English Boarding Schools
John Horsebreeder | 07.08.2004 15:57 | Health | London
After 20 years and just at the onset of my 40’s I finally realize that my time from the age of 7-13 and 13-20 at Dorset House School and then Seaford College Boarding Schools in Sussex England were the most violent and hellish experience of my life. Dante nor Blake or Dickens could do it justice.
Dorset House & Seaford College Sussex
After 20 years and just at the onset of my 40’s I finally realize that my time from the age of 7-13 and 13-20 at Dorset House School and then Seaford College Boarding Schools in Sussex England were the most violent and hellish experience of my life. Dante nor Blake or Dickens could do it justice.
I am only just waking up from the violence and spiritual/ physical and sexual oppression that can only be brought clarity/understood or invoked by combining in ones head what is going on now at Abu Grabe Prison in Iraq and the first five minutes of the movie “Rabbit Proof Fence”; showing the removal of part White part Aboriginal children from their parents in Australia in an attempt to educate them and selectively breed them back into the white population (the film shows their first days in boarding school not far from my first days at Dorset House).
I witnessed violent abuse and beatings on my body and on the body of others, homosexual and sexual acts performed on me by staff and other boys, racism public humiliation and spiritual degradation and mental torture in both these schools.
There is no doubt in my mind that Dorset House is a breeding ground for a White English aesthetic that assumes a divine hold on the key to life, civilization and mankind based on the James Bible. To those people I say Jesus was a man of color.
No soul that does not fit their form of thinking is allowed to exist. Mark Champion was one such teacher at Dorset House and once said “I was a nasty piece of work”. As a colored person that statement clearly objectifies me!
And to Seaford College under the Iron fist of Rev C.E.Johnson who administered the most virulent spiritual torture on countless young victims & souls. Woe betide that you were a colored boy as then his charitable missionary degradation would close your soul down to emancipate his power in totality.
Any boy who attended boarding school in England needs to speak his voice and express his story and the in justice exerted by others upon him as these schools are an instrument of oppression.
Any boy who has been to boarding school knows that it is wrong morally and spiritually and its time to speak and tell his story as hellish as it may be!
This is a hard battle ground for humanity, democracy and freedom of mind body and soul! Please help fight this battle in your own way! TELL YOUR STORY AND BE FREE.
After 20 years and just at the onset of my 40’s I finally realize that my time from the age of 7-13 and 13-20 at Dorset House School and then Seaford College Boarding Schools in Sussex England were the most violent and hellish experience of my life. Dante nor Blake or Dickens could do it justice.
I am only just waking up from the violence and spiritual/ physical and sexual oppression that can only be brought clarity/understood or invoked by combining in ones head what is going on now at Abu Grabe Prison in Iraq and the first five minutes of the movie “Rabbit Proof Fence”; showing the removal of part White part Aboriginal children from their parents in Australia in an attempt to educate them and selectively breed them back into the white population (the film shows their first days in boarding school not far from my first days at Dorset House).
I witnessed violent abuse and beatings on my body and on the body of others, homosexual and sexual acts performed on me by staff and other boys, racism public humiliation and spiritual degradation and mental torture in both these schools.
There is no doubt in my mind that Dorset House is a breeding ground for a White English aesthetic that assumes a divine hold on the key to life, civilization and mankind based on the James Bible. To those people I say Jesus was a man of color.
No soul that does not fit their form of thinking is allowed to exist. Mark Champion was one such teacher at Dorset House and once said “I was a nasty piece of work”. As a colored person that statement clearly objectifies me!
And to Seaford College under the Iron fist of Rev C.E.Johnson who administered the most virulent spiritual torture on countless young victims & souls. Woe betide that you were a colored boy as then his charitable missionary degradation would close your soul down to emancipate his power in totality.
Any boy who attended boarding school in England needs to speak his voice and express his story and the in justice exerted by others upon him as these schools are an instrument of oppression.
Any boy who has been to boarding school knows that it is wrong morally and spiritually and its time to speak and tell his story as hellish as it may be!
This is a hard battle ground for humanity, democracy and freedom of mind body and soul! Please help fight this battle in your own way! TELL YOUR STORY AND BE FREE.

John Horsebreeder
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