UK Newswire Archive
Dusty & Dylan Go Fur-Free
23-11-2011 00:14
Earlier this week NARN and our supporters called upon the Leeds fashion boutique, Dusty & Dylan, to adopt a fur-free policy following fox coats being sold in the shop.David Willetts Silenced by Cambridge Fees Protest
23-11-2011 00:02

G20 Police Infiltrators, Activists share experiences
22-11-2011 23:49
Original article:
Pics show that they seem to have used the typical UK cop strategy of leaving one abandoned cop car to be attacked, so they can use whatever cop violence they want and use the attacked car to justify:

If anyone has better activist links on this topic, please give them.
Occupy London Bank of Ideas
22-11-2011 22:55
UBS attempt to intimidate Occupy London supporters with questionable legal documents.
by Bank of Ideas • November 22, 2011 • Uncategorized
For immediate release
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UBS attempt to intimidate Occupy London supporters with questionable legal documents
Following the official opening of “public repossession” Bank of Ideas this weekend, bailed out Swiss bank UBS have delivered a set of legal papers to this already thriving community centre on the borders of the City. [1]
Occupy London lawyers have placed doubt on the enforceability of the documents delivered by UBS, suggesting that they consitute a flagrant breach of civil procedure rules.
On Friday the Bank of Ideas, a huge office complex of four interlinked buildings that had been left empty since 2009 was taken over by a group affiliated with Occupy London – campaigning for social and economic justice in the fight for global real democracy – in a move they described as a ‘public repossession’. [2]
The centre was opened on Saturday morning as the ‘Bank of Ideas’, with activists promising to make space available for those that have lost their nurseries, community centres and youth clubs to Government spending cuts. The Bank hosted a full events programme over the weekend, including the second day of the UK-Ireland Occupy Convention, a talk from trader Alessio Rastani and a packed gig by comedian Mark Thomas. [3]
On Friday, the investment bank posted papers relating to an injunction on the building, the validity of which is being formally challenged by the Bank of Ideas legal team. On Saturday, UBS left papers detailing a possession order on the building which were unsigned, unstamped and had no claim number.
Occupy London activist Helen Poplar said: “By hiring expensive lawyers to rush out questionable paperwork, UBS is trying to use their financial clout to scare us into abandoning a thriving community centre. It won’t work. Just because you’re a global investment bank in receipt of a $60bn bailout doesn’t mean you can short-circuit the proper legal process.”
Edward North added: “We’ve been totally overwhelmed with requests to use the space – we already have events penciled in up until the end of the year. Yet UBS, a bank whose reckless activities have cost us our community centres, youth clubs and libraries, would prefer that this building remains empty. If Cameron is serious about the Big Society, he would personally intervene to allow the Bank of Ideas to continue.”
UBS was one of the main beneficiaries of Shared Appreciation Mortgages, sold to older homeowners in the UK through the late 90s, which have left many British pensioners in poverty as house prices rose and their equity declined. Unlike Barclays, UBS never launched any kind of rescue package to help those pensioners who suddenly found themselves unable to move to more suitable accommodation or to be closer to family members after a lifetime of paying the bills. [4]
[1 ] Occupy London’s Bank of Ideas opens for business:
[2] Occupy London “repossesses” multi-million pound bank offices:
[3] Activist and comedian Mark Thomas addresses OccupyLSX:
[4] Shared appreciation mortages: ‘cheap money’ backfires on borrowers:
Short notice! Census court case Wed (23rd) in Birmingham
22-11-2011 21:53
If anyone has a free hour or so Wed afternoon, there's a census court hearing at Birmingham Magistrates Court at 2pm. Solidarity and support would be much appreciated.Egypt: "It's not a protest anymore, it's a revolution".
22-11-2011 20:38
ASTONISHING video footage is emerging from Cairo, where protesters are braving toxic chemical gases and even live bullets as they fight to protect democracy and the revolution.Letter to the anarchist galaxy
22-11-2011 19:50
Letter to the anarchist galaxy
The 1%'s New Battle: Selling War on Iran
22-11-2011 19:38
In the face of all that presently ails America--stagnant economy, staggering income disparity, high chronic unemployment, mass demonstrations coast to coast--a remedy is desperately needed. For a ruling elite concerned only with maintaining power, only one solution can address these concerns and those that are forthcoming. Yep. It’s time for another war.An Inconvenient Truth 2 - World premiere
22-11-2011 18:59

