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fede | 11.09.2002 09:35

Peace at risk in Chiapas as the Supreme Court of Mexico approves a version of the Indigenous Rights Law that breaks the previous agreements of St. Andres reached in 1996 by the mexican government and the EZLN.

From a report by "Ya Basta!" Italy, San Cristobal de la Casas, Chiapas. On friday 6th September the Supreme Court of Mexico rejected by a majority of votes 320 appeals made from indigenous municipalities against the Indigenous Rigths Law. The version of the Indigenous Rights Law, passed by the Mexican Congress in July 2001, is widely opposed by indigenous groups across Mexico. It was rejected by the CNI and the EZLN as it is seen as a "trick-law" that breaks the agreements of St. Andres of 1996. In an atmosphere marked by the growing militarization of the conflict zone in Chiapas, and by a heavy paramilitary offensive (which has already caused four dead and many injured) the decision of the Supreme Court of Mexico shelves a peace process already at risk since last year, when the EZLN declared themselves to be in resistance and rebellion. For more info see :

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