Eternal Vigilance WATCH: Will Senators Hastily Sanction Illegal Votes?
CultureJamCleveland | 06.01.2005 18:05
IF ReckLess Regard, Haste, Blind Eyes Callously Accept Illegal
Votes, Then Senators have Sanctioned Rank Criminality and DOOM the
Western Jurisprudence Tradition to a Dark and Dreadful VOID.
IN Bush V Gore 2000 Justice Breyer's reading of the law gives a convincing argument for Senators, Duty Bound by their Oath of office, to Object to Illegal Votes. Public servants must be committed to defend and protect All citizen's rights, well-being and promises to live withIn and Uphold Constitutional Law. We expect and deserve Open and Fair Due-process respecting equal justice under the law, absolutely crucial with wide disparities of wealth in this country too willing to dominate with undue influence. Justice Breyer, "The legislative history of the Act makes clear its intent to commit
the power to resolve such disputes to Congress, rather than the
courts: "The two Houses are, by the Constitution, authorized to
make the count of electoral votes.
They can only count legal votes, and in doing so must determine,
from the best evidence to be had, what are legal votes .... The
power to determine rests with the two Houses, and there is no other
constitutional tribunal." Doesn't this read, there is no requirement of evidence, of which there is an awesome abundance, but only the requirement of a compelling argument? IS Not the refusal to open log books, resistance to rationally consider the data, anomolies, honest, good-faith efforts to weigh the evidence, obstruction of recounts, ducking of subpoenas, unexalted dismissal of court cases on technicalities- fearing merit, covering up by the partisan CorpMedia by avoidance, attack pieces AND election officials hiding by refusing to answer citizen and congressional inquiry's, IN and Of ITSELF the Trashing of Due-process? and ample cause for dubious suspicion of motives and reasonable doubt, AND if NOT SEEN, then we might mistakenly tread into uncharted legal no-mans-land from which without a proper, learned, careful debate NOW, MayBe very difficult to extract our selves from, as more AmeriCANs continue to awake and do their HomeWork & stand to SAVE everything that matters to live with & under a banner of True Freedom for ALL! The Media is proving too arrogant and powerful to police itself or adhere to Public ethics & journalistic standards. They helped sell a war sentencing the military to a dubious, disastrous deadly conflagaration. Now as a result we had expected and are ready for with Election2004, moves on in the process, they are aiding in an orchestrated state secret, the cover-up of Democracy being Deliberately forsaken and currently bleeding to death with out listening to the doctors, calling the police or honoring The public's concern and common voice. Do Not try to buy The Vote!
Our VOTE is NOT For Sale! PROSECUTE the Media for selling a NO Due-Process climate.
We are speaking for Ideals and Future Generations, please listen and answer and heed this Clarion Call, we are looking you right in the eye on January 6th, search deep and do your best we will decide if you were right and honest, bear notice.
WithOut Due-Process. Inaugaration is VOID. We Have Had ENOUGH of Living With and Under LIES! Let US help Clean House.
Votes, Then Senators have Sanctioned Rank Criminality and DOOM the
Western Jurisprudence Tradition to a Dark and Dreadful VOID.
IN Bush V Gore 2000 Justice Breyer's reading of the law gives a convincing argument for Senators, Duty Bound by their Oath of office, to Object to Illegal Votes. Public servants must be committed to defend and protect All citizen's rights, well-being and promises to live withIn and Uphold Constitutional Law. We expect and deserve Open and Fair Due-process respecting equal justice under the law, absolutely crucial with wide disparities of wealth in this country too willing to dominate with undue influence. Justice Breyer, "The legislative history of the Act makes clear its intent to commit
the power to resolve such disputes to Congress, rather than the
courts: "The two Houses are, by the Constitution, authorized to
make the count of electoral votes.
They can only count legal votes, and in doing so must determine,
from the best evidence to be had, what are legal votes .... The
power to determine rests with the two Houses, and there is no other
constitutional tribunal." Doesn't this read, there is no requirement of evidence, of which there is an awesome abundance, but only the requirement of a compelling argument? IS Not the refusal to open log books, resistance to rationally consider the data, anomolies, honest, good-faith efforts to weigh the evidence, obstruction of recounts, ducking of subpoenas, unexalted dismissal of court cases on technicalities- fearing merit, covering up by the partisan CorpMedia by avoidance, attack pieces AND election officials hiding by refusing to answer citizen and congressional inquiry's, IN and Of ITSELF the Trashing of Due-process? and ample cause for dubious suspicion of motives and reasonable doubt, AND if NOT SEEN, then we might mistakenly tread into uncharted legal no-mans-land from which without a proper, learned, careful debate NOW, MayBe very difficult to extract our selves from, as more AmeriCANs continue to awake and do their HomeWork & stand to SAVE everything that matters to live with & under a banner of True Freedom for ALL! The Media is proving too arrogant and powerful to police itself or adhere to Public ethics & journalistic standards. They helped sell a war sentencing the military to a dubious, disastrous deadly conflagaration. Now as a result we had expected and are ready for with Election2004, moves on in the process, they are aiding in an orchestrated state secret, the cover-up of Democracy being Deliberately forsaken and currently bleeding to death with out listening to the doctors, calling the police or honoring The public's concern and common voice. Do Not try to buy The Vote!
Our VOTE is NOT For Sale! PROSECUTE the Media for selling a NO Due-Process climate.
We are speaking for Ideals and Future Generations, please listen and answer and heed this Clarion Call, we are looking you right in the eye on January 6th, search deep and do your best we will decide if you were right and honest, bear notice.
WithOut Due-Process. Inaugaration is VOID. We Have Had ENOUGH of Living With and Under LIES! Let US help Clean House.
Post Contents=
1)recent most crucial essays understanding and appreciating the gravity and magnitude of this Historic WaterShed MoMent
2) Site with list of effective arguments for Objection
3)documentation video of Columbus Count EVERY VOTE Rally Jan.3
4)Random slogans and Healthy Meme-shares from CultureJamCleveland
5) links to other VoterGate reports by CultureJamCleveland
1)this MasterFull essay does a lexis-nexis search on - election fraud- and finds 1000 on Ukraine and 177 on Ohio, of which all but 10 were DISmissive.
January 3, 2005 -- The Cleveland Federation of Labor is sending busloads of demonstrators to a rally in Columbus, Ohio, today to take part in a protest of election fraud in the 2004 presidential election. As detailed below, there is strong evidence of vote theft in Ohio. But to anyone who gets their news from a television or from most print media, these protesters are kidding themselves or kidding the rest of us, but certainly they are not onto anything worthy of investigation. Last week I received this Email from the Columbus Dispatch:
