The Hitler supporting Nazi at the heart of the EDL- REVEALED!
Activist in London | 31.07.2010 13:17
Somebody has made a youtube video, kindly exposing the racist, intollerant views of one of the EDL's main admins...

He is one of the organisors for the MDL and, openly supports Nazi Germany, is openly racist towards Jews, is openly racist towards white people.
This shows that the MDL are not the peaceful, counter-protest group that people claim they are and that they should be treated with the same contempt shown to the EDL.
Activist in London
EDL praise Nick Griffin...
01.08.2010 07:27
This is an EDL video so the title of this post is a blatant deception, and while some of the claims made in the video check out, alot don't, as they're blatant deception too. BNP "Gold" activist and (as described by no less than EDL founder Paul Ray) EDL "Commander" Chris Renton was photographed in Birmingham standing under a banner that said "EDL... We are not BNP", despite the fact that his details appear on BOTH leaked BNP membership lists, so while the MDL may indeed be nasty fuckers still no-one should trust anything the EDL say
EDL praise Nick Griffin...
Sieg Heiling Combat 18 supporter in the EDL...
EDL praise Nick Griffin...

Sieg Heiling Combat 18 supporter in the EDL...

HUNDREDS of joint EDL-BNP supporters on You Tube
01.08.2010 08:02
There are hundreds of joint EDL-BNP supporters all over You Tube and the EDL finally manage to find just ONE nutter who claims to be support UAF - not exactly a major coup. One of the oldest pro-EDL channels on You Tube is LutonProtest, whose friend list includes BNP activists like BNPfightback, BNP4EVER1989, bnp4britain, JustProud1, Harrydeth, NFBNP etc -
As of today (1 Aug 2010) on his EnglishDefenceYouth channel, EDL Harrow organiser Joel Titus is friends with a guy called "westyorkslad" who (at the moment) is showing a Nazi Swastika as his channel profile icon, and Joel's friends with BNP activists like StBritish, Safcman4, MarmiteMan4 and WazzockUK

As of today (1 Aug 2010) on his EnglishDefenceYouth channel, EDL Harrow organiser Joel Titus is friends with a guy called "westyorkslad" who (at the moment) is showing a Nazi Swastika as his channel profile icon, and Joel's friends with BNP activists like StBritish, Safcman4, MarmiteMan4 and WazzockUK

