UK Newswire Archive
Neocolonial dementia, psy-warfare and media complicity
02-11-2013 12:23

2 shot dead (fasists?), 1 wounded (fasist?) outside Goilden dawn office Athens
01-11-2013 18:24
Media reports gunning with kalshnikov outside fasist Golden dawn offices in Athens. Motorbike riders shot at a group of 10, describes as fasists by some, and killd 2 hurt 1. This is stones throw from big police base in N. Iraklio, athensJoNina and Lorenzo Ervin on Dissident Island Radio
01-11-2013 14:55
Episode 128 on 18 October 2013, the night before the annual London Anarchist Bookfair, featured two seasoned activists from the USA.Section 144 appeal successful! Calling Mike Weatherley a coward case continues
01-11-2013 14:25
We won the appeal!!Brighton: A squatter convicted under s144 had the conviction unanimously overturned for lack of ANY evidence. Our barrister was ninja and the judge laid down some stringent guidelines on what the police must do to establish proof that someone lives in a squat. Unfortunately he refused to define what constitutes residential…
Sheffield University Strike and Occupation
31-10-2013 18:40

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NHS Mental Hell
31-10-2013 17:39
I am one of the people featured in Bedlam, a four part documentary series which starts tonight on Channel 4. It’s about the Betham Royal Hospital’s work with the mentally ill. I’m sure it’s a good documentary, & people should watch it, but this article is about important things which it won’t be reporting.“Wake on the Wild Side”: Memorial Service for Lou Reed
30-10-2013 16:13

Drying up Ideological Wellsprings of Arab – Israeli Conflict
30-10-2013 10:07
The “wellsprings” of “perpetual wars” and “extremism” in the Middle East during most of the past twentieth century until now could easily be detected in the unholy combination of real politics and the “radical ideology” of the secular - turned - religious Zionism.Residential occupation in protest of council housing sell-off and Section 144
29-10-2013 15:20

They have occupied the building to stop the sell-off of yet more public housing stock when the borough faces a severe housing crisis with almost 25,000 people on the housing waiting list and increasing numbers of people forced to sleep rough on London’s streets.
West Yorkshire Police admit breach of Human Rights of Yorkshire Peace Campaigner Lindis Percy
29-10-2013 15:07
The police have been held to account on this occasion but the problems with their behaviour at Menwith Hill (MoD police) continue.
Is the Zamboanga Uprising more than a Spark in the Darkness?
29-10-2013 12:12
There is no clear definition what it is in its own view, but from the perspective of a distance it appears to be Asia´s fourth subcontinent, or its first one, depending on the direction of counting. The chain of volcanic peninsulas and islands along the tectonic line between East Asia and Australia is increasingly plagued by the same neoliberalist woes as its three subcontinental brethren. In addition to that, or more precisely as the cause of that consequence, it is affected by a sort of oceanic backlash where a weakening of the destructive forces harboured by the Americas on one side is resulting in their increased destructivity on the other, and in a different form also vice versa. In the recent weeks, as rebels on Mindanao began an offensive that could only succeed through crystallising a large amount of external attention in its early stages, this geopolitical focus has appeared as the most remarkable blind spot on the surface of the commercial narrative. In the rule of lies which is reporting about every little incident in West Asia, the MNLF seems to be operating on another planet. Yet at light speed the occurrence of its activity coincided with a major disruption of the imperialist narrative demanding explanation, the so-called "government shutdown."UG#668 - Big Oil At Home And Abroad (How The 7 Sisters Took Us For A Ride)
28-10-2013 23:54

Grangemouth: Trade unions must learn lessons from Grangemouth setback
28-10-2013 22:51
'Trade unions must learn lessons from Grangemouth setback',Socialist Party Scotland, 25 October 2013

Shropshire cruelty free christmas fair November 30th
28-10-2013 22:21

Support The Halloween University Strike
28-10-2013 17:45
Following a month of negotiation and deliberation about pay, the University and College Union (UCU), Unison and Unite unions have taken the decision to stage a one-day national strike across the country's universities. While the strike is in support of the university employees as opposed to its students, there is a call for young people to support their institutions by protesting alongside their lecturers or to simply refuse to cross the picket line. Although to many people a day of missed lectures represents a loss, there are bigger issues at play here than attending an hour-long seminar. Here are five reasons for why students should stand with staff and support the strike.The Grangemouth dispute makes it clear who really runs the country - Owen Jones
28-10-2013 14:39
extracts for the article highlighted: "..And so the workers and Scotland as a whole had a pistol pointed at their head. Capitulate on our terms, said Ineos, or the plant will go. It could have blown away around 10% of the Scottish economy, triggering economic ruin for entire communities." & "..The whole episode raises again an age-old question, not whispered enough, let alone asked loudly: who runs Britain?"Robb Johnson,Free Radicals + Socialist Magician 2 November London Earls Court
28-10-2013 08:38

bnp member dentist, now running practice in Glasgow
27-10-2013 19:57
Just do a search on finbar francis bryson& his membership of bnp+He has run afew bard & clubs in nottingham within the alternative scene,until exposed,Now running
UK KFA denounce Hoguk 2013 yet another US-south Korean war provocation
27-10-2013 19:17
At this moment the south Korean puppets and US imperialists are carrying out the "Hoguk " war exercises against the DPRK. It was the 2010 Hoguk exercise that sparked the Yongphyong Island incident . This statement condemns the exercises