"Dear Mr. Swanson:
"You say the rally is to protest the fraud that took place in the election. Where did this fraud occur? Who did it? How did they do it?
"glenn sheller, editorial page editor"
Two months after the election, an editor at ground zero was (seriously or sarcastically) asking a stranger and an amateur to tell him from Washington where the fraud had occurred. I immediately sent him a reply.1 And I didn't hear anything further.
(Dave's reply)
1 Glenn Sheller,
If you're serious, I'm very glad you asked.
To get started, I would recommend reading the Ohio section of this report
and the following letters from Congressman John Conyers of Michigan to
Triad, to Sec. of State Blackwell, and to prosecutors:
Letter to Blackwell, his response, and follow-up letter:
Triad letter:
followup letter:
related video:
letter to federal prosecutors:
and this article by the director of the National Voting Rights Institute:
Would you like me to ask PFAW and NVRI and Conyers' office to send you press
releases in the future? Can I get you any additional information or put you
in touch with any of the organizations involved?
If the above does NOT look to you like reasonable cause to follow the GAO's
advice and investigate, please let me know what level of breakdown and
corruption would interest you.
You know, there are a lot of wacky theories out there, but there are always
dead-ends in a trial and error investigation, especially one done by
grassroots activists without assistance from professional journalists. And
there is so much distrust, that the insane can begin to look plausible. But
the serious evidence of wrongdoing here has mounted so high, that a
continued refusal to acknowledge it will only increase public skepticism and
distrust. Next time around will be worse. Protecting democracy requires
eternal vigilance, and part of eternity is this moment right here. Don't
worry about who you think won or who conceded. That's two people. Worry
about the thousands who tried to vote and had their votes not counted.
Think from their point of view and you'll be on track, in my opinion.
David Swanson
What about actual coverage of what the "theories" are about and what in them is solidly proven, what's speculative, what's disproved? Any of that? Wouldn't a conspiracy theory go away more quickly if you refuted it than if you avoided it and called it names? Hasn't over half the country stopped believing in the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq() after only minimal discussion of the evidence and acknowledgement by the media that there weren't any weapons there?
A Media Blackout: Media Whites Out Vote Fraud
1a)"Crime of November 2": The human side of how Bush stole Ohio, and why Congress must investigate
The Free Press
by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman
The right-wing media assault on those who would mount this challenge has been withering. The Ohio Republican Party says Rep. Tubbs-Jones will "make a fool of herself" if she supports the effort. GOP functionaries have filled the major media with charges of "conspiracy theories" and "irresponsibility" among those who would question the vote.
But all Americans committed to real democracy must stand in awe of this challenge.
It's more than ironic that this unelected administration has portrayed itself as a defender of democracy in helping overturn an election in Ukraine based on discrepancies between exit polls and a fraudulent vote count. Doing the same here would deny George W. Bush the White House.
It's also ironic that an apparently defeated Republican candidate for governor in the state of Washington is now calling for a revote to overturn a recount. We support that demand, and ask the same for Ohio.
It's beyond tragic that this administration is now shedding untold quantities of blood in Iraq in the name of a democracy that is being denied here.
1b) Statement Of John C. Bonifaz Before The Rally For The Republic, Faneuil Hall, Boston
General Counsel for the National Voting Rights Institute
Four years ago last month, the United States Supreme Court stopped the vote counting in the State of Florida and, for the first time, selected the president of the United States. It marked a dark moment in our nation's history.
Since that time, people throughout this country committed to the vision of democracy pledged to never let it happen again, never again would we allow an individual to assume the power of the presidency without the proper counting of all the votes. We are here tonight because we are dangerously close to allowing it to happen again. We are here tonight because we refuse to be silent.
On December 13, 2004, in the state capitol of Ohio, we witnessed a crime, a crime against democracy, a crime against the right to vote, a crime against our Constitution. On that day, Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell presided over a meeting over a group of individuals who claimed to have won the right to serve as presidential electors for the State of Ohio in the Electoral College. Mr. Blackwell and that group gathered while a recount began of the votes cast in Ohio for President of the United States.
Mr. Blackwell has done everything in his power to push through a slate of electors based on an untested, initial count. In enacting its recount law, the Ohio legislature ensured that a proper counting of all the votes could include a recount. As candidates for the office of President of the United States, David Cobb and Michael Badnarik exercised their right under the law and sought a recount.
Mr. Blackwell had no right to convene a meeting of the Electoral College in Ohio while a recount was underway. And individuals who ran as candidates for presidential electors had no right to cast votes in the Electoral College in Ohio while a recount was underway.
1c) Judiciary Cmte. Report Clearly
Questioning Bush Reelection
A status report of the House Judiciary Committee investigating the U.S. presidential election, has questioned the certainty of the reelection of president George Bush, based on irregularities in the Ohio contest.
Citing recent election controversy in Washington State and in the "apparent defeat of the opposition leader Victor Yushchenko" in the Ukraine, the report says these contexts show that elections "...are subject to manipulation and mistake."
1d)Re-Vote Ohio! by Ted Glick
Our next governor should enter office without any doubt about the legitimacy of his or her office. The people of Washington deserve to know that their governor was elected fair and square. Unfortunately, the events of the past few weeks now make it impossible for you or me to take office on January 12 without being shrouded in suspicion.
-Dino Rossi, Republican candidate for Governor of Washington, in open letter to Democratic candidate Christine Gregoire Rossi�s argument is equally applicable to the Presidential election. Following an extremely flawed and probably illegal �recount� in Ohio, no one can say for sure who won that state�s 20 Electoral College votes, and these 20 votes are necessary for either George Bush or John Kerry to claim a victory in the 2004 election.
