UK Newswire Archive
Cardiff Demo Against the Badger Killers
08-06-2010 09:55

A Call To Boycott Israeli Products
08-06-2010 09:48
In the wake of Israel’s deadly raid on unarmed peace activists and its continued blockade of Gaza the time has come to express international indignation by a citizens’ boycott of Israeli goods.For years it has been obvious no western government has the political courage to impose official sanctions on Israeli products and that the United States, virtually ruled by pro-Israeli interests and bureaucrats, is unlikely to punish, even admonish, a country converted into America’s Middle East fortress and financed to a great extent by Jewish interests in the USA.
Picket the Legal Services Commission, [2]
08-06-2010 09:22
12-2pm, Bristol Queens SquareCome join us Wednesday lunchtime , (9th June) to protest against the Legal Services Commission (LSC), whose offices overlook Queens Square. Stop devastating cuts in Legal Aid which would mean some of the most in need are denied access to the 'justice' system.
The LSC administers the legal aid scheme, meaning they are responsible for helping over 2 million people each year to deal with their legal problems.
What's wrong with that then?
Legal aid is vital in ensuring everyone, regardless of their financial situation, has access to the help they need in the courts. However, recent cuts and administrative changes have meant that this in now in jeopardy. This is particularly apparent in the case of Refugee and Migrant Justice (RMJ).
What do Refugee and Migrant Justice do?
RMJ provide legal advice and representation to help migrants at every level of the immigration and asylum process. Changes in legal aid funding mean that rather than getting paid by the month, RMJ now have to wait until the closure of a case, which can often take months if not years. If this scheme continues, RMJ will be forced to close.
And what would that mean?
The consequences of this would be massive – thousands of people, including children and victims of torture, trafficking and armed conflict would be left without adequate legal representation to face an uncertain and possibly deadly future. Miscarriages of justice, already prevalent in the asylum system, will only increase with devastating results for those involved. It will worsen a system that already detains people indefinitely for no crime and deports people with no guarantees as to what will happen upon their return. A system that puts people in dehumanising situations as a matter of course and whose starting position when assessing asylum claims is one of suspicion and disbelief. The government have claimed that no one will be adversely affected if RMJ are forced to close. However, in reality there is no other organisation capable of meeting the demand. RMJ's closure would put lives at risk and end a vital lifeline of support.
But why should I care?
Even if you're not affected by what's happening with RMJ, cuts in legal aid and changes in the LSC are having negative consequences for millions of people. They are threatening to create a two-tier justice system, where those not sufficiently wealthy are deprived of the legal advice and representation that are fundamental to the justice system. They threaten a crucial way of challenging government policy in the courts, giving the government greater power to decide whether a case receives funding and thus removing accountability. And plans to bring in a fixed fee structure to replace an hourly rate threaten cases of vital importance receiving the attention they need. This is a situation that threatens us all. It demands a united call of indignation. It demands resistance.
What can you do? Come to the next Bristol No Borders meeting, 15th June, Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton. 7pm. We meet every other Tuesday. Following meeting 29th June.
Visit the RMJ website and contact the Immigration Minister/Secretary of State
Picket the Legal Services Commission, [1]
08-06-2010 09:22
12-2pm, Bristol Queens SquareCome join us Wednesday lunchtime , (9th June) to protest against the Legal Services Commission (LSC), whose offices overlook Queens Square. Stop devastating cuts in Legal Aid which would mean some of the most in need are denied access to the 'justice' system.
bristolnoborders write:Come join us Wednesday lunchtime , (9th June) to protest against the Legal Services Commission (LSC), whose offices overlook Queens Square. Stop devastating cuts in Legal Aid which would mean some of the most in need are denied access to the 'justice' system. The LSC administers the legal aid scheme, meaning they are responsible for helping over 2 million people each year to deal with their legal problems. What's wrong with that then? Legal aid is vital in ensuring everyone, regardless of their financial situation, has access to the help they need in the courts. However, recent cuts and administrative changes have meant that this in now in jeopardy. This is particularly apparent in the case of Refugee and Migrant Justice (RMJ).
RMJ provide legal advice and representation to help migrants at every level of the immigration and asylum process. Changes in legal aid funding mean that rather than getting paid by the month, RMJ now have to wait until the closure of a case, which can often take months if not years. If this scheme continues, RMJ will be forced to close. The consequences of this would be massive – thousands of people, including children and victims of torture, trafficking and armed conflict would be left without adequate legal representation to face an uncertain and possibly deadly future. Miscarriages of justice, already prevalent in the asylum system, will only increase with devastating results for those involved. It will worsen a system that already detains people indefinitely for no crime and deports people with no guarantees as to what will happen upon their return. A system that puts people in dehumanising situations as a matter of course and whose starting position when assessing asylum claims is one of suspicion and disbelief. The government have claimed that no one will be adversely affected if RMJ are forced to close. However, in reality there is no other organisation capable of meeting the demand. RMJ's closure would put lives at risk and end a vital lifeline of support.
