UK Newswire Archive
Palestine Today 06 23 2011
23-06-2011 14:13

Public Rally in Support of Victims of Torture, Trafalgar Square, 26 June, 2-4pm
23-06-2011 12:53
In spite of laws to protect human rights, torture remains prevalent throughout the world. Men, women, children and entire communities are subject to unspeakable atrocities and the effects that live with them long after the violence ends. We invite you to come and stand up against these atrocities, and join us in solidarity with the victims.If the plans are approved it would be one of the largest factory farms in the UK
23-06-2011 12:48
TAKE ACTION: Object to Foston pig factory, DerbyshireUK Company, Midland Pig Producers (MPP) is applying to build an indoor pig factory farm on a green field site near the village
of Foston, Derbyshire (
Application CW9/0311/174

). If the plans are approved it would be one of the largest factory farms in the UK, containing 2,500 mother pigs (sows) and around 25,000 growing pigs, with 1,000 going for slaughter each week.
Project PM Leaks Dirt on Romas/COIN Classified US Intelligence Mass Surveillance
23-06-2011 11:05

According to a Project PM announcement, here are some of the 'classified intelligence' details about Romas/COIN (Odyssey) with capabilities to monitor and automatically analyze millions of conversations, and then secretly store a wide range of personal data. It appears as if even Apple, Google, and Disney's Pixar were trying to be brought aboard to help out in this mass surveillance apparatus.
Launch of Jailhouse Lawyers by Mumia Abu-Jamal
23-06-2011 09:33

Twelve animal rights activists arrested in man hunt in Spain
23-06-2011 08:28

Africa House Eviction threat
22-06-2011 21:12
As many homeless migrants still struggle with life in Calais and activists continue to give support, the situation has intensified with the confirmation that the main squat which many call home is to be evicted, apparently within the next few days.What NATO Is Doing In Libya
22-06-2011 20:43

"NATO confirmed they had carried out another bombing, but has not responded to the allegations of civilian casualties.
"An RT crew in Tripoli has shot some shocking footage of bodies mutilated in NATO bombings."
M O R E: ...

T'Other Stage Wants You !
22-06-2011 17:38

Animal Rights Records of US Presidential Candidates
22-06-2011 15:56
The animal rights movement has achieved critical mass and willaffect the outcome of the US presidential election.
Somer Housing proposing to sell off our homes to the private sector
22-06-2011 14:34
22-06-2011 14:22

Biomass protestors admit guilt on procedural, but not moral, grounds
22-06-2011 13:55
Seven people faced trial at Falkirk court today (22nd June) after blockading the access roads to Grangemouth docks on 16th May 2011 in protest at plans by port owners, Forth Ports, to build 4 large biomass power stations in East Scotland. Four were found guilty of obstructing the public highway and three were found not guilty.
End Serbian State Repression
22-06-2011 12:55
On Monday, 20th June, 10.00 - 12.00 there was a protest in front of the Embassy of the Rupublic of Serbia, London called by Solidarity Federation in solidarity with the International Anti-NATO Campaign.
From 13th to 15th of June the city of Belgrade (Serbia) saw the largest NATO gathering in the world. In response, international libertarian groups organized an Anti-NATO campaign to protest against militarism, imperialism and capitalist exploitation which are all synonymous with NATO. Those gathered in Belgrade in days prior to the rally faced intimidation, harassment and criminalization by the authorities, which forced the Anti-NATO Camp to be cancelled. Simultaneously the campaign faced total media blackout.
The repression continued on the first day of the peaceful protest (12th June) when the police assaulted protestors. 8 people were arrested under false charges. A Croatian national was released after extortionate bail was collected and 6 others face charges for "prevention of a state official from carrying out orders". Ratibor Trivunac was speedily tried and sentenced behind closed doors to 15 days in prison for "organizing an unreported public gathering". He remains in the prison of Padinska Skela. You can watch a video documenting the arrests here: On the same day at the rally organized by the DSS (ultra-conservative Democratic Party of Serbia), members of the clero-fascist organization "Obraz" paraded freely, while one day later, members of the Serbian Radical Party taunted the police, again without any arrests. The Serbian State is happy to allow fascists and ultra-nationalists free reign, while hosting the forces which bombed its people. NATO's crimes remain unchallenged, but protests against NATO are met with arrests and repression.
We protest against the repression and brutality of the Republic of Serbia and demand an immediate release of Ratibor Trivunac and the dropping of all charges against the activists of the anti-NATO campaign.
Former Inkerman director to be extradited for fraud
22-06-2011 11:51

More Than A Dispute About Pensions
22-06-2011 02:20
"The scale of the cuts is so big, on such a broad front,that it's actually easier to think of bringing down the government than pursuing individual campaigns." - UNISON delegateOn Tuesday 21st June, Manchester Coalition Against The Cuts brought together 80 people at a public meeting to discuss organising for the strike on 30th June.