Most importantly, however, the Ohio recount has led us to a conclusion that should be obvious to fair-minded people of any political party:
no one can claim victory in a contest when the score-keeping system was broken.
2)How to use these Talking Points
This document is available in HTML, PDF, or MS Word format at
This document is intended to assist you in arguing that it is a moral imperative for all Members of Congress to take a stand and object to the presidential electors from Ohio, Florida, and other states. It is prepared for citizen-lobbyist who will have face-to-face meetings (most likely with staff members) to convey their concerns and those of millions of others.
We have found that there is no sufficient substitute for in-person dialog, which allows you to directly contradict the many rationalizations and excuses given for inaction, particularly regarding this matter.
We recommend that you internalize the content in these talking points as best you can, as it is difficult to control a conversation or anticipate which specific topics will be most useful in your case.
We have found that the most effective tactic is to engage the meeting participant in a back and forth exchange -- starting with eliciting their concerns. Ask them directly why their boss has not already joined with those like Rev. Jackson and Rep. Conyers. Should they not be forthcoming, you can interject some of the rationalizations below by saying "others have claimed that..."
The points are categorized as Informational, Argumentative, or Political/Strategic but this arrangement connotes no hierarchy of importance or effectiveness. Every situation is unique and you may have the opportunity to use many or few of these points in your effort.
For questions, comments, or more help just contact us at thedeanpeople (at)
Informational Points -- to satisfy queries and combat honest ignorance
� An election is not a contest -- it is a survey -- an effort to measure an objective reality. (See Note2 below)
Elections are intended to measure the will of the people, not the will of the candidates; therefore, it does not matter if a candidate has conceded.
It is the affirmative DUTY of each and every Member of Congress to personally judge the validity of presidential electors based on any information they have at hand. Yes, they apparently need to be told this. (See Note1 below)
Each Senator/Rep is Constitutionally charged with the burden of being the backstop or safety valve for an election procedure that has rendered an invalid result
States have no "right" to have electoral votes counted and many slates of electors have been disallowed in the past -- particularly after the Civil War
The Voting Rights Act makes it unlawful for minorities to receive disparate treatment by any election process -- no willful or negligent act need be found to have occurred -- a disparate circumstance or result is sufficient for violation.
In 2001 the US Commission on Civil Rights made a legal finding of just such a violation in regard to the Florida election - undisputed evidence of poll-tax-lines and registration process violations makes clear that there has not been a correction of this finding
If a state's election laws includes a contest provision, that state's election is not lawfully completed unless and until such contests have been disposed of judicially
Argumentative Points -- to counter unfounded rationalizations, excuses, and fears
What is being asked of the official is a simple question:
"Are hours-long poll-tax-lines for poor minority voters and none for affluent white voters a tolerable condition for you personally?"
Yes, strong stuff. But necessary stuff if we're going to secure our right to have confidence in free and fair elections.
No unlawful election process can lawfully certify electors
Objecting is the best action they can take to advance the general cause of "Election Reform"
Objecting to electors, successfully or not, creates a "consequence" for the failures of the system.
A traffic light rarely gets built until someone is killed or injured. Only after 9/11 did Congress seriously address anti-terrorism.
The same is true here and an objection makes it clear to citizens in every state that they must enact reforms and make the investments necessary their state may be denied the privilege of participating in the Electoral College.
We The People, through our representatives, have set out our election laws to ensure that election results reflect OUR will
Our law is intended to serve our will, not thwart it. We can never again allow "technical" or "legal" arguments and rationalizations to trump reality as we did in 2000.
When the results of an election are in doubt, the moral burden is on the states to prove the results to be sound.
The People have an inalienable right to full confidence in the results.
3)The January 3 pro-Democracy Rally at Capitol Theatre In Columbus featuring Jesse Jackson, David Cobb, Ohio Rep. Sheila Tubbs-Jones, Tim Carpenter of the PDA, Theresa Fedor of Ohio Senate among others!
4)Enomy? = Money?
People First in The 21st!
Our VOTE is NOT For Sale
No Privatizing of The Vote
Vote Zealots?
what no Zeal for Democracy?
The People are reporting for Duty
The People are coming! The People are Coming!! THE PEOPLE ARE CARING
Where? OH Where Has the Media gone? OH where Oh where, can they BE?
I used to read and watch all day long
NOW they have given-up on me
they really could care if we stay free!
STEAL OUR Vote? STEAL Our Future!
Cover-up using mass-hypnosis campaign and head-space for rent corporate-appartchick propagandists
E Pluribus Unum (out of Many ONE)
American Voter Republican- in that order
Skull and Bones?
Bowls and Scones
cuckoo's nest Media
Bush should get, while the gettin' s Good
Media Rush to Judgement
We are fighting for the true outcome
America shall not reward criminal conduct
1 Rule for Them another for us
There are more of us than there are of them
No Records No Election
Refuse to Live with a Lie
Resist the Privatizing of Truth
more votes than voters
PlutoCrats did NOT give their Mom's The Right to Vote till 1920!
Very telling- EVERY irregularity favors Republicans
Newsmen: paid to sell death
Big Dough=Status Quo
Cheney will be doing the gaveling this time, when Sen. Leahy objects will Dick tell him to GO F__K himself!
America needs to GET DOWN off it's ethnocentric HighHorse, ReNounce it's unnessecary claims of number 1 status, mind it's own business, Come Home, and REBUILD and Tend needs here at HOME
BlueBloods Bleed Greed without Heed
TrueBloods FEED Needs Adhere to CREEDS
Trusting IN the UNofficial Web of SMILES
Must! Do NOW !-1 Focus 1 Mission 1 Goal 1 RESULT=NewVote by J20
author: CultureJamCleveland