Even if you're not affected by what's happening with RMJ, cuts in legal aid and changes in the LSC are having negative consequences for millions of people. They are threatening to create a two-tier justice system, where those not sufficiently wealthy are deprived of the legal advice and representation that are fundamental to the justice system. They threaten a crucial way of challenging government policy in the courts, giving the government greater power to decide whether a case receives funding and thus removing accountability. And plans to bring in a fixed fee structure to replace an hourly rate threaten cases of vital importance receiving the attention they need. This is a situation that threatens us all. It demands a united call of indignation. It demands resistance.
What can you do? Come to the next Bristol No Borders meeting, 15th June, Kebele Social Centre, 14 Robertson Rd, Easton. 7pm. We meet every other Tuesday. Following meeting 29th June. Visit the RMJ website and contact the Immigration Minister/Secretary of State
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Meet Tom Holmes The Rotherham fascist..
08-06-2010 04:16

World Naked Bike Ride
08-06-2010 03:22
A peaceful, imaginative and fun protest against oil dependency and car culture.A celebration of the bicycle and of the power and individuality of the human body.
A symbol of the vulnerability of the cyclist in traffic.
Sunday June 13th
meet from 12 o'clock for body painting and bicycle decorating, ride leaves 1:30pm sharp
location: the Full Moon, Stokes Croft
The ride wants to promote the idea of regular Car Free Sundays in Bristol city centre
and more traffic free environments and healthy hearts
Goldstone Report to be used as defence at Decommissioners Trial
08-06-2010 00:22
The judge in the decommissioners trial at Hove Crown Court stated today that the jury would need to know the historical background to the trial. He recommended that a short summary of the Goldstone Report be submitted to the jury as part of the evidence for the defence. This is a highly significant decision as the report is extremely critical of both the Israeli Defence Force and Hamas. Of particular relevance to today's trial is that it finds that war crimes were committed by Israel in its attack on Gaza in 2009. This strongly supports the defendants' case and is of world significance for future trials.Today the judge in the opening stages of the decommisioners trial at Hove Crown Court stated that the jury would need to be aware of the present situation in Gaza and of the circumstances during the Israeli attack in January 2009. He recommended that a short extract of the executive summary of the Goldstone Report be allowed as evidence for the defence and be presented to the jurors. In passing he mentioned the attack by the Israeli Defence Force(IDF) on the UN Relief and Works building during the conflict.
This is a highly significant development as the Goldstone Report is extremely critical of both /the IDF and of Hamas. Of particular relevance to the trial today is that the report states that war crimes were committed by Israel in its assault on Gaza. This strongly supports the fundamental argument of the decommissioners who have consistently said that they acted to prevent such crimes from being committed by the IDF. If this line of argument is accepted by the jury then the outlook is bright for the eight defendants in court today. It also has potentially historical significance for future trials both in th UK and the rest of the world.
Stop Vivisection In Sheffield! June 19th demo update
08-06-2010 00:07

democracy village eviction-high court adjournment
07-06-2010 23:22
the notice of trespass brought on the democracy village by the GLA has been adjourned once again at a high court hearing. further argumants will be heard on friday at the high court.
mr justice maddison today said that although his provisional view is that the attempt to evict the camp on the basis of trespass is 'likely to succeed', it does throw up legitimate arguments about the right to protest which will have to be heard in a new court hearing next friday.
the villagers are arguing (among other things) that they are protesting against an illegal war, and any attempt to remove them on the basis of a handful of complaints from the public shows an immoral support for that war, while their own actions are a moral stance protected by the human rights act.
further, they argue that the GLA does not have the power to use bye-laws against such a legitimate protest as they are only tasked with the management of the land for the public, and it will have to be the queen that evicts them for trespass as she was officially "given" the land by the government in the GLA Act in 1999.
supporters are welcome at the high court in the strand on friday
Bristol Indymedia Film Night: Sharkwater
07-06-2010 22:22
.Bristol Indymedia and Bristol Animal Rights Collective (B.A.R.C.) present 'Sharkwater' : Film-maker, Rob Stewart debunks historical stereotypes and media depictions of sharks as bloodthirsty, man-eating monsters and reveals the reality of sharks as pillars in the evolution of the seas.
