Mr Angry | 11.09.2002 14:54
Yesterday Tony Blair gave a speech to the TUC advocating an invasion of Iraq - without being interrupted, heckled, slow hand clapped or faced with a walk out by a single delegate.
Nothing shows the passivity of the union leaders, Labour Party 'left-wingers' and assortment of Labour voting left wing groups than this cowardice. They sell their papers and shout slogans when no one's listening, but given an opportunity to make a real difference by disrupting a speech by warmonger Blair they keep silent.
If war does start, it will mean thousands dead and untold suffering in the middle east in the pursuit of cheap oil for the US and its allies. It will also inevitably lead to more horrors like those experienced a year ago today in New York. Despite incessant pro-war government propaganda, the majority of the British people are against a middle east war.
We can make a real difference - by building an active anti-war movement that takes direct action of such a magnitude that the government has to listen to the people. That will not come from the cowards that sat quietly listening to Tony Blair yesterday. We will have to do make it ourselves, in our own communities.
There are signs of this already. People in Bristol have announced that if war is declared the city will be stopped. Other groups like are beginning to organise.
But, as always, the politicos are behind the people. Millions of people oppose this war and want to show their anger at what Blair's government is doing. They don't want to sit quietly listening to MPs at boring rallies and be told where and when to march by the state that is conducting the war they are trying to stop.
If groups organise openly and inclusively, taking in-yer-face direct action that shows how angry we are at this warmongering, thousands will get involved. If we don't, we might as well go home and watch it all on TV.
If war does start, it will mean thousands dead and untold suffering in the middle east in the pursuit of cheap oil for the US and its allies. It will also inevitably lead to more horrors like those experienced a year ago today in New York. Despite incessant pro-war government propaganda, the majority of the British people are against a middle east war.
We can make a real difference - by building an active anti-war movement that takes direct action of such a magnitude that the government has to listen to the people. That will not come from the cowards that sat quietly listening to Tony Blair yesterday. We will have to do make it ourselves, in our own communities.
There are signs of this already. People in Bristol have announced that if war is declared the city will be stopped. Other groups like

But, as always, the politicos are behind the people. Millions of people oppose this war and want to show their anger at what Blair's government is doing. They don't want to sit quietly listening to MPs at boring rallies and be told where and when to march by the state that is conducting the war they are trying to stop.
If groups organise openly and inclusively, taking in-yer-face direct action that shows how angry we are at this warmongering, thousands will get involved. If we don't, we might as well go home and watch it all on TV.
Mr Angry
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