HOW DARE THEE? Democracy IS Deliberately Criminally, Hastily being frog-marched to the GallOWs. Adding insult to injury it's Horribly OutRageous that, Insidiously it is AN OFFICIAL State-Secret! The powers that be have coldly calculated that America and Americans will lie to themselves, tell themselves lies and Live with a Lie. For the most part they may be right, many are physically & emotionally energy-sapped, distracted, conTrolled, apathetic, demoralized and even Zombified. Many millions though, are ascending to that MounTain Top where the view is so grand, omnicient and the scent wafting from the grounds of our election system, smells FOUL with falseness, fraud and an unholy alliance of corporations, judges and elected? officials AND money twisting, unsportsmanlike a process requiring fairness, transparency, integrity into an abomination- a crime syndicate having undue control of the Public and Human right to Vote. The basic Way to petition Our Servant, elected governments, for a redress of grievances. This Liberty Lover has written a Paul Revere-esque chain letter, a powerful invocation to Clot the Bleeding Wound inflicted by a felonius assault on Democracy. We will NOT or canNot Live with a comfortable, despicable LIE....
Announcement :: Protest Activity
HELP! EveryDay AmeriCAN Heroes URgently Needed for Duty-Defending...
by CultureJamCleveland
30 Dec 2004
Just Future & Constitutional Self-GOvernance
---TIME for All Concerned Citizens to report for Historic Duty and
STAND Up with courageous resolve & vigilance -For We are on-the-cusp of
redemption, my friends! Ballots? SchMallots! We NEED to Vote NOW,
with our voices, eyes,ears and feet in this New Year.
Get Ready for 1/3/05 to 1/6/05. Join
in this dynamic FLASH! SmartMob MoveMent in spirited Defense of
genuine Representative Democracy. The Law, the Future, common sense
and decency are ON Our Side. The PeopleUnited in exciting solidarity are ready to BRING IT ON!, to those who corrupt, mock and trivialize our Right to free, fair and VALID
Elections. Either-the B/C or K/E ticket OR the media is not authorized to accept
dirty elections on the people's behalf if it does not follow clean worldwide
standards. A studied, honest legal assessment shows the 2004Debacle to be
suspect, questionable, frustratingly problematic in its planning,
conduct and now-audit.
Since the CorpMedia has almost zilch credibility as an objective news
source it is the EveryDay People's duty to become and originate a
New Medium which breathes life, rarified air into the communications sphere.
DeCONtaminating the poisoned, polluted atmosphere of responsible
public discourse.Honoring the Public's right-to-know, efforts Conscientiously aimed at motivating, maturing and
moving Consensus Reality Forward-closing the Wisdom Gap.
Can't you see Boris, slyly
grinnin',(the raw exit poll data withheld inside his overcoat) smacking
his fist in his palm, threatening, "What part of, it's over, don't
you understand?" With Abu Gharib, Gitmo ethos prevalent & lurking, the shameful
media is acting much like an agressive interrogater, enforcer- foisting a fraudulent, sham election onto the MassPsyche, and to caring, FreeThinkers & justified Vote Defenders, akin to Psychological torture. First they tell us that it is the most important election
in our lifetime, then Andrew Card nervously, unilaterally calls the
election, in lieu of earned merit, for his boss. The media
doesn't study it, analyize it, or do their job and in a concerted campaign,
echo in unison-GET OVER IT. (remember Hussein capture? newspapers,
websites, networks, punditz-LIKE A RAT,Like a Rat, like a rat) Who gives the orders for these negative thought-spores?
THIS indocrination, chicanery, ridicule is obvious and THE ULTIMATE fear
and hopeless-based trauma
News org's spreading thought-viruses violate the BirthRight
freedom- Cognitive Liberty and the sovereignity of individuals
freedom to think independently,
fairly, honestly as sentient agents SEEKING the promotion of The
Good. Personally, I could give a hoot if the media doesn't care
about their own credibility or respect Words=Conduits of Spirit. I know where to find solid
information-but they are disturbing and stunting, brainwashing those who don't
have time or strength to discover different solutions that shine
light on hidden, nefarious motives, in effect selling short the Human Race, preventing
wisdom, growth and Delaying the Rennaissance!
Nevertheless, Intuition, word-of-mouth and heart-based gnosis IS very powerful
and contagioUS and shall overcome, their advantage of mass-produced reality bytes courtesy of Monopolies aggressively overwhelming dominance and destruction of
sacred Nature- in all it's forms. Adversely favoring profit OVER people,
machine OVER man, subterfuge OVER SunShine transparency- TRULY archaic modus-operandi for a successful species.
This post shares recent tough essays, VoterGate2004 artifacts, documents and
correspondence to emBOLDen and build your networks, flyers for
historic rallies and Hands-to-Work-Hearts-to-God HOMEmade,
protest=protect SIGNS* ENOUGH! No heavy-handed, top-down reality
control can stop this beautiful calling-WE know what happened and
we have to arREST this corruption-Democracy yearns to STAY UP past
it's bedTIME!
My slam poem to help the Next President and Vice President of the United States John Kerry And John Edwards- good luck!
Leap forward inTO Historic WaterShed MoMent STYLE
WE Decide and WE DID!
SEE the exit polls said GET RID!
So, of course, THEY HAD to be MANIPULATID
Shame,... The Vote was HACKED
Hamper, Tamper With O-HiJack the Vote, Like Iraq now WE.. are... Jacked!
the Deck was Stacked, thats a FACT-
can't let this Fraudian Slip through the Crack and Give IN to this HomeLand attack
without this SLACK a FUTURE and FREEDOM.... We Will LACK
ENOUGH! ENOUGH! Time for CuffS
ENOUGH! ENOUGH! Time for CuffS
ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ...Time FOR ..cuffs.
spacebuddy008 AT yr. service
Please Spread Far and Wide!
See also:
1)recent most crucial essays understanding and appreciating the gravity and magnitude of this Historic WaterShed MoMent
2) Site with list of effective arguments for Objection
3)documentation video of Columbus Count EVERY VOTE Rally Jan.3
4)Random slogans and Healthy Meme-shares from CultureJamCleveland
5) links to other VoterGate reports by CultureJamCleveland
1)this MasterFull essay does a lexis-nexis search on - election fraud- and finds 1000 on Ukraine and 177 on Ohio, of which all but 10 were DISmissive.
January 3, 2005 -- The Cleveland Federation of Labor is sending busloads of demonstrators to a rally in Columbus, Ohio, today to take part in a protest of election fraud in the 2004 presidential election. As detailed below, there is strong evidence of vote theft in Ohio. But to anyone who gets their news from a television or from most print media, these protesters are kidding themselves or kidding the rest of us, but certainly they are not onto anything worthy of investigation. Last week I received this Email from the Columbus Dispatch:
"Dear Mr. Swanson:
"You say the rally is to protest the fraud that took place in the election. Where did this fraud occur? Who did it? How did they do it?
"glenn sheller, editorial page editor"
Two months after the election, an editor at ground zero was (seriously or sarcastically) asking a stranger and an amateur to tell him from Washington where the fraud had occurred. I immediately sent him a reply.1 And I didn't hear anything further.
(Dave's reply)
1 Glenn Sheller,
If you're serious, I'm very glad you asked.
To get started, I would recommend reading the Ohio section of this report