Occupy Nottingham: No plans for eviction. Yet.
22-11-2011 18:55
While Occupy Wall Street in the US and Occcupy LSX in London are both actively fighting eviction, Occupy Nottingham is now into its sixth week and still growing. At least for the time being, the city council claim to have no plans to evict the occupation and occupiers have declared their intent to stay until “the financial crisis 2009 – 2011 has been solved to the satisfaction of the majority of the Citizens of Great Britain.”
On the newswire: Defiant in Silence ‘Stand In’ at Speakers Corner| Pinning of the Declaration | Occupy Notts Camp: selection from 5th week | No plans to evict occupation. Yet. | Panorama: OccupyNottm in Market Square | Bananaman drops by, supporting the occupation | Occupy Nottingham on kemet FM | Hate Speech on Post website | Occupy Nottingham in Peace News | Cllr Jon Collins joins the 99% at Occupy Nttm (really??) | Occupy Nottingham remembers those who fell | Cheese for nought! at the Occupation
Previous features: Occupy Notttingham: Still there | Occupy Notttingham: Moved but still in occupation | Nottingham Occupation Continues | Nottingham is occupied
Recent visitors to the camp have included Nottingham Radical History group who gave a talk about the cheese riots; fruit-powered superhero Bananaman; Children in Need mascot Pudsey Bear; and even council leader Jon Collins.
Why this Thursdays Anti Privatisation Demo is Important
22-11-2011 18:55
No to privatisation of Edinburgh Council Environmental Services
Demonstrate this thurs 24 Nov 8.30am onwards Council Chambers, High Street (Council meeting starts 10am) Solidarity with the workers in Refuse Collection and Street Cleaning.
Brazil: I have a dream…
22-11-2011 18:17

On the Murder of Gareth Williams of Wales
22-11-2011 17:48
In his new article, CIA analyst Trowbridge H. Ford writes about murdered Welsh intelligence man Gareth Williams.Student Photographer's material taken by police
22-11-2011 16:55
Monday 21 November 2011
A student photographer covering the occupation in Market Square, Nottingham witnessed the arrest of someone from the camp yesterday afternoon. He attempted to video the arrest and was promptly intimidated into handing over the video tape.
The police said they did this to secure evidence of an alledged crime, under the Police and Criminal Evidence Act PACE 1984
The photographer did not see this original, alledged, crime and thus the police were wrong in believing they could do this.
There is an agreed protocol / set of guidelines:
" 7. Police officers do not have the authority to prevent a person taking a photograph or to confiscate cameras or film, and such conduct could result in criminal, civil or disciplinary action."
The student has asked for assistance from the National Union of Journalists. It is not just a matter of his personal welfare and the return of his material. But also the rights of photographers to carrying out thier interests and work without this [continued] intimidation.
His college is also concerned at this treatment and may be taking legal action.
Further news may follow but will have to wait until any legal process is concluded.
These interferences happen every day in spite of agreed protocols, here is today's example:
Manchester photographer in police assault complaint - Press Gazette 22 November 2011
Here at Indymedia Towers ..... we are symathetic and offer our best wishes and support:
"Nottingham Indymedia send our solidarity to you following the confiscation of your equipment by the police, simply for trying to cover a story. We are happy to give any support that you might need over the issue - don't hesitate to get in touch with us."
All the best
Nottingham Independent Media Centre
Photographer - Media: One Eye on the Road. Nottingham. UK
Member of the National Union of Journalists [NUJ]
"It is not enough to curse the darkness.
It is also necessary to light a lamp!!"
Occupy Anthems - Gamblin's for Fools
22-11-2011 15:55

free music for free people
Chris Grayling MP in Lpool today
22-11-2011 15:55
Protest against the Minister for DWP Cuts tonightLondon Pro Slavery Conference 28th Nov.
22-11-2011 15:44
28th November Welfare To Work Conference LondonThey want you in billets and working for free
Riseup Rebel Radio: November 1st session.
22-11-2011 12:55
Radio for the great unwashed!
News the mainstream media is too scared to cover.
Leaked government plans for NHS privatisation
22-11-2011 12:55
Leaked government document shows how the privatisation of the Narional Health Service for England and Wales is to be completed.
NHS watchers will be well aware that piecemeal privatisations have been going on for many years now. It started with the catering and cleaning being tendered out to contractors, then there was the switch to using PFI rather than publicly owned buildings. As marketisation accelerated under the last "labour" government, private hospitals were given preferential treatment and allowed to cherry-pick the easiest, most lucrative surgical work. A performance management and outcomes measurement culture has been introduced that systematically favours high-tech patented treatments rather than training and employing good clinical staff.
Yesterday, the government's plans to complete the privatisation process were leaked, in draft form. Now we can all see what they have planned: a system that places the needs of big medical corporations above the health needs of the population and us as individuals.
Did anyone need another reason to support the strike on 30th November?