UK Newswire Archive
Around the Campaigns Wednesday 28th January 2009
28-01-2009 09:10
Elsa and Betty, still here, still in detention"Elsa and Betty set out for the airport Tuesday morning but the flight was cancelled and they were brought back in Yarl's Wood. I've been asked to pass on thanks from the campaign to all who supported Elsa and Bethlehem. Pressure now needs to be put on the Home Office to release the family as soon as possible and return them to Leeds where they belong."
Please look out for calls for support over the next few days,
John Ward on behalf of the Campaign
Background: Second attempt to remove Elsa and Bethlehem

In Gaza, only the dead have seen the end of war
28-01-2009 04:12
ALERT: Annapolis a Charade: Israel Plotting Massive Aggression12/11/2007

The Gaza Bombshell
With confidential documents, corroborated by outraged former and current U.S. officials, the author reveals how President Bush, Condoleezza Rice, and Deputy National-Security Adviser Elliott Abrams backed an armed force under Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan, touching off a bloody civil war in Gaza and leaving Hamas stronger than ever.

‘I Like This Violence’
Censoring the U.S. role in Gaza’s civil war

Southampton Palestine Café - reflections & thoughts on the BBC/SKY/and a Rab
28-01-2009 03:19

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Cannabis Protest London: Date set
28-01-2009 03:18

'Activities Abroad' advertise "chav free holidays'
28-01-2009 03:16
Below is an article reporting the new advertising initiative of Activities Abroad holiday company, assuring customers that they would not encounter any 'chavs' (apparently with names such as Shannon or Britney) but would rather be sharing their holiday with "John, Sarah, James and Alice". Charming.Speech of Craig Murray to Students Occupying Cambridge University Law Faculty
28-01-2009 03:03
Despite being denied proper access to the Law Faculty building, ex-ambassador Craig Murray spoke and answered questions from the entrance for over 45 minutes. He spoke on the US war in Central Asia for control over natural gas pipelines, Lord Taylor of Blackburn and other war profiteers, and anti-Muslim propaganda in the media. Murray explicitly supported several key demands of the occupation as reasonable: that the university withdraw investment from the arms trade; that there be bursaries for Palestinian students; and that the university condemn Israel's recent actions towards Gaza.300,000 Tamil civilians face hunger
28-01-2009 01:56
300,000 Tamil civilians face hunger, Sri Lanka Army (SLA) has instructed UN and World Food Programme officials to keep away from 'safety zone,' which has been subjected to continuous inhuman artillery barrage, denying civilians any meaningful space of refuge, said the latest reports from the offices of the Regional Director of Health Services (RDHS) for Ki'linochchi and Mullaiththeevu. 300,000 Tamils are denied of even drinking water and are facing hunger, the reports say. "Completely given up by the International Community. In the meantime, pitched fighting was reported between the SLA and the Liberation Tigers of Tamileelam (LTTE) in several fronts.Holocaust Remembrance Day (by Latuff)
28-01-2009 01:34

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parliament square hunger striker - day 16 - visit to downing street
28-01-2009 01:06

today she took advantage of socpa legislation to exercise her right to protest behind the gates inside downing street as the cabinet turned up for their early morning meeting at number 10.
there has still been no mainstream coverage of her extraordinary protest
EYEWITNESS GAZA: Uprooted Lives in Jabbaliya
28-01-2009 00:59

PHOTO: Ibrahim Khader and the new refugee camp in Izbet Khader
The poor are enslaved in American prisons
27-01-2009 23:38
Our justice system is failing day by day, minute by minute. One wrongful conviction is one-too-many, and numbers are escalating well into the tens of thousands. Adequate legal representation is available to those who are able to pay; those who cannot, however, suffer. Consequently, inadequate legal representation mostly leads to an inevitable unjust verdict.Rogue element in British intelligence accused of Sabotaging Omagh Inquiry
27-01-2009 23:24
The former head of the inquiry into the Omagh bombing has claimed that elements within the intelligence services might have "effectively sabotaged" the investigation which failed to convict anyone for the worst atrocity of the Northern Ireland conflict, it emerged last night.Full article | 1 addition | 4 comments
Queen Mary University of London occupied in solidarity with gaza
27-01-2009 22:55
breaking newsBayer Day of Action in West London / Hampshire
27-01-2009 22:20
Monday, 26th JanuaryHLS UK customers continue to have protests
Direct Action Germany: 8th-26th January
27-01-2009 22:11

26/01/09: Again cars torched
22/01/09: Arson attack on cars of the German Railway Service (Deutsche Bahn)
21/01/09: Car of a delivering service company (DHL) torched
19/01/09: External fence property of the police damaged
19/01/09: DHL heavy good vehicle burned
18/01/09: Pfullinger Neonazi tattostudio smashed
15/01/09: Arson attack against the social court
14/01/09: Arson attack against a jobcenter (dole office) in Charlottenburg
14/01/09: Three upperclass cars burned
10/01/09: Two cars and a moto burned down
09/01/09: Unknown persons set construction machines in flames
08/01/09: Neonazi structures attacked
May Day Solidarity Conference
27-01-2009 21:35
Advance notice of a working conference on Saturday May 2nd on the theme of "Trade Unions for Asylum and Migrant Rights" in Barnsley, South Yorkshire.Organising meeting 7pm this Thursday 29th Jan at UNISON office in Barnsley.
The Codex Alimentarius
27-01-2009 20:37
The Codex Alimentarius (Latin for "food code" or "food book") is a collection of internationally recognized standards, codes of practice, guidelines and other recommendations relating to foods, food production and food safety.Corporate Watch on the SHAC sentencing: Activists receive indefinite ASBOs
27-01-2009 20:20
How the State Protects Corporations From Dissent
Jailed SHAC activists Receive Indefinite ASBOs
On Wednesday 21st January 2009 the police’s National Extremism Tactical Coordination Unit issued a press release celebrating the jailing of seven animal rights campaigners for “over fifty years”. In their press release NETCU are at pains to point out that the sentences have “nothing to do with freedom of expression” and that those jailed are “extremists”.
Global Military Bloc: NATO's Drive Into Asia
27-01-2009 19:46

That attacks on the capitals of US finance and government blamed by Washington on nineteen perpetrators from Arab nations would be used as justification for global and permanent military operations from the Strait of Gibraltar to the Philippines archipelago and from the Indian Ocean to the Caribbean Sea is, then, perhaps not to be wondered at.
Obama: Regime Rotation
27-01-2009 19:15
The arrival of the Obama administration will not fundamentally alter the course of military expansion accelerated during the Bush era. The origins of these policies do not lie uniquely in neoconservative ideology. While the election of President Obama may offer new opportunities for progressive forces to delimit the damage, their space for movement will ultimately be constrained by deep-seated structural pressures that will attempt to exploit Obama to rehabilitate American imperial hegemony, rather than transform it.