Letter to Guardian reply to Baron (Clive) Soley
Jack Point | 23.08.2007 21:49 | Climate Camp 2007 | Climate Chaos
A reply to the letter from Baron (Clive) Soley which appeared in the Guardian 23/8/07

Dear Sir
Whether or not a new political movement was born in the Camp for Climate Action will be determined in the future (letters 23/8/07). What is not in doubt is how badly it is needed. Establishment figures, such as Baron Soley, represent all that is rotten about the current body politic.
An ineffectual MP who, upon retirement from Parliament was gifted a seat in the unelected House of Lords by grateful party bosses. He was then appointed to front an industry campaign for the expansion of Heathrow airport, in direct opposition to the interests of local people he was previously supposed to represent.
Given the choice between the Baron and clowns, I know where I would place my hopes.
Yours faithfully
Jack Point
Whether or not a new political movement was born in the Camp for Climate Action will be determined in the future (letters 23/8/07). What is not in doubt is how badly it is needed. Establishment figures, such as Baron Soley, represent all that is rotten about the current body politic.
An ineffectual MP who, upon retirement from Parliament was gifted a seat in the unelected House of Lords by grateful party bosses. He was then appointed to front an industry campaign for the expansion of Heathrow airport, in direct opposition to the interests of local people he was previously supposed to represent.
Given the choice between the Baron and clowns, I know where I would place my hopes.
Yours faithfully
Jack Point
Jack Point