*Call for Solidarity* - Eviction and Social Cleansing in France
Massimo | 09.09.2007 14:41 | Migration | Repression | Social Struggles | London | World
Here below is a call for solidarity for a recent treat of eviction of more than 80 families beacause of the
social cleansing for the Rugby World Cup taking place in Paris. As already many evictions experienced
in London for the preparation of the Olympic Degeneration ( an many more evictions to come).
"Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights".
published on 5 June 2007 by the ‘Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions’.
social cleansing for the Rugby World Cup taking place in Paris. As already many evictions experienced
in London for the preparation of the Olympic Degeneration ( an many more evictions to come).
"Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights".
published on 5 June 2007 by the ‘Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions’.

*Call for Solidarity* - Eviction and Social Cleansing in France
Droit Au logement paris et environs 24 rue de la Banque 75002 Paris
tél : 01 42 78 22 00 • fax 01 42 78 22 11 • E-mail:

Paris le 06 sept. 07 – 8h00

Solidarity from the Ministry of the Housing Crisis in Paris
The Ministry of the Housing Crisis was created earlier this January in Paris (Rue de la Banque) , very close
to the Paris Stock Exchange, when three active groups working towards the Right to a Decent
Home, Housing Rights and Evictions, occupied the entire building . ( DAL , Jeudi Noir and Macaq)
At present more than 50 homeless families lives in the Ministry .
Here below is a call for solidarity for a recent treat of eviction of more than 80 families beacause of the
social cleansing for the Rugby World Cup taking place in Paris. As already many evictions experienced
in London for the preparation of the Olympic Degeneration ( an many more evictions to come).
"Fair Play for Housing Rights: Mega-Events, Olympic Games and Housing Rights".
published on 5 June 2007 by the ‘Centre on Housing Rights and Evictions’.

Paris 7th September
After yesterday eviction of 80 families camping with tents in Aubervillers, the situation this
morning is getting harder and harder...
The 80 families slept ruff over night without covers. Covers were confiscated by the police at around 8 pm... No concrete proposition, no negotiation with the mayor. At the moment families are still determined to stay there and reclaim their right to a decent home... (droit aux lougement ). The police is everywhere and very oppressive ....
There is urgent need of help and solidarity on the site ...
Métro fort d'Aubervilliers, Line 7-in front of the school Joliot Curie, à la
maladrerie -
Paris 6th September 2007
Eviction is taking place in the emergency camp of Aubervilliers where more than 80 families has been living
looking for temporary accomodation for more than 3 months.

The Social Cleansing before the rugby world cup is on its way ...
After this moring at 7 :30 AM a big police operation, under the instruction of the Sub-commander of Saint Denis, evicted the emergency community of Aubervilliers. More than 80 families are treated with expulsion after having lived in the site for more than 3 months.
Delegates of families are being questioned and the police is starting to take the tens down and asking the children to return from school. The camp is located along the wall of the school Joilot Curie, in the neigbourood of Maladreire.
Despite families and associations have been asking to open the negotiations with the Major from more than 3 months, the Municipality and the Police of St Denis decided to use violence and eviction, rather than answer to the questions of this families : the right to have a stable and decent home.
We denounce this decision of the Public authorities and of the Municipality of Aubervilliers, while the social cleansing is proceeding fast in all the regions of Paris, the suburbs and the other big cities.
We are asking one more time the opening of the negotiations with the public authorities, and a City/Government "round table" together with delegates and representative of families and we are demanding to help the evicted families in this place or with any other possible ways of accomodation.
Press and meeting point at 12 pm on the camp.
Meeting and organization for solidarity this evening at 6pm.
Contact : Edwige +33(0)6 60 16 59 19 – +33(06) 14 52 20 20
La situation est de plus en plus tendue à Aubervilliers, suite à l'évacuation des tentes hier, les 80 familles ont passé la nuit dehors sans les bâches retirées par la police vers 20h. Aucune proposition concrète, aucune négociation avec la mairie, les familles sont toujours déterminées à rester sur place pour faire valoir leur au droit au logement.... La police est omniprésente et oppressante....
Urgent besoin de soutien, de militants-e-s sur place.
Métro fort d’Aubervilliers, ligne 7– devant l’école Joliot Curie, à la maladrerie -
> Droit au Logement
> Droit Au logement paris et environs 24 rue de la Banque 75002 Paris
> tél : 01 42 78 22 00 • fax 01 42 78 22 11 • E-mail:

> Paris le 06 sept. 07 – 8h00
> Expulsion en cours du campement d’Aubervilliers
> Le nettoyage social avant le mondial de rugby se poursuit...
> Depuis 7h30 ce matin d’importantes forces de police, sous le commandement du Sous préfet de Saint denis, expulsent les campeurs d’Aubervilliers, 80 familles expulsées ou menacées d’expulsion qui campent depuis le début de l’été à Aubervilliers .
> Les délégués des familles ont été interpellés, et les policier démontent les tentes sous les hués, tandis les enfants rentrent à l’école. . Le campement est situé le long des murs de l‘école Joliot Curie, dans le quartier de la Maladrerie
> Tandis que les familles et les associations demandent en vain depuis trois mois l’ouverture de négociations avec la mairie et la préfecture de la Seine St denis, les autorités ont choisi la force, plutôt que de répondre à la demande de ces familles mal-logés : avoir un logement stable et décent.
> Nous dénonçons ce choix opéré par les pouvoirs publics et la Mairie d’Aubervilliers, tandis que le nettoyage social se poursuit en région parisienne et dans les grandes agglomérations.
> Nous demandons une nouvelle fois l’ouverture de négociations et d’une table ronde Ville/Etat avec les représentants des familles et appelons à soutenir les expulsés, sur place ou par tout autre autre moyen.
> Point presse et rassemblement à 12H sur place
> Rassemblement et organisation de la solidarité à 18h ce soir
> Contact : Edwige 06 60 16 59 19 – 06 14 52 20 20