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Bullying by RSL chums of Baroness Pola Manzila Uddin - East End of London

EastEndSocialCleansingUPDATES | 27.08.2012 06:44 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | World

"While in Notting Hill, Peter Rachman’s old SLUM OPPRESSION patch they “celebrate” a Carnival today [Bank Holiday Monday 27 August 2012], in the East End of London, innocent and socially conscious people are being bullied by employees or recent employees of “social landlord” outfits who do not want the community to defend itself against bad landlords, shoddy housing and serious failings by the local Tower Hamlets Council..."

EastEndSocialCleansingUPDATES will exclusively carry Daily details of the bullying of socially responsible tenants, families and others in the community.
The bullying is being doe by the combined forces of Tower Hamlets Council, the registered ‘social’ landlords and their cohorts.
The achievements of housing and social fairness, limited though it was after the struggles of the 1970s and 1980s, are being very seriously undermined.
And who is fronting the attacks?
Who else but certain individuals who allowed Baroness Pola Manzila Uddin the social housing benefits even when they knew that she stole hundreds of thousands of the public money while abusing her status with the Spitalfields Housing Association, a “social” landlord.
Tower Hamlets Council too is allowing ITS “professional” staff to participate in the social cleansing bullying under the cover of doing their jobs on the “environment”, “trading standards” and “licensing”.
While in Notting Hill, Peter Rachman’s old SLUM OPPRESSION patch they “celebrate” a Carnival today [Bank Holiday Monday 27 August 2012], in the East End of London, innocent and socially conscious people are being bullied by employees or recent employees of “social landlord” outfits who do not want the community to defend itself against bad landlords, shoddy housing and serious failings by the local Tower Hamlets Council.
The employed and paid bullies are pushing the community back to the era of Rachman-like slum landlords, no social housing or community safety.
These UPDATES will Continue as the campaign against social cleansing in the East End takes root
Bank Holiday Monday 27 August 2012
