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Stop Seal Hunt - Hunters Allowed To Kill 350,000 Young Seals This Year

Citizens' Initiative Omega | 17.04.2004 08:32 | Animal Liberation | Ocean Defence | London | World

Since you are clearly interested in helping these defenseless seal pups, we thought you should know about a great organization, The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW). They are working on an urgent project to stop the slaughter of young seal pups on the ice fields of Canada. Read to find out more!

Stop Seal Hunt - Hunters Allowed To Kill 350,000 Young Seals This Year

Citizens' Initiative Omega
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Display the following 10 comments

  1. Dont forget Russia !! — GreenLantern
  2. Rat Death — TC
  3. The same thing — Larkin
  4. So what anyway — Mad Ted
  5. Thrash thrash thrash — Thrash Silly
  6. Norway attracts baby-seals killers as a sick distraction — John Stock Holmes
  7. IAWF most hypocrite about this killing — Peter Martin
  8. Monday 24 May we'll be supporting Mark Watts MEP & EAW — Mike L. Robinson The Living Crearures Association
  9. Boycott the killers from Russia with no love, cold Canada, sick Norway — July Peabody
  10. Russian baby seal killers! — Sara Clark