Final statement from the Ratcliffe defendants (Ratcliffe defendants) | 06.01.2011 18:23
Final statement from the Ratcliffe defendants: post sentencing
We are twenty of the 114 who were part of the biggest pre-emptive arrest in British history as part of the increasing legal drive which priorities the protection of polluting business, and not people. As the UN Climate talks in Cancun produced embarrassingly inadequate legal responses, it's time for people to stand up and take action. We planned not only to stop carbon emissions from Ratcliffe but to be part of a much wider movement for global social justice.
We know the road to a sustainable future will not be easy. Today its hard to ignore the impacts of runaway climate change. Post sentencing we still feel our actions are a reasnable response to the irrational destructive situation we are in. Its a story which has been repeated time and again but in 2011 the show must go on. We will have to see huge shifts in the legal system to make the British judicial system set a global example – by redirecting their attention to the real criminals, the profit hungry fossil fuel industries. Dealing with climate change means looking at its root causes and we need to question why the profits of corporations such as e.on are being prioritised over people on the front line of our changing climate and the protection of our children's futures.
This scheme requires long term commitment and increasingly staunch political will – through creative direct action and other methods people can change the story of humans future. This is not an exercise in abstract science lessons - it requires us to stare hard into our communities and start joining up the dots. It’s the same energy companies that cling to coal who force pensioners into deadly fuel poverty. It’s the same government who fails to invest in green jobs that cut the UK flood defence budget. There are many avenues for making the links and connections and we are ever more determined to do all we can to stop emissions. As erratic weather patterns create more disasters, as people continue to choke on fumes and see their houses engulfed in floods – taking action on climate change is no longer an option – its a necessity. We want to reiterate our support for everyone everywhere fighting for climate justice.
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
<ends> (Ratcliffe defendants)