Sharkwater exposes the exploitation and corruption surrounding the world's shark populations in the marine reserves of Cocos Island, Costa Rica and the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador. In an effort to protect sharks, Stewart teams up with Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. Their unbelievable adventure starts with a battle between the Sea Shepherd and shark poachers in Guatemala, resulting in pirate boat rammings, gunboat chases, mafia espionage, corrupt court systems and attempted murder charges, forcing them to flee for their lives. Stewart discovers these magnificent creatures have gone from predator to prey, and how despite surviving the earth's history of mass extinctions, they could easily be wiped out within a few years due to human greed.
Winner of 26 international film festival awards, Sharkwater features an original score from Jeff Rona (Original Music, The Lion King), plus tracks from Moby, Nina Simone, Portishead, Aphex Twin and more.
The screening will be followed by a discussion with B.A.R.C. about the issues raised in the film.
Cube Cinema, Dove Street South, Bristol 7th June 8pm / £4 or £3 (but nobody refused for lack of funds).
Mavi Marmara : On cowardice and violence
07-06-2010 21:00
Copied from Well worth reading:Reflections by a Former US Marine on the Mavi Marmara
New SHAC address
07-06-2010 20:44
There is now a new address for SHAC (Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty)New software of the pro-Israel lobby to scan IMCs
07-06-2010 19:52
This is how the pro-Israel lobby fishes in the internet for "anti-Israel diversants".Protest/action against Bristol Business supporting Israel.
07-06-2010 19:22
In retaliation at the ongoing treatment of palestinian people, and the recent attack on the international flotila.The recent attack by Israli forces on an flotila of boats carrying aid into gaza, and the murder of nine activists on board has broght the media spotlight back onto this area of the world.
However in between the bouts of headlines the Israli state forces continue to routinely kill civilians, carry out extrajudicial executions and cripple the infrastructure in Gaza. By militarised border and naval blockade Israiil has effectively turned Gaza into an open air prison.
All of this requires funding and equipment, companies in the UK supply equipment used to close Gaza's borders (even concrete used for the wall), parts used in the bombs in the attacks carried out and sell the goods Israil collections from its illegal (and UN conndemned) settlements in occupied palestinian lands.
We believe anyone angered by the news they have seen about Gaza should stand up and let these companies know what we think about their trading choices.
Come to the fountaints THIS WEDNESDAY at 4.00, bring banners, noisey things, useful things, and your anger.
Break open Breaky Bottom!
07-06-2010 18:32
'BREAK open Breaky Bottom!' is the rallying cry for a protest walk on the South Downs in East Sussex this weekend.Update on the JB Spray
07-06-2010 18:18
Last Thursday's court case went well for the occupiers. The case has been adjourned until the start of July. They intend to stay and continue to build their community.400 have now signed the Minorca Petition
07-06-2010 17:14
A brief report on how well the petition asking for a decision on UK Coal's Minorca Opencast application is going + news non a boost in membership.Full article | 1 addition | 2 comments
Depression UK - Anticapitalist Video
07-06-2010 16:29

!! Urgent : Festie Volunteers Needed !!
07-06-2010 16:22
Volunteers needed for bar work for Tolpuddle Martyrs festivalLabour Behind the Label has 2 volunteer places for Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival 15th - 18th July, in Dorset. Volunteers needed as the work raises much-needed funds for local labour rights campaign Labour Behind the Label.
Please consider volunteering for Labour Behind the Label .
We have been awarded 2 places to do bar work for the Workers' Beer Company at the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival in Dorset. The festival period is from the 15th - 18th July and volunteers would need to be available to do bar shifts over this period arrange own transport to get there. When we send volunteers to Workers' Beer events the volunteers receive free entry to the festival and in this case a £5 voucher each day for onsite facilities plus free camping and car pass. In return LBL is paid for the work carried out. It's a really valuable way for us to fundraise over the summer and if you would like to get involved please get in touch.
The festival is a fun, left-leaning event with strong trade union links with music from people such as Billy Bragg and Eliza Carthy amongst many others - ska, punk, folk, banjo, African, its all there. There are Radical History events and stand-up poetry, food etc. All the info can be found on the attached pdf including transport deatils and car share links.
I need to know how many tents/if you need a car pass as soon as possible - before the end of Wednesday 9th.
Mavi Marmara attacked - VIDEO
07-06-2010 16:00
when Israel lies video on Mavi Marmara during the attack