Aldo Raine
Let's cut through the BS
01.08.2010 19:46
Right first of all my credentials. I hate the EDL and I'm not a fan of the MDL this is talking about (or the other one in all honesty). Theres actually two MDL's one based in London and one with more northern support that the SWP have managed to takeover recently which is the one that this is about.
Adham Hussain is not an MDL admin, he was but only for a short period. The EDL Chelsea Division (which has BNP members like Darren Squires and Dennis Raines) managed to takeover the MDL at one point and it was Adham who managed to get control back somehow (many believe it was a set up to get him on admin by the EDL). Adham also had a profile called HK who has also been removed from MDL admin. Adham got removed a week ago after it was proven he was a racist little shit. HK got removed the other night when it was proven he was Adham. Adham has another group called MDF which he uses to rile up young Muslims towards the EDL. Adhams pic is fake, Adham doesn't exist he is a creation to cause confrontation. Some believe he is a EDLer some think he's a white supremacist I'm in the camp that think he is a angry young muslim, possibly a anjem chaudrey supporter, who wants a race riot as much as the EDL do. Adham has been trying to wind up EDLers before the MDL was even started. He was desperate to get in on the admin there but like I said earlier was booted a week ago. Adham's not UAF (and no not a huge fan of theirs either). No one has ever met Adham because he doesn't exist. However now he has been outed as HK too, some people have met HK and have confirmed he is Asian. There are some bad guys on the Muslim front but there are far more on the EDL side. The MDL was set up with good intentions but by 16 year olds who needed guidance. There were some people who tried to help them organise properly but now the SWP have taken over they are just trying to feed them into the UAF ranks.
For all those planning on going to Bradford don't fall into the traps that both the EDL and Islamic Fascists want you to fall into. The EDL want a fight, they need a fight. A race riot will make recruitment for groups like MAC and Ummah of Mohammed (Both are Chaudrey fronts) go through the roof. The EDL want that because it proves to them that all Muslims are bad guys. There is good reason Imams have been trying to discourage young Muslims from getting involved in demo's against the EDL- because the likes of the Sun and the Mail will portray the ensuing riots (and lets be honest that is what is going to happen) as Muslim gangs and Muslim rioters. 200 Muslims went to prison for a total of 604 years after 2001, If you are going please try and stop any trouble and please sign the petitions from HNH and the Bradford Telegraph and Argus to get the EDL stopped.
The EDL are on there last legs, we are into the final chapter since Yaxley disappeared and Kevin Carroll (who once nominated a bnp candidate in Luton and is up on charges for breach of the peace after a recent demo) his cousin took over. The people who actually only wanted to protest against Islamic extremists are seeing it for what it is, the media team has disbanded, they are in fighting and tearing themselves to pieces. Bradford will be the breaking point but can our society take it?-NO! Does Alan Lake care what happens to the EDL once the trouble has started? No he just wants the race riot to kick off.
It's time for everyone to use there heads.
Adham Hussain is not an MDL admin, he was but only for a short period. The EDL Chelsea Division (which has BNP members like Darren Squires and Dennis Raines) managed to takeover the MDL at one point and it was Adham who managed to get control back somehow (many believe it was a set up to get him on admin by the EDL). Adham also had a profile called HK who has also been removed from MDL admin. Adham got removed a week ago after it was proven he was a racist little shit. HK got removed the other night when it was proven he was Adham. Adham has another group called MDF which he uses to rile up young Muslims towards the EDL. Adhams pic is fake, Adham doesn't exist he is a creation to cause confrontation. Some believe he is a EDLer some think he's a white supremacist I'm in the camp that think he is a angry young muslim, possibly a anjem chaudrey supporter, who wants a race riot as much as the EDL do. Adham has been trying to wind up EDLers before the MDL was even started. He was desperate to get in on the admin there but like I said earlier was booted a week ago. Adham's not UAF (and no not a huge fan of theirs either). No one has ever met Adham because he doesn't exist. However now he has been outed as HK too, some people have met HK and have confirmed he is Asian. There are some bad guys on the Muslim front but there are far more on the EDL side. The MDL was set up with good intentions but by 16 year olds who needed guidance. There were some people who tried to help them organise properly but now the SWP have taken over they are just trying to feed them into the UAF ranks.
For all those planning on going to Bradford don't fall into the traps that both the EDL and Islamic Fascists want you to fall into. The EDL want a fight, they need a fight. A race riot will make recruitment for groups like MAC and Ummah of Mohammed (Both are Chaudrey fronts) go through the roof. The EDL want that because it proves to them that all Muslims are bad guys. There is good reason Imams have been trying to discourage young Muslims from getting involved in demo's against the EDL- because the likes of the Sun and the Mail will portray the ensuing riots (and lets be honest that is what is going to happen) as Muslim gangs and Muslim rioters. 200 Muslims went to prison for a total of 604 years after 2001, If you are going please try and stop any trouble and please sign the petitions from HNH and the Bradford Telegraph and Argus to get the EDL stopped.
The EDL are on there last legs, we are into the final chapter since Yaxley disappeared and Kevin Carroll (who once nominated a bnp candidate in Luton and is up on charges for breach of the peace after a recent demo) his cousin took over. The people who actually only wanted to protest against Islamic extremists are seeing it for what it is, the media team has disbanded, they are in fighting and tearing themselves to pieces. Bradford will be the breaking point but can our society take it?-NO! Does Alan Lake care what happens to the EDL once the trouble has started? No he just wants the race riot to kick off.
It's time for everyone to use there heads.
D von D
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