and the following letters from Congressman John Conyers of Michigan to
Triad, to Sec. of State Blackwell, and to prosecutors:
Letter to Blackwell, his response, and follow-up letter:

Triad letter:

followup letter:

related video:

letter to federal prosecutors:

and this article by the director of the National Voting Rights Institute:

Would you like me to ask PFAW and NVRI and Conyers' office to send you press
releases in the future? Can I get you any additional information or put you
in touch with any of the organizations involved?
If the above does NOT look to you like reasonable cause to follow the GAO's
advice and investigate, please let me know what level of breakdown and
corruption would interest you.
You know, there are a lot of wacky theories out there, but there are always
dead-ends in a trial and error investigation, especially one done by
grassroots activists without assistance from professional journalists. And
there is so much distrust, that the insane can begin to look plausible. But
the serious evidence of wrongdoing here has mounted so high, that a
continued refusal to acknowledge it will only increase public skepticism and
distrust. Next time around will be worse. Protecting democracy requires
eternal vigilance, and part of eternity is this moment right here. Don't
worry about who you think won or who conceded. That's two people. Worry
about the thousands who tried to vote and had their votes not counted.
Think from their point of view and you'll be on track, in my opinion.
David Swanson
What about actual coverage of what the "theories" are about and what in them is solidly proven, what's speculative, what's disproved? Any of that? Wouldn't a conspiracy theory go away more quickly if you refuted it than if you avoided it and called it names? Hasn't over half the country stopped believing in the weapons of mass destruction in Iraq() after only minimal discussion of the evidence and acknowledgement by the media that there weren't any weapons there?
A Media Blackout: Media Whites Out Vote Fraud

