Peace Prize winner Obama: We will target al Qaeda wherever they take root
dandelion salad | 11.10.2009 19:29 | Anti-militarism | Other Press | Repression | World
In his first nine months in office, the “Nobel Peace Prize winner” President Obama did nothing else other than promoting the US imperialist agenda in Asia, Africa and Latin America.
As the US is preparing to expand the scale of its global reign of terror, we will be constantly bombarded with such insane propaganda until the time when even the most gullible people realize what is really going on.
As the US is preparing to expand the scale of its global reign of terror, we will be constantly bombarded with such insane propaganda until the time when even the most gullible people realize what is really going on.
Peace Prize winner Obama: We will target al Qaeda wherever they take root
[propaganda alert]
1) The 2009 Nobel Peace Prize goes to US President Barack Obama (9 October 2009)
2) Obama: We will target al Qaeda wherever they take root (6 October 2009)
3) Obama agrees to keep Israel’s nukes secret (2 October 2009)
4) The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Resolution on Israeli Nuclear Capabilities (18 September 2009)
from the archives:
1) Israeli President Peres: The best way to deter Iran from continuing its nuclear program is to threaten it with a ‘nuclear response’ (April 2009)
2) European mayors’ petition against the deployment of US nuclear weapons (December 2007)

excerpt from: The Nobel Peace Prize for 2009
The Nobel Peace Prize website, 9 October 2009
The Norwegian Nobel Committee has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2009 is to be awarded to President Barack Obama for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.
The Committee has attached special importance to Obama’s vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons.

excerpts from: Remarks by President Obama at the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC)
National Counterterrorism Center website, 6 October 2009
“We know that al Qaeda and its extremist allies threaten us from different corners of the globe – from Pakistan, but also from East Africa and Southeast Asia; from Europe and the Gulf. […]
We will target al Qaeda wherever they take root; we will not yield in our pursuit; and we are developing the capacity and the cooperation to deny a safe haven to any who threaten America and its allies.”
[US President Barack Obama, speech on the 8th anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan, National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) in Virginia, 6 October 2009]

excerpts from: Obama agrees to keep Israel’s nukes secret
by Eli Lake, Washington Times, 2 October 2009
President Obama has reaffirmed a 4-decade-old secret [agreement, whereby] […] the U.S. has not pressured Israel to disclose its nuclear weapons or to sign the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), which could require Israel to give up its estimated several hundred nuclear bombs. […]
The officials […] said Mr. Obama pledged to maintain the agreement when he first hosted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House in May.

excerpts from: “Israeli nuclear capabilities”: Resolution adopted on 18 September 2009 during the tenth plenary meeting
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) website, 18 September 2009
Recalling the 2000 NPT [Non-Proliferation Treaty] Review Conference, which welcomed the fact that all States in the Middle East, with the exception of Israel, are States parties to the NPT […] [the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) ] [e]xpresses concern about the Israeli nuclear capabilities, and calls upon Israel to accede to the NPT and place all its nuclear facilities under comprehensive IAEA safeguards.
from the archives:

excerpt from: Israel’s Peres sees containment for a nuclear Iran
by Dan Williams, Reuters, 29 April 2009
“Simply attacking the nuclear facilities is not the be-all and end-all. There are other options for the West, or the coalition that arises. The first thing is to tell the Iranians ... ‘If you use a nuclear weapon -- no matter against whom -- you’ll get a nuclear response.’ “ [Israeli President Shimon Peres told Israel’s Channel Ten television].

excerpt from: European mayors want withdrawal of US nukes from their territory marking INF [i.e. the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty] 20th anniversary
2020 Vision Campaign website, 6 December 2007
“While our public is regularly provided alarming media reports of nuclear dangers in Iraq, North Korea or Iran, what is supposed to be a well-informed western audience is living in ignorance of the destructive power of thousands of potential Hiroshimas stored in their backyards.”
[Mayors for Peace petition launched on 6 December 2007 by the European Mayors on whose territory US nuclear weapons are deployed, namely:
Vedat Karadag (Incirlik, TURKEY), Stefano Del Cont (Aviano, ITALY), Anna Giulia Guarneri (Ghedi, ITALY), Theo Kelchtermans (Peer, BELGIUM), Dr. Joke W. Kersten (Uden, NETHERLANDS), Heinz Onnertz (Buechel, GERMANY) ]
dandelion salad
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