UK Newswire Archive
Australia deports English 'Nazi'
11-09-2002 02:21
Australia has deported a senior member of the British National Front combat 18 group.Irish Indymedia film about Genoa 2001 available from
11-09-2002 00:33

11-09-2002 00:22
A secretive organisation is inspiring the first ever international day of industrial action by the McDonald's corporation's employees on October 16th. The militant workers are united by their rejection of exploitation and their contempt for McDonald's obsessive prioritisation of profit.Trident Ploughshares banner drop Hiroshima day
11-09-2002 00:19

Military and Civilian Pilots Accuse U.S. Government
10-09-2002 23:51
A Portugal-based investigative journalist has presented THE NEWS with a version of the September 11th attacks that has to date failed to attract the attention of the international press. The report, compiled by an independent inquiry into the September 11th, World Trade Centre attack, warns the American public that the government's official version of events does not stand up to scrutiny.BNP/NF to march on Finsbury Park Mosque
10-09-2002 23:05
The BNP/NF are planning to demonstrate againstthe Finsbury Park Mosque tommorrow [wednesday]
at 7pm. This is a call for all anti-fascists
to mobilise!
10-09-2002 22:33
The day of September 11, 2001, in London was also a day of peaceful protest against the unethical UK arms industry but will only be remembered for a plane hitting two twin towers taking 2,950 lives in New York.Hijacking Terror
10-09-2002 22:28
The day of September 11, 2001, in London was also a day of peaceful protest against the unethical UK arms industry but will only be remembered for a plane hitting two twin towers taking 2,950 lives in New York.THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL
10-09-2002 19:34
Living in a post-9/11 cloud...BOYCOTT U.S. AND ISRAEL!
10-09-2002 15:47
With the arrival of the anniversary of 9/11 and the government/media lies that have accompanied this tragedy, the world must respond-BOYCOTT U.S. MULTINATIONAL CORPORATIONS!! BOYCOTT ISRAEL!!The Battle of Chile
10-09-2002 15:08
A rare screening of THE BATTLE OF CHILE will take place on Sunday 15th September 2pm Conway Hall, London.War Resisters' International in court for war tax resistance on 11 September
10-09-2002 12:48

¿Is global clash fading? ¿Is local clash strengthening?
10-09-2002 11:22
Denmark, September 7. Demonstration against EU Economy Secretaries, ECOFIN (14.00, Enghave Square) - constant updates:by La Haine (anticapitalist media)

A U.S Gulf War veteran opposes war on Iraq.
10-09-2002 10:56
powerful resume of reasons why going to war with Iraq will be bloody and wrong.What will Blair do now he knows Bush lied to him?
10-09-2002 09:23
It has emerged that the photographs and report on Iraq's imminent nuclear capacity prove nothing of the sort. What will our feeble government do now?Warning: BNP have been posting with abandon today
10-09-2002 08:23
The BNP woke up early again this morning. In the short term, these posts need to be hidden. In the long term, we need a strategy?Israeli soldiers cleared over deaths (BBC/Latuff)
10-09-2002 02:47

More details on BBC web site:

How did Iraq get its weapons? We sold them
09-09-2002 20:58
THE US and Britain sold Saddam Hussein the technology and materials Iraq needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological wea pons of mass destruction.