1a)"Crime of November 2": The human side of how Bush stole Ohio, and why Congress must investigate
The Free Press
by Bob Fitrakis, Steve Rosenfeld and Harvey Wasserman
The right-wing media assault on those who would mount this challenge has been withering. The Ohio Republican Party says Rep. Tubbs-Jones will "make a fool of herself" if she supports the effort. GOP functionaries have filled the major media with charges of "conspiracy theories" and "irresponsibility" among those who would question the vote.
But all Americans committed to real democracy must stand in awe of this challenge.
It's more than ironic that this unelected administration has portrayed itself as a defender of democracy in helping overturn an election in Ukraine based on discrepancies between exit polls and a fraudulent vote count. Doing the same here would deny George W. Bush the White House.
It's also ironic that an apparently defeated Republican candidate for governor in the state of Washington is now calling for a revote to overturn a recount. We support that demand, and ask the same for Ohio.
It's beyond tragic that this administration is now shedding untold quantities of blood in Iraq in the name of a democracy that is being denied here.

1b) Statement Of John C. Bonifaz Before The Rally For The Republic, Faneuil Hall, Boston
General Counsel for the National Voting Rights Institute
Four years ago last month, the United States Supreme Court stopped the vote counting in the State of Florida and, for the first time, selected the president of the United States. It marked a dark moment in our nation's history.
Since that time, people throughout this country committed to the vision of democracy pledged to never let it happen again, never again would we allow an individual to assume the power of the presidency without the proper counting of all the votes. We are here tonight because we are dangerously close to allowing it to happen again. We are here tonight because we refuse to be silent.
On December 13, 2004, in the state capitol of Ohio, we witnessed a crime, a crime against democracy, a crime against the right to vote, a crime against our Constitution. On that day, Ohio Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell presided over a meeting over a group of individuals who claimed to have won the right to serve as presidential electors for the State of Ohio in the Electoral College. Mr. Blackwell and that group gathered while a recount began of the votes cast in Ohio for President of the United States.
Mr. Blackwell has done everything in his power to push through a slate of electors based on an untested, initial count. In enacting its recount law, the Ohio legislature ensured that a proper counting of all the votes could include a recount. As candidates for the office of President of the United States, David Cobb and Michael Badnarik exercised their right under the law and sought a recount.
Mr. Blackwell had no right to convene a meeting of the Electoral College in Ohio while a recount was underway. And individuals who ran as candidates for presidential electors had no right to cast votes in the Electoral College in Ohio while a recount was underway.

1c) Judiciary Cmte. Report Clearly
Questioning Bush Reelection
A status report of the House Judiciary Committee investigating the U.S. presidential election, has questioned the certainty of the reelection of president George Bush, based on irregularities in the Ohio contest.
Citing recent election controversy in Washington State and in the "apparent defeat of the opposition leader Victor Yushchenko" in the Ukraine, the report says these contexts show that elections "...are subject to manipulation and mistake."

1d)Re-Vote Ohio! by Ted Glick
Our next governor should enter office without any doubt about the legitimacy of his or her office. The people of Washington deserve to know that their governor was elected fair and square. Unfortunately, the events of the past few weeks now make it impossible for you or me to take office on January 12 without being shrouded in suspicion.
-Dino Rossi, Republican candidate for Governor of Washington, in open letter to Democratic candidate Christine Gregoire Rossi�s argument is equally applicable to the Presidential election. Following an extremely flawed and probably illegal �recount� in Ohio, no one can say for sure who won that state�s 20 Electoral College votes, and these 20 votes are necessary for either George Bush or John Kerry to claim a victory in the 2004 election.
Most importantly, however, the Ohio recount has led us to a conclusion that should be obvious to fair-minded people of any political party:
no one can claim victory in a contest when the score-keeping system was broken.

2)How to use these Talking Points
This document is available in HTML, PDF, or MS Word format at

