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More photos and audio from Oxford UKUncut Vodafone demo

31-01-2011 17:31

Here are some more photos and an audio report from the UK Uncut demonstration held in the Vodafone shop in Corn Market Street, Oxford on Sunday 30th January.

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Video of No Fees No Cuts London Demo (29.01.2010)

31-01-2011 17:09

My video from the day

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No Fees No Cuts London Demo (29.01.2010)

31-01-2011 17:07

My video from the day

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Palestine Today 01 31 2011

31-01-2011 15:26

Welcome to Palestine Today, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for Monday, January 31 2011

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John Pilger: Floods Australia‘s ‘Katrina’ moment

31-01-2011 13:46

When you fly over the earth’s oldest land mass, Australia, the view can be shocking.

Scars as long as European countries are the result of erosion. Salt pans shimmer where once native vegetation grew. This is almost impossible to reverse. The first to die are the most vulnerable species.

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"Population Mixing" and Nuclear - A Health Warning?

31-01-2011 13:36

image courtesy of TOXIC COAST
If proposed nuclear developments in the North West go ahead - the population of West Cumbria will increase in a relatively short space of time by the tens of thousands.

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Middle East at Strategic Crossroads, U.S. as Well

31-01-2011 10:26

The Egyptian shock waves have already hit Israel and the Israeli possible reactions are potentially the most dangerous. “An Egyptian government that is less cooperative with Israel .. could make Israel more prone to unpredictable unilateral actions, creating greater instability throughout the region,” warned Jonathan Alterman, director of the Middle East Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

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Blog from Cairo

31-01-2011 10:23

Blog from the streets of cairo using one of the very few internet connections still available there after the government has shut down the internet.

Also includes a link to the @dancefromiraq twitter feed that has been providing regular updates as to the situation there during the uprising.

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Cuts Cafe Blog

31-01-2011 10:23

The official blog of the Cuts Cafe where regular updates and the like will be posted as the week progresses.

Also stay tuned to Northern Indymedia for breaking news and action alerts

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Sukey - A tool for non-violent demonstrations

31-01-2011 10:23

Sukey is a security-conscious news, communications and logistics support service principally for use by demonstrators during demonstrations. It effectively displays real-time police and protest behaviour combining validated information sourced directly from protesters with direct feeds into Sukey combined with feeds from twitter, facebook, SMS, RSS and others. There is a smartphone application and a regular phone version that each allow anyone to volunteer and receive information.

Click here to see a demonstration of Sukey Roar.

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OACA called Oxfordshire library read-ins - defend our libraries

31-01-2011 08:24

Authors, trade unioinsts, library and anti-cuts campaigners, councillors and members of local communities will unite in defence of Oxfordshire library service on 5th Feb in a series of read-ins that are part of the Camaign for the Book national day of action called by author Alan Gibbons.

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PFZW's concern about Israeli occupation no fantasy

31-01-2011 07:59

After The Electronic Intifada disclosed Dutch pension fund PFZW divestment from Israeli companies, CIDI accused the news site of 'fantasizing' about the reasons. However, CIDI took a superficial answer of PGGM spokesperson Bram van Els for granted. Meanwhile, PFZW's concerns about the Israeli occupation of Palestine are crystal clear.

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New blog from one of the few places in Cairo w/ internet connection, pls repost

31-01-2011 00:57

"This blog is a collection of comments, contributions and visual media from the Egyptian uprising. It is sent out from one of the few locations in Cairo with an internet connection. Mubarak’s regime cut the internet to the country ahead of a call for a day of rage. The consequences of this day have gone beyond any expectations."

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Celebratory Protest at Stroud Library, 5th Feb

31-01-2011 00:26

What: A celebratory protest against Gloucestershire County Council’s proposals for the Library Service
Where: Stroud Library, Lansdown
When: 12noon-4pm Saturday 5th February (1), followed by street protest from 4-5pm (see below for full – preliminary - timetable)

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Tax dodger Boots turned into a field hospital

30-01-2011 23:58

Boots cuts
In the last weekend of January we saw the first big weekend of action of the New Year against tax dodgers. Sunday dawned with The BSRC knocking on the doors of Tesco, Boots, Vodafone and the Arcadia Empire of Sir Philip Green.

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Cuts Cafe secret location revealed!

30-01-2011 23:22

Cuts Cafe, 10 Templar Place, LS2 7LW
Jan 31st - Febuary 6th
more info:

1. We're in!
We're busy setting up at the corner of Templar Place and Templar Street, near the market. Check out this page to find out how to get here.

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The Egyptian people need our support now !

30-01-2011 21:57

Only tough diplomatic measures from the west might withhold Mubarak from bloodily squelching the justified demands from his citizens. We will not get these by demonstrating in front of the Egyptian embassy, but only by demonstrating in front of our parliaments and ruling parties offices.

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Egypt and Tunisia – The 'arc of crisis' being radicalized! By Zahir Ebrahim

30-01-2011 21:56

Can anyone make sense of this Hegelian mind-fck: replacing their own installed tyrant who is empire-friendly, with a street revolution that is empire-inimical? It is like red-teaming blue-teaming an exercise where only the observers know what the real game is, but either team thinks their battle is real.

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Evil Iran hangs my friend Zahra Bahrami

30-01-2011 21:40

Zahra playing tanpura in Jane’s apartment. (Amsterdam, 2005)
Early this morning the murderously barbaric Iranian regime hanged my friend, and my friend Jane’s friend, Zahra Bahrami. Her crime? To be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even though the (ugh!) Islamic Republic of Iran would like for the world to believe otherwise.