Public Rally in Support of Victims of Torture, Trafalgar Square, 26 June, 2-4pm
London Guantánamo Campaign | 23.06.2011 12:53 | Guantánamo | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles | Terror War | South Coast | World
In spite of laws to protect human rights, torture remains prevalent throughout the world. Men, women, children and entire communities are subject to unspeakable atrocities and the effects that live with them long after the violence ends. We invite you to come and stand up against these atrocities, and join us in solidarity with the victims.

You are invited to:
Trafalgar Square, LondonSunday 26 June 2011, 2-4pm
“This is a day on which we pay our respects to those who
have endured the unimaginable. This is an occasion for the
world to speak up against the unspeakable.”
- Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General
Speakers include:
Andy Worthington, journalist
Jean Lambert MEP
Dr Frank Arnold
Maya Evans, Justice Not Vengeance
Ilyas Townsend, Justice for Aafia Coalition
Maria Gallastegui, Peace Strike
Naomi Colvin, UK Friends of Bradley Manning
Noa Kleinman, Amnesty International
Sanum Ghafoor, Stop The War Coalition
Simar Kaur, Taran
Les Levidov, CAMPACC
and speakers from the International Committee Against Disappearances and the Save Shaker Aamer Campaign
Since 1998, June 26th has marked International Day in Support of Victims of Torture.
In spite of laws to protect human rights, torture remains prevalent throughout the world. Men, women, children and entire communities are subject to unspeakable atrocities and the effects that live with them long after the violence ends. We invite you to come and stand up against these atrocities, and join us in solidarity with the victims.
Organised by the London Guantánamo Campaign
and Kingston Peace Council/CND
For more details:

London Guantánamo Campaign
london.gtmo [at]