This document is intended to assist you in arguing that it is a moral imperative for all Members of Congress to take a stand and object to the presidential electors from Ohio, Florida, and other states. It is prepared for citizen-lobbyist who will have face-to-face meetings (most likely with staff members) to convey their concerns and those of millions of others.
We have found that there is no sufficient substitute for in-person dialog, which allows you to directly contradict the many rationalizations and excuses given for inaction, particularly regarding this matter.
We recommend that you internalize the content in these talking points as best you can, as it is difficult to control a conversation or anticipate which specific topics will be most useful in your case.
We have found that the most effective tactic is to engage the meeting participant in a back and forth exchange -- starting with eliciting their concerns. Ask them directly why their boss has not already joined with those like Rev. Jackson and Rep. Conyers. Should they not be forthcoming, you can interject some of the rationalizations below by saying "others have claimed that..."
The points are categorized as Informational, Argumentative, or Political/Strategic but this arrangement connotes no hierarchy of importance or effectiveness. Every situation is unique and you may have the opportunity to use many or few of these points in your effort.
For questions, comments, or more help just contact us at thedeanpeople (at)
Informational Points -- to satisfy queries and combat honest ignorance
� An election is not a contest -- it is a survey -- an effort to measure an objective reality. (See Note2 below)
Elections are intended to measure the will of the people, not the will of the candidates; therefore, it does not matter if a candidate has conceded.
It is the affirmative DUTY of each and every Member of Congress to personally judge the validity of presidential electors based on any information they have at hand. Yes, they apparently need to be told this. (See Note1 below)
Each Senator/Rep is Constitutionally charged with the burden of being the backstop or safety valve for an election procedure that has rendered an invalid result
States have no "right" to have electoral votes counted and many slates of electors have been disallowed in the past -- particularly after the Civil War
The Voting Rights Act makes it unlawful for minorities to receive disparate treatment by any election process -- no willful or negligent act need be found to have occurred -- a disparate circumstance or result is sufficient for violation.
In 2001 the US Commission on Civil Rights made a legal finding of just such a violation in regard to the Florida election - undisputed evidence of poll-tax-lines and registration process violations makes clear that there has not been a correction of this finding
If a state's election laws includes a contest provision, that state's election is not lawfully completed unless and until such contests have been disposed of judicially
Argumentative Points -- to counter unfounded rationalizations, excuses, and fears
What is being asked of the official is a simple question:
"Are hours-long poll-tax-lines for poor minority voters and none for affluent white voters a tolerable condition for you personally?"
Yes, strong stuff. But necessary stuff if we're going to secure our right to have confidence in free and fair elections.
No unlawful election process can lawfully certify electors
Objecting is the best action they can take to advance the general cause of "Election Reform"
Objecting to electors, successfully or not, creates a "consequence" for the failures of the system.
A traffic light rarely gets built until someone is killed or injured. Only after 9/11 did Congress seriously address anti-terrorism.
The same is true here and an objection makes it clear to citizens in every state that they must enact reforms and make the investments necessary their state may be denied the privilege of participating in the Electoral College.
We The People, through our representatives, have set out our election laws to ensure that election results reflect OUR will
Our law is intended to serve our will, not thwart it. We can never again allow "technical" or "legal" arguments and rationalizations to trump reality as we did in 2000.
When the results of an election are in doubt, the moral burden is on the states to prove the results to be sound.
The People have an inalienable right to full confidence in the results.

3)The January 3 pro-Democracy Rally at Capitol Theatre In Columbus featuring Jesse Jackson, David Cobb, Ohio Rep. Sheila Tubbs-Jones, Tim Carpenter of the PDA, Theresa Fedor of Ohio Senate among others!

4)Enomy? = Money?
People First in The 21st!
Our VOTE is NOT For Sale
No Privatizing of The Vote
Vote Zealots?
what no Zeal for Democracy?
The People are reporting for Duty
The People are coming! The People are Coming!! THE PEOPLE ARE CARING
Where? OH Where Has the Media gone? OH where Oh where, can they BE?
I used to read and watch all day long
NOW they have given-up on me
they really could care if we stay free!
STEAL OUR Vote? STEAL Our Future!
Cover-up using mass-hypnosis campaign and head-space for rent corporate-appartchick propagandists
E Pluribus Unum (out of Many ONE)
American Voter Republican- in that order
Skull and Bones?
Bowls and Scones
cuckoo's nest Media
Bush should get, while the gettin' s Good
Media Rush to Judgement
We are fighting for the true outcome
America shall not reward criminal conduct
1 Rule for Them another for us
There are more of us than there are of them
No Records No Election
Refuse to Live with a Lie
Resist the Privatizing of Truth
more votes than voters
PlutoCrats did NOT give their Mom's The Right to Vote till 1920!
Very telling- EVERY irregularity favors Republicans
Newsmen: paid to sell death
Big Dough=Status Quo
Cheney will be doing the gaveling this time, when Sen. Leahy objects will Dick tell him to GO F__K himself!
America needs to GET DOWN off it's ethnocentric HighHorse, ReNounce it's unnessecary claims of number 1 status, mind it's own business, Come Home, and REBUILD and Tend needs here at HOME
BlueBloods Bleed Greed without Heed
TrueBloods FEED Needs Adhere to CREEDS
Trusting IN the UNofficial Web of SMILES
Must! Do NOW !-1 Focus 1 Mission 1 Goal 1 RESULT=NewVote by J20
author: CultureJamCleveland
HOW DARE THEE? Democracy IS Deliberately Criminally, Hastily being frog-marched to the GallOWs. Adding insult to injury it's Horribly OutRageous that, Insidiously it is AN OFFICIAL State-Secret! The powers that be have coldly calculated that America and Americans will lie to themselves, tell themselves lies and Live with a Lie. For the most part they may be right, many are physically & emotionally energy-sapped, distracted, conTrolled, apathetic, demoralized and even Zombified. Many millions though, are ascending to that MounTain Top where the view is so grand, omnicient and the scent wafting from the grounds of our election system, smells FOUL with falseness, fraud and an unholy alliance of corporations, judges and elected? officials AND money twisting, unsportsmanlike a process requiring fairness, transparency, integrity into an abomination- a crime syndicate having undue control of the Public and Human right to Vote. The basic Way to petition Our Servant, elected governments, for a redress of grievances. This Liberty Lover has written a Paul Revere-esque chain letter, a powerful invocation to Clot the Bleeding Wound inflicted by a felonius assault on Democracy. We will NOT or canNot Live with a comfortable, despicable LIE....

