" that is? .. Any address?
2 - When this weekend? Saturday? Sunday?
3 - At wat time?
viva bolivar!
More info here
10.05.2006 23:19
By Livingstone's actions can he be judged- but so very few do this!
11.05.2006 03:04
1) Galloway and Livingstone frequently criticise Blair, or his policies. Basically, this is the TOTAL extent of their disguise (about as convincing as Superman's glasses).
2) Those that oppose Blair are desperate to engage in the fantasy that some powerful politicians are on THEIR side.
3) When 'trainspotter' activists attend anti-Blair events, they want to brush shoulders with 'famous names' like Galloway and Blair. This is an offshoot of the 'Cult of Celebrity' that the Mass Media pushes at every opportunity. Such people do NOT want to believe their idols have feet of clay.
4) Infantile wishful thinking- the belief that "Mommy will always be there to kiss it better".
The irony here is that Blair must spend ten's of BILLIONS on his nuclear and genetic weapons programs, but his most effective weapons, PEOPLE WHO LIE TO YOU, cost almost nothing. What is so VERY VERY VERY amazing is that most of you have no problem believing that Blair does all kinds of bad things, but when it comes to understanding that Blair will happily use 'double agents', it's all "not even Blair would do something THAT underhand".
In the early days, both Livingstone and Galloway earnt their keep as the official 'unofficial' links to 'difficult' political forces, namely the IRA and Saddam's regime. Ironically, the very propaganda campaigns that were used to give these two men a cover story as rogue elements within Labour had the side-affect of making them 'heroes' within certain activist circles. This lead to a very natural and convenient evolution for both men to leadership positions within the anti-Blair circles of the 'soft-left'.
Galloway now heads the "if you want to vote for an anti-War party, I'll ensure you DON'T have a candiate where you live" party, RESPECT. Anti-war sentiment is/was the single greatest political threat to Blair, and ensuring that people COULD NOT vote across the nation on this issue has been Blair's ONLY election concern for the last few years.
Livingstone, Like Benn, works to prop up the dying support for the New Reich party, and to give the impression that Blair isn't Emperor of London, while neatly being placed to knife in the back any anti-Blair forces found in the capital.
Some time back, Blair must have been worried that even the thickest citizen of the UK would smell something fishy if Livingstone and Galloway unfailing acted in ways benefitting Blair's plans on every possible occasion, regardless of whatever they happened to be saying at the time. Of course, this simply meant that they would have to be replaced sooner or later. Blair has learnt his lesson though, discovering that the more outrageous his behaviour (and that of his agents), the more powerful he becomes, leaving the general population ever weaker, and ever more vunerable to 'false-hope' plays.
When times are as bad as now, you really don't want to find yourself following false leaders. However, times get AS BAD as these, PRECISELY because people have taken to following false leaders. Or perhaps you think life is random, and the choices of you, and the choices of others, have nothing to do with the course of Human history?
There is a force that can blow Blair away. It is that force of 'goodness' that you and I and every normal Human seek to find in our daily lives. If, as 'ordinary' people, we collect this 'force' and magnify it by active empathy with like-minded people, the hierarchies of power that we build above the level of the individual will carry this quality, and the inherent evil of Blair and his supporters will be defeated.
However, if we play 'let's pretend' and look out at the corrupt ranks of politicians to lie to ourselves that some of them may represent our most important qualities, thus allowing these rotten men and women to replace our morals and our conscience, the light of our lives will be extinguished in exponentially increasing numbers.
Every time Livingstone kicks his supporters in the head, I am glad, for I think that perhaps this time an understanding might finally arrive. Sadly, it is the nature of most to cling on ever more insanely to anything in which a serious emotional investment has been made. Of course, emotionally investing in ANY politician in the first place was the original act of insanity that doomed all other options.
Labour sets the limits as usual
11.05.2006 21:06
An event which could have aroused great enthusiasm and engagement will now be packed with 'left' functionaries and lucky people who have gone through hoops to get a tiny number of tickets. Ordinary people, including the large Latino community in London will have no chance of participating, hearing Chavez and entering into any dialogue where they can give their opinions.
Its a real shame that Sr Chavez wont be able to see the breadth of solidarity in London, and the great interest that the visit has provoked. I can predict that Livingstone and the usual suspects will be up there on the platform, spouting the usual meaningless hot air and tiresome 'solidarity' rhetoric.
if you love Chavez so much KEEP HIM IN LONDON
16.05.2006 20:17
armando hernandez