Urgent Appeal from Mexican Sweatshop Workers
Mick (No Sweat) | 25.01.2003 11:22
This is an appeal for messages to be emailed to Puma to stop them pulling out of Matamoros Garments in Mexico. Urge them to put pressure on the company to stop victimising trade unioists in the factory.
This is an appeal from the SITEMAG independent trade union and the CAT (workers' support centre) in Mexico. The workers are fighting for an independent union at Matamoros Garments. They are being faced with victimisation, violence, intimidation and threats.
Please email Puma, who source at Matamoros and urge them to take action in support of the workers and their union. If they don't they need to know that they will face a sustained international campaign against them. More details can be found at www.nosweat.org.uk
In Solidarity,
No Sweat
"Hello to All.
This is to inform you on the development of the Campaign at Matamoros Garments.
Today, Monday January 20, the documentation for the registry of the Independent Union of Workers at the Company, SITEMAG, was presented to the labour board. Under Mexican law there is a minimum lapse of 30 days and 60 days maximum to give recognition to the union.
We need your support to demand of the government and the industralists, that they respect this free union. Equally it is requested that you continue supporting the workers so that the intimidation and the harassment towards them and towards the members of the union committee stops. Today all the workers (nearly 300) were summoned to a meeting with Mr. John Whittinghil, where he told them that PUMA is about to to pull out of the factory, and that other brands, COLUMBIA and ANGELICA can no longer send work, because of the workers who have sent information to the outside about their conditions of labour and the violation of the Codes of Conduct. He said to them (trying to pressure them) that they have to sign agreements which would be annexed to a letter that Mr. Jhon will write up, where the workers distance themselves from the declarations that have been made. We are disgusted by the attitude of the directors and we request that you continue sending letters to PUMA saying that the SOLUTION IS NOT THAT THEY WITHDRAW the WORK, but that they commit to an investigation into the company with the participation of the workers, observers of the region and NGO’s and take action to ensure that the Codes of conduct are fulfilled."
CAT (workers’ support centre) Puebla, Mexico.
Send your messages urging Puma to stick with the factory and to urgently intervene to stop harrasssment of trade unionists in the factory to -
Please cc to
Please email Puma, who source at Matamoros and urge them to take action in support of the workers and their union. If they don't they need to know that they will face a sustained international campaign against them. More details can be found at www.nosweat.org.uk
In Solidarity,
No Sweat
"Hello to All.
This is to inform you on the development of the Campaign at Matamoros Garments.
Today, Monday January 20, the documentation for the registry of the Independent Union of Workers at the Company, SITEMAG, was presented to the labour board. Under Mexican law there is a minimum lapse of 30 days and 60 days maximum to give recognition to the union.
We need your support to demand of the government and the industralists, that they respect this free union. Equally it is requested that you continue supporting the workers so that the intimidation and the harassment towards them and towards the members of the union committee stops. Today all the workers (nearly 300) were summoned to a meeting with Mr. John Whittinghil, where he told them that PUMA is about to to pull out of the factory, and that other brands, COLUMBIA and ANGELICA can no longer send work, because of the workers who have sent information to the outside about their conditions of labour and the violation of the Codes of Conduct. He said to them (trying to pressure them) that they have to sign agreements which would be annexed to a letter that Mr. Jhon will write up, where the workers distance themselves from the declarations that have been made. We are disgusted by the attitude of the directors and we request that you continue sending letters to PUMA saying that the SOLUTION IS NOT THAT THEY WITHDRAW the WORK, but that they commit to an investigation into the company with the participation of the workers, observers of the region and NGO’s and take action to ensure that the Codes of conduct are fulfilled."
CAT (workers’ support centre) Puebla, Mexico.
Send your messages urging Puma to stick with the factory and to urgently intervene to stop harrasssment of trade unionists in the factory to -

Please cc to

Mick (No Sweat)