Announcement :: Protest Activity
HELP! EveryDay AmeriCAN Heroes URgently Needed for Duty-Defending...
by CultureJamCleveland
30 Dec 2004
Just Future & Constitutional Self-GOvernance
---TIME for All Concerned Citizens to report for Historic Duty and
STAND Up with courageous resolve & vigilance -For We are on-the-cusp of
redemption, my friends! Ballots? SchMallots! We NEED to Vote NOW,
with our voices, eyes,ears and feet in this New Year.
Get Ready for 1/3/05 to 1/6/05. Join
in this dynamic FLASH! SmartMob MoveMent in spirited Defense of
genuine Representative Democracy. The Law, the Future, common sense
and decency are ON Our Side. The PeopleUnited in exciting solidarity are ready to BRING IT ON!, to those who corrupt, mock and trivialize our Right to free, fair and VALID
Elections. Either-the B/C or K/E ticket OR the media is not authorized to accept
dirty elections on the people's behalf if it does not follow clean worldwide
standards. A studied, honest legal assessment shows the 2004Debacle to be
suspect, questionable, frustratingly problematic in its planning,
conduct and now-audit.
Since the CorpMedia has almost zilch credibility as an objective news
source it is the EveryDay People's duty to become and originate a
New Medium which breathes life, rarified air into the communications sphere.
DeCONtaminating the poisoned, polluted atmosphere of responsible
public discourse.Honoring the Public's right-to-know, efforts Conscientiously aimed at motivating, maturing and
moving Consensus Reality Forward-closing the Wisdom Gap.
Can't you see Boris, slyly
grinnin',(the raw exit poll data withheld inside his overcoat) smacking
his fist in his palm, threatening, "What part of, it's over, don't
you understand?" With Abu Gharib, Gitmo ethos prevalent & lurking, the shameful
media is acting much like an agressive interrogater, enforcer- foisting a fraudulent, sham election onto the MassPsyche, and to caring, FreeThinkers & justified Vote Defenders, akin to Psychological torture. First they tell us that it is the most important election
in our lifetime, then Andrew Card nervously, unilaterally calls the
election, in lieu of earned merit, for his boss. The media
doesn't study it, analyize it, or do their job and in a concerted campaign,
echo in unison-GET OVER IT. (remember Hussein capture? newspapers,
websites, networks, punditz-LIKE A RAT,Like a Rat, like a rat) Who gives the orders for these negative thought-spores?
THIS indocrination, chicanery, ridicule is obvious and THE ULTIMATE fear
and hopeless-based trauma
News org's spreading thought-viruses violate the BirthRight
freedom- Cognitive Liberty and the sovereignity of individuals
freedom to think independently,
fairly, honestly as sentient agents SEEKING the promotion of The
Good. Personally, I could give a hoot if the media doesn't care
about their own credibility or respect Words=Conduits of Spirit. I know where to find solid
information-but they are disturbing and stunting, brainwashing those who don't
have time or strength to discover different solutions that shine
light on hidden, nefarious motives, in effect selling short the Human Race, preventing
wisdom, growth and Delaying the Rennaissance!
Nevertheless, Intuition, word-of-mouth and heart-based gnosis IS very powerful
and contagioUS and shall overcome, their advantage of mass-produced reality bytes courtesy of Monopolies aggressively overwhelming dominance and destruction of
sacred Nature- in all it's forms. Adversely favoring profit OVER people,
machine OVER man, subterfuge OVER SunShine transparency- TRULY archaic modus-operandi for a successful species.
This post shares recent tough essays, VoterGate2004 artifacts, documents and
correspondence to emBOLDen and build your networks, flyers for
historic rallies and Hands-to-Work-Hearts-to-God HOMEmade,
protest=protect SIGNS* ENOUGH! No heavy-handed, top-down reality
control can stop this beautiful calling-WE know what happened and
we have to arREST this corruption-Democracy yearns to STAY UP past
it's bedTIME!

My slam poem to help the Next President and Vice President of the United States John Kerry And John Edwards- good luck!
Leap forward inTO Historic WaterShed MoMent STYLE
WE Decide and WE DID!
SEE the exit polls said GET RID!
So, of course, THEY HAD to be MANIPULATID
Shame,... The Vote was HACKED
Hamper, Tamper With O-HiJack the Vote, Like Iraq now WE.. are... Jacked!
the Deck was Stacked, thats a FACT-
can't let this Fraudian Slip through the Crack and Give IN to this HomeLand attack
without this SLACK a FUTURE and FREEDOM.... We Will LACK
ENOUGH! ENOUGH! Time for CuffS
ENOUGH! ENOUGH! Time for CuffS
ENOUGH! ENOUGH! ...Time FOR ..cuffs.
spacebuddy008 AT yr. service
Please Spread Far and